Контрольная работа 3, вариант 1

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выполнены упражнения согласно заданиям варианта, точный текст заданий ниже


Упражнение 1. Причастие I (Participle I Simple, Participle I Perfect)

Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Обратите внимание на причастия, выделенные жирным шрифтом, и укажите их синтаксическую функцию (часть сказуемого, определение или обстоятельство).

1. Automatic block systems are designed to keep a safe distance between trains travelling on the same track.

2. When designing Shinkansen trains, engineers gave much consideration to aerodynamics.

3. Having measured the distance between two points, we can calculate the time a train can cover it, if we know the train's average speed.

4. The first Metro trains were driven by steam locomotives, which burnt coal, filling the tunnels with smoke.

5. People living near railroad tracks often get so used to the sounds of passing trains that they rarely notice the noise. 

Упражнение 2. Причастие II (Participle II)

Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Обратите внимание на причастия, выделенные жирным шрифтом, и укажите их синтаксическую функцию (часть сказуемого, определение или обстоятельство).

1. Rail lines in Feilding had to be shut down for 6 hours, while a damaged wagon was uncoupled from the consist and lifted off the tracks by a crane.

2. If made of reinforced plastics, tank cars can be used for carrying wine and fruit juices.

3. Signals installed at frequent intervals along the track inform the drivers of the location of other trains.

4. When modernized, the railway track will carry high speed passenger trains at a speed of 250 kmh.

5. Train accidents caused by mechanical failure account for over 10% of the total number of accidents. 

Упражнение 3. Причастие I и Причастие II

(А) Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в форму Participle I или Participle II в функции определения. Фразы перепишите и переведите.

1. a driver (operate) the EMU

2. a railway (design) for high-speed passenger traffic

3. the engine (invent) by R. Diesel

4. a dispatcher (control) the movement of trains

5. the (repair) track section

6. trains (run) at a high speed

7. a sleeping car (divide) into compartments

8. a (cover) hopper car

9. a swing bridge (cross) the Suez Canal

10. passengers (wait) for the train to come 

(Б) Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящее по смыслу причастие. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу:

1. A tank car is a type of rail rolling stock ___ to transport liquid and gaseous goods.

2. The trains ___ on Line C of the Rome Metro are completely automated.

3. ___ in 1994, the Channel Tunnel carries HS Eurostar passenger trains, the Eurotunnel Shuttles for road vehicles and international goods trains.

4. On many US railroads ___ freight traffic, trains become longer and less frequent.

5. Unless carefully ___, the new electric equipment mustn't be used.

6. The 16-car Shinkansen trains run at a speed of 210 kmh, ___ the distance between Tokyo and Osaka for 3h 10min.

7. In recent years, the amount of freight ___ by rail has considerably increased.

8. New York's Penn Station is North America's busiest station ___ up to 600,000 passengers a day.

9. The train journey from London to Norwich (184 km) takes exactly 2 hours, ___ stops.

10. The main disadvantages of steel sleepers are their high cost and the noise ___ by trains ___ over them.

 a) carried

b) caused

c) covering

d) designed

e) handling

f) including

g) opened

h) passing

i) running

j) serving

k) tested

(В) Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящую по смыслу форму причастия. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу:

  1. A locomotive hauls a consist of unpowered cars ___ passengers or freight.

a) carrying                 b) having carried                  c) carried

2. The world's oldest terminal station was Crown Street railway station ___ in Liverpool in 1830.

       a) building                 b) having built                       c) built

3. One of the American locomotives in 1934 attracted much attention, as it was the first locomotive ___ by the diesel-electric engine.

a) driving                   b) having driven                     c) driven

4. The trains ___ on the underground railways are supplied with low voltage direct current.

a) operating               b) having operated                c) operated

5. ___ some worn out parts of the device, the mechanic carefully tested it.

a) replacing               b) having replaced                c) replaced

6. The track gang was working the whole day, ___ the roadbed.

a) leveling                 b) having leveled                  c) leveled

7. The Talgo is the first European tilting train ___ in Spain in the 1950s.

a) developing            b) having developed             c) developed

8. In 1964, Japan introduced its first Shinkansen train ___ the "bullet train" with service between Tokyo and Osaka.

a) nicknaming           b) having nicknamed            c) nicknamed

9. Intermodal freight transport is the transportation of freight in an intermodal container, ___ multiple vehicles.

a) using                      b) having used                       c) used

10. The company says it will take up to a week to clear the track and repair ___ rails.

a) damaging              b) having damaged               c) damaged

Упражнение 4. Герундий

(А) Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на способы перевода герундия.

