Контрольная работа 3, вариант 5

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выполнены упражнения согласно заданиям варианта, точный текст заданий ниже


Упражнение 1. Причастие I (Participle I Simple, Participle I Perfect)

Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Обратите внимание на причастия, выделенные жирным шрифтом, и укажите их синтаксическую функцию (часть сказуемого, определение или обстоятельство).

1. The 240-car iron ore trains operating on the Fortescue railway are amongst the world's heaviest trains.

2. Moving at a speed of 100 mph, express trains Metroliners make 3-hour trips between New York City and Washington daily.

3. Having designed the first steam engine, James Watt installed it in a machine pumping water out of the mine.

4. The guard was walking through the train to apologize for the delay, saying there were signalling problems.

5. The number of trains passing over this section of track was increased to 105 units a day.

  Упражнение 2. Причастие II (Participle II)

Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Обратите внимание на причастия, выделенные жирным шрифтом, и укажите их синтаксическую функцию (часть сказуемого, определение или обстоятельство).

1. The passengers were surprised by luxurious interior design of the recently refurbished carriages.

2. It is more energy efficient to deliver freight by rail than by road if carried in bulk or over long distances.

3. Commuter trains are formed of coaches designed for carrying as many passengers as possible.

4. When upgraded, the railway bridge will be able to carry heavy freight trains.

5. The diesel-electric locomotive has a diesel engine connected to the driving wheels by electric transmission.

  Упражнение 3. Причастие I и Причастие II

(А) Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в форму Participle I или Participle II в функции определения. Фразы перепишите и переведите.

1. the steam locomotive (invent) by George Stephenson

2. the (grow) volume of freight traffic

3. a rail terminal (upgrade) last year

4. the workers (repair) the (damage) section of the track

5. perishables (transport) over long distances

6. the train (arrive) on Track 4

7. (refurbish) rolling stock

8. a funicular railway (build) in the mountains

9. a train (consist) of 80 freight cars

10. goods (require) protection from the weather

  (Б) Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящее по смыслу причастие. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу:

 1. Intercar gangways give passengers access to any car of a ___ train.

2. During the test run, the steam locomotive ___ and ___ by Peter Cooper raced against a horse-powered coach.

3. When ___ by sun, the rails become longer.

4. The number of cars ___ a passenger train is much less than that of a freight train.

5. The switch is the mechanism ___ to guide the trains from one track to another.

6. Sleeping cars ___ with an air-conditioning system are very comfortable for long-distance travel.

7. ___ tunneling technology, engineers have considerably increased the safety, quality and productivity of underground construction.

8. In 1883, the Orient Express began service from Paris to Istanbul, ___ en route six countries.

9. Special signals ___ along the railroads allow engine drivers to operate trains without accidents.

10. Each railway station has at least two tracks, those for the ___ and ___ trains.

a) arriving

b) built

c) crossing

d) departing

e) designed

f) equipped

g) forming

h) having enhanced

i) heated

j) installed

k) moving

l) used

   (В) Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящую по смыслу форму причастия. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу:

 1. When ___ first in 1802, the project of the rail tunnel under the English Channel seemed unfeasible.

a) proposing b) having proposed c) proposed

2. A sleeping car is a railroad carriage ___ for overnight passenger travel.

a) designing b) having designed c) designed

3. Air brakes are railroad brakes that operate, ___ compressed air.

a) using b) having used c) used

4. The ___ part of the machine should be replaced immediately.

a) breaking b) having broken c) broken

5. The engineers considerably reduced the weight of the carbody ___ aluminum instead of steel.

a) using b) having used c) used

6. A boxcar carries valuable goods and goods ___ protection from the weather.

a) requiring b) having required c) required

7. When ___ for traffic in 1997, the Yamagata-Akita railway became so popular that passenger services increased by more than 50%.

a) opening b) having opened c) opened

8. ___ damaged overhead wires, Amtrak restored normal train service between Philadelphia and Washington.

a) repairing b) having repaired c) repaired

9. Three BlueX trains are hauled by AC locomotives ___ for 180 kmh operation.

a) refitting b) having refitted c) refitted

10. The locomotive came to a halt between Yapton and Barnham at 5:30 am, ___the line.

a) blocking b) having blocked c) blocked

 Упражнение 4. Герундий

(А) Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на способы перевода герундия.

1. Stopping fuel supply caused serious trouble in the engine.

2. The most common method of protecting ties from decay is treating them with creosote.

3. Network Rail is responsible for maintaining and repairing all the railway tracks, signals and stations, etc in Britain.

4. In many countries, most of the income earned by railways comes from hauling freight.

5. Before entering new locomotives into service, the engineers are to test them on а specially built track.

 (Б) Перепишите предложения. В каждом предложении заполните пробел герундием, образованным на основе одного из глаголов, данных в рамке.

cross  enter  lay  carry  maintain  refuel run  use

1. The underground railway helps to solve the problems of ___ large numbers of passengers in cities.

2. Diesel locomotives are capable of working for a long time without ___.

3. By ___ double deck cars, the railway can carry more commuter passengers in densely-populated areas.

4. Be careful in ___ the railway line.

5. An unusual locomotive designed for ___ on ice was developed in Great Britain in the 18th century.

6. ___ this train into service will be possible only after a series of special tests.

7. Trackmen are persons employed in ___ and ___ railway track.

 Упражнение 5. Атрибутивные словосочетания

(А) Перепишите атрибутивные словосочетания, образованные по схеме «существительное + существительное», и переведите их на русский язык.

a) passenger information system

b) aircraft-type seats

c) track renewal

d) diesel fuel consumption

e) locomotive control system

f) coal train derailment

g) passenger car wheelset

h) track repair machines

i) freight car improvements

j) sleeper spacing

k) train fare

l) speed restriction signs

 (Б) Перепишите предложения, заполняя пропуски подходящими по смыслу атрибутивными словосочетаниями (a-l), данными выше.

