Контрольная работа 1. Вариант 2.

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Контрольная работа №1. Вариант 2.
26.7 Кбайт 180 ₽

1.    Выберите правильный вариант, обращая внимание на существительное.

1. _______ work more than women.

a) men b) mans c) man

2. They became successful _______ .

a) businessman b) businessmen c) businessmans

3. This is _______ picture.

a) Nick and Peter's b) Nick's and Peter's c) Nick's and Peter

4. _______ delegates took part in the conference.

a) two hundreds b) the two hundred c) two hundred

2. Заполните пропуски, используя артикли a/an or the.

1. ___ USA is washed by Atlantic Ocean and Pacis is Ocean.

2. Have you got ___ headache?

3. My sister is ___ dentist.

4. Would you like ___ apple?

5. ___ Belovs are from Moscow.

6. Let's arrange ___ party at ___ weekend.

7. I heard ___ news on ___ radio.

3. Заполните пропуски предлогами (to, at, in, for, by).

1. The winter sports were included in the programme ___ 1924.

2. Peter studies ___ the pedagogical faculty.

3. Is English difficult ___ you?

4. There are 30 days ___ November.

5. It takes about half an hour to get home ___ my bike.

6. I won’t go there. Everybody will laugh ___ me.

7. Have you over been ___ Moscow?

4. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, используя Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.

1. When the weather ___, we ___ for a walk.

a) will clear b) cleared c) clears; a) go h) went c) shall go.

2. He ___ not at the club yesterday.

a) is b) was c) will be

3. We ___ for you till 5 o'clock, but you ___ not come.

a) wait b) shall wait c) waited; a) will b) do c) did

4. I am sure he ___ hard next month.

a) works b) worked c) will work

5. Many English words ___ from the French language.

a) come b) came c) will come

5. Поставьте глаголы в отрицательную форму.

a) wasn't b) weren't c) doesn't d) didn't e) won't

1. The train often (arrive) in time.

2. Yesterday he (run) very quickly.

3. There (be) too many people at the conference tomorrow

4. I (see) her any more.

5. She is very tired and (look) well.

6. She (listen) to him if he gives her any advice.

7. Pete (be) at the lessons yesterday.

6. Заполните пропуски, выбрав из предлагаемых в скобках вариантов подходящие по смыслу слова. Переведите предложения.

1. 90 000 students ___ (bring up, study, referee) at physical culture colleges.

2. This institute was ___ (covered, founded, devised) many years ago.

3. His road to gold medals at the 1980 Olympics was quite a long one. He ___ (took up, began to go in for ___, lost) track-and-field at the age of 25.

4. He ___ (surpassed, competed, collected) in the 5,000 and 10 000 m and became champion ill both.

7. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык.

1. Спортивная площадка. 2. тренер-любитель. 3. ходить в институт. 4. спортсмен. 5. судья. 6. студент первокурсник. 7. поступать в институт. 8. тяжелая атлетика. 9. разминка. 10. техника. 11. болельщик. 12. участвовать в соревнованиях. 13. трехкратный олимпийский чемпион. 14. кандидат в мастера спорта. 15. тренироваться.

  8. Закончите следующие предложения.

1. London is situated on the banks of the river ___.

2. The British Parliament consists of ___.

3.Sport plays an important roll in our ___.

4. Swimmer trains in the ___.

9. Составьте пары слов.

1. shooting hall

1. упражнение

2. cycling

2. бегать

3. training

3. спортсмен

4. stadium

4. тир

5. swimming pool

5. велоспорт

 6. champion

6. тренировка

7. athlete

7. стадион

8. to run

8. идти

9. to go

9. бассейн

10. exercise

10. чемпион

10. Переведите текст.

The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London.

It is a symbol of wealth and luxury.

The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks, and houses are situated there.

English aristocracy lives in this region.

One of the busiest streets in the West End is Oxford street.

11. Прочитайте текст. Переведите и ответьте на вопросы письменно.


Edson Arantes do Nascimento, KBE (born October 23, 1940 in Tres Coracoes, Brazil), best known by his nickname Pele, is a former Brazilian football player. In his native Brazil Pele is hailed as a national hero for his accomplishments and contribution to the game in addition to being officially declared the football ambassador of the world by FIFA and a national treasure by the Brazilian government. He is also acknowledged for his vocal support of policies to improve the social conditions of the poor (when he scored his 1,000th goal he dedicated it to the poor children of Brazil). During his career, he became known as "The King of Football" (O Rei do Futebol) or simply "The King Pele" (O Rei Pele). He was given the title of Athlete of the Century by the International Olympic Commity and received a FIFA award for best footballer of the 20th century, after being voted by the members of the football commission of the FIFA in 2000, to choose the best football player of all time and came in second best footballer of the 20th century after the legendary Diego Maradona who was voted FIFA award of Player of the century (People's choice) after being voted in 2000 in an international Internet fan poll as the best football player of all time. He is also a member of the American National Soccer Hall of Fame. Spotted by the renowned football star. Medardo 'Lalo' Olea, Pele began playing for Santos Futebol Clube at just 15 and his national team at 16, and won his first World Cup at 17. Despite numerous offers from European clubs, he stayed loyal to his club, remaining with them for two decades until his semi-retirement in 1975. Pele played as an inside forward, striker, and what later became known as the playmaker position. Pele’s technique and natural athleticism have been universally praised; he was renowned for his unstoppable dribbling and visionary passing, as well as his pace, powerful shot, and an exceptional heading ability, but above all he was an exceptionally prolific goalscorer.

He is the all-time top scorer in the history of the Brazil national team and is the only footballer to be a Part of three World Cup-winning teams (it should be noted that though he was named part of the 1962 squad, he was injured and did not receives winner's medal).

Since his full retirement in 1977 Pele has been an ambassador for football and has also undertaken various acting roles and commercial ventures.

Pele’s first international match was a 2-1 defeat against Argentina on July 7, 1957. In that match, he scored his first goal for Brazil, three months before his 17th birthday.


1. What support does he do for national policy?

2. What was he given?

3. Why was he valued as football player?

4. How many times did he win the World Cup?

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