1. Using high-pressure steam in a steam engine considerably reduced the weight of the engine and increased its efficiency.

2. The task of trackmen was inspecting the rails for cracks and eliminating the defects as soon as possible.

3. High capacity containers are capable of taking a load of up to 5-7 tons in weight.

4. The cost of transporting passengers and goods can be reduced by increasing the length and weight of trains.

5. As all Britain's railways are of standard gauge now, passengers can travel over several lines without changing trains. 

(Б) Перепишите предложения. В каждом предложении заполните пробел герундием, образованным на основе одного из глаголов, данных в рамке.

 - build - employ - pull - improve - make - pass - save

  1. One of the very first railways in the US, which was 3 miles in length, used horses for ___ wagons.

2. The adoption of a uniform track gauge has resulted in great ___ both time and expenses.

3. In ___ a railway, trackmen use special machines to make the land as level as possible.

4. Suddenly, the engine began ___ a strange noise.

5. Passengers get access to the Metro platform by ___ through turnstiles that require payment.

6. The research has focused on ___ the train's aerodynamics.

7. From earliest days, the railways in Britain avoided ___ children but they still worked as car cleaners, bar-boys and lad porters. 

Упражнение 5. Атрибутивные словосочетания

(А) Перепишите атрибутивные словосочетания, образованные по схеме «существительное + существительное», и переведите их на русский язык.

a) station dwell time

b) railway traffic rules

c) rolling stock fleet

d) emergency braking

e) iron ore train

f) train wheels

g) passenger service quality

h) gondola body design

i) commuter line rehabilitation project

j) freight train derailment

k) train power supply system

l) dual-engine 6,600-horsepower diesel locomotive 

(Б) Перепишите предложения, заполняя пропуски подходящими по смыслу атрибутивными словосочетаниями (a-l), данными выше.

1. The aim of the Fairmount commuter line ___ is to increase the ridership from 2,800 to 7,300 passengers a day.

2. The Long Island Rail Road is warning customers about train cancellations and delays due to a ___.

3. On 28 May 1996, the 540-car ___ hauled by 10 locomotives ran from Newman to Port Hedland, Australia at a distance of 254 miles.

4. The engine driver will only use the ___ as a last resort, as it may damage ___ and the rails.

5. To allow all the passengers to get on or off the train, double-deck trains often require longer ___ than single-deck trains. 

Упражнение 6. Текст

(А) Прочитайте текст, устно переведите его на русский язык и письменно выполните послетекстовые упражнения.


  The world's first transcontinental railroad was built between 1863 and 1869 to join the eastern and western parts of the United States. Its construction was considered to be one of the greatest American technological accomplishments of the 19th century.

Before the railroad was built, a significant portion of the population and even many engineering experts declared that the project was "impossible", similar to the way skeptics mocked the idea of landing a man on the moon. There were a lot of obstacles to be overcome – huge mountain ranges to get past, gigantic tunnels through rock that needed to be bored through and deep chasms that were to be bridged. Remember that there were no such things as bulldozers, heavy machinery or trucks at that time. Dynamite hadn't even been invented until 1867! A rail line crossing the entire nation from the Pacific to the Atlantic was built at the time when the vast majority of the construction works had to be implemented with shovels, pick axes and back breaking work.

The transcontinental railroad was first seriously considered by the United States government as early as the late 1840s after gold had been discovered in California. They saw it as a way to open up Western lands for settlement and to promote economic development of the western United States. Though the project appealed to both government and commercial entities, it was delayed due to a number of issues. These included financing, where to run the route and who would build it. Only in 1862, the Pacific Railroad Act1 passed by Congress authorized the construction of the first transcontinental rail line.

The 1,775-mile standard-gauge rail line was built by two private companies. The Central Pacific Railroad Company of California (CPRR) began construction in 1863 and laid down 690 miles of track eastward from Sacramento to Promontory, Utah. The Union Pacific got down to work two years later and built 1,085 miles from Omaha, Nebraska westward to Promontory.