1. The cause of the ___ in West Virginia was a broken rail on the track.

2. ___ fixed at the lineside help the driver to operate the train at the correct speed.

3. Modern ___ bought from "Plasser and Theurer", rails produced by "British Steel" and concrete sleepers manufactured by "Abetong AB" are being used for the ___.

4. The ___ keeps passengers on a train well informed about their location on the route.

5. The use of springs for suspension was one of the earliest ___.

 Упражнение 6. Текст

(А) Прочитайте текст, устно переведите его на русский язык и письменно выполните послетекстовые упражнения.


The Liverpool-Manchester Railway (L&MR) was the world's first intercity railway on which all the trains were timetabled and were hauled by steam locomotives.

The Stockton-Darlington line opened in 1825 considerably reduced the cost of transporting coal. It soon became clear that large profits could be made by building railways. A group of businessmen led by James Sandars recruited George Stephenson to build them a railway. The main aim was to reduce the cost of transporting raw materials and finished goods between Manchester, the centre of the textile industry and Liverpool, the most important port in the north of England. The L&MR was planned as a double-track standard-gauge mainline with regular passenger and freight trains running to timetable. According to Stephenson's project, the length of the railway was to be 35 miles; two tunnels and a nine-arch viaduct were to be constructed. The track was to cross the 4.75-mile peat bog of Chat Moss. The directors of the L&MR Company decided to hold an extraordinary locomotive competition to choose the best machine and offered a reward of 500. The rules of the trials were as follows:

The locomotive was to haul a load, three times its own weight, for a distance of 70 miles at not less than 10 mph.

The locomotive was to consume its own smoke.

The locomotive was not to weigh more than 4 tons (if carried on four wheels) or 6 tons (if carried on six).

The locomotive was not to cost more than 550 to build.

The so-called Rainhill Trials1 began on the 5 October and ended on the 14 October. There were 3 main competitors: "Rocket" built by Stephenson; "Sane Pareil"2 built by Hackworth, "Novelty"3 built by Braithwaite and Ericsson.

The "Rocket" was the only locomotive to complete the trials successfully. It hauled 13 tons, reaching a top speed of 30 mph. The "Rocket" was declared the winner of the 500 prize. The Stephensons won the contract to produce locomotives for the Liverpool & Manchester Railway.

The official opening of the L&MR took place on September 15 1830. Many guests of honor, including the Duke of Wellington (then the prime minister) and many other VIPs assembled at the Liverpool station for a tour to Manchester. A procession of eight trains departed from Liverpool. The parade was led by "Northumbrian"4 driven by Stephenson. Crowds of spectators gathered along the line. The procession stopped at Parkside for the locomotives to take on water. During this stop, there was a tragic accident. William Huskisson, the MP5 for Liverpool, fell into the path of the "Rocket". The locomotive couldn't stop in time and ran over his leg, crushing it.

Despite this sorry start, the railway soon proved its worth. Regular passenger services began on September 17 and trains rapidly became more popular than the competing road carriages. In December, when several new locomotives had been delivered, freight services started. The success of the L&MR stimulated railway construction in other parts of the country. Between 1833 and 1843, 3,680 miles of railway were laid down.

(Б) Перепишите следующие фразы и выпишите из текста их английские эквиваленты.

1. все поезда ходили по расписанию

2. уменьшить стоимость перевозки сырья и готовой продукции

3. двухпутная магистраль со стандартной шириной колеи

4. пассажирские и грузовые поезда регулярного сообщения

5. железнодорожный путь должен был пройти через торфяное болото

6. провести необычные соревнования локомотивов

7. паровоз должен работать от собственного котла

8. получить контракт на производство локомотивов

9. много почётных гостей собралось на станции

10. во время остановки произошёл трагический случай

(В) Перепишите предложения. Если утверждение соответствует содержанию текста, напишите "TRUE", если не соответствует – "FALSE". Исправьте неверные утверждения.

1. The Liverpool-Manchester Railway was the first commercial railway line designed to carry both passengers and freight.

2. Two tunnels and a nine arch viaduct were to be constructed on this single-track line.

3. Five locomotives took part in the Rainhill Trials.

4. The opening ceremony on 15 September 1830 included a procession of eight locomotives, including Robert Stephenson's famous "Rocket".

5. The success of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway stimulated road construction in Britain.

(Г) Из четырёх предложенных вариантов, выберите верный ответ на вопрос к тексту.

1. Why did a group of businessmen led by James Sandars decide to build the railway?

a) to travel more comfortably and quickly from Liverpool to Manchester

b) to carry workers cheaper and faster

c) to invest money in profitable business

d) to reduce the cost of carrying freight between the port of Liverpool and mills in Manchester

2. How many viaducts were to be built according to Stephenson's project?

a) nine            b) one            c) thirty five              d) two

3. What was the length of the L&MR?

a) 26 km 31 m           b) 36 km 31 m           c) 46 km 31 m           d) 56 km 31 m

4. What was one of the rules at the Rainhill trials?

a) the locomotive was required to haul a load for a distance of 70 km

b) the locomotive was to cost less than 550 to build

c) the locomotive was required to haul a load four times its own weight

d) the locomotive was not to weigh more than 2 tons

5. What accident overshadowed the opening ceremony of the L&MR?

a) one of the eight locomotives derailed

b) it started raining

c) the MP for Liverpool was run over by the Rocket

d) the Duke of Wellington refused to attend the opening ceremony 

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