On 10 May 1869, the railroad was officially opened for traffic. The heavily publicized inauguration was attended by about 3,000 people: government and railroad officials, track workers, spectators and journalists were present to witness the event. A band was playing while a Chinese crew of the Central Pacific and an Irish crew of the Union Pacific were laying down the last section of the track. Two locomotives were drawn up face-to-face on either side of the track. Leland Stanford, head of CPRR, drove the ceremonial final spike (often called the "Golden Spike") with a silver hammer into a specially prepared tie. The spike was made of 17.6-karat (73%) copper-alloyed gold and the tie made from California laurel wood. As soon as the "Last Spike" had been driven, a telegraph message was transmitted to both the East Coast and West Coast that simply announced, "DONE". Promptly after the ceremony, the golden spike was removed and replaced with an ordinary iron spike.

However, the transcontinental railroad wasn't actually coast-to-coast yet. It merely connected Omaha to Sacramento. The Mossdale drawbridge across the San Joaquin river, California opened in September 1869 was the final section of the rail line.

Before the advent of the transcontinental railroad, people had to travel to the western states on horseback or in horse-drawn wagons over rivers, deserts and mountains. A journey that took months was very dangerous and expensive. After the railroad was completed, the cost of coast-to-coast traveling dropped from $1,000 to $150 and the journey time was reduced from six months or more to just one week!

Note: 1the Pacific Railroad Act - Закон о Тихоокеанской Железной Дороге

(Б) Перепишите следующие фразы и выпишите из текста их английские эквиваленты.

1. одно из величайших достижений девятнадцатого века в области техники

2. глубокие пропасти, которые нужно было перекрыть мостами

3. железная дорога, пересекающая всю страну от Тихого океана до Атлантического.

4. основными средствами для выполнения большей части строительных работ были лопаты и кирки

5. хотя проект нравился как государственным, так и коммерческим структурам, он был отложен по ряду причин

6. железная дорога стандартной колеи протяжённостью 1775 миль

7. на широко разрекламированной церемонии открытия присутствовали

8. укладывали последний участок пути

9. вбил последний церемониальный рельсовый костыль серебряным молотом

10. поездка, которая продолжалась несколько месяцев, была очень опасной и требовала больших затрат 

(В) Перепишите предложения. Если утверждение соответствует содержанию текста, напишите "TRUE", если не соответствует – "FALSE". Исправьте неверные утверждения.

1. In 1862, Congress passed the act that authorized the construction of the first American railroad.

2. The new railroad was to promote economic development of the whole nation.

3. It took six years to construct the world's first transcontinental railroad.

4. The Union Pacific began construction two years later than the Central Pacific but laid down more miles of track.

5. Crowds of spectators gathered in Promontory, Utah to witness the ceremony of the Mossdale bridge inauguration. 

(Г) Из четырёх предложенных вариантов, выберите верный ответ на вопрос к тексту.

1. When did the US government seriously consider the idea of building the railroad connecting the Pacific and the Atlantic coasts?

a) after the U.S. Congress had passed an act to construct the transcontinental railroad

b) in the late eighteen forties

c) before the world's first railway was built in Great Britain

d) at the beginning of the nineteenth century

 2. Why was the transcontinental railroad to promote economic development of the western US?

a) because there would be more goods to sell and buy

b) because more people and goods could be carried across the continent quickly and efficiently

c) because horses could be used on the farms more efficiently

d) because people could choose various means of transport to travel from coast to coast

3. Why did many engineering experts declare that it was impossible to build the railroad across the entire nation?

a) because there were a lot of natural obstacles to be overcome

b) because bulldozers, heavy machinery or trucks had to be used

c) because there were no shovels and pick axes at that time

d) because dynamite had not been invented until 1867

 4. Who laid the last section of the track on May 10, 1869?

a) trackmen working for the Union Pacific

b) Chinese immigrants hired by the Central Pacific

c) Leland Stanford, head of CPRR

d) Chinese and Irish crews

 5. Why was the last spike often referred to as the Golden Spike?

a) because it looked like made of gold

b) because it was covered with gold

c) because it was made of copper-alloyed gold

d) because it was very expensive 

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