Контрольная работа 3, вариант 4

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выполнены упражнения согласно заданиям варианта, точный текст заданий ниже


Упражнение 1. Причастие I (Participle I Simple, Participle I Perfect)

Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Обратите внимание на причастия, выделенные жирным шрифтом, и укажите их синтаксическую функцию (часть сказуемого, определение или обстоятельство).

  1. The heaviest trains in the world are freight trains hauling bulk commodities such as coal and iron ore.

2. In Germany, more than 150 private railway companies are operating on the network, providing regional passenger and freight services.

3. Having bought a Minnesota railroad in 1878, James Hill extended it north to the Canadian border and west to the Pacific coast.

4. Indian Railways has designed and built a prototype double-deck car having seats for 148 passengers.

5. While rounding a curve, a freight train is to decrease its speed. 

Упражнение 2. Причастие II (Participle II)

Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Обратите внимание на причастия, выделенные жирным шрифтом, и укажите их синтаксическую функцию (часть сказуемого, определение или обстоятельство).

  1. One of the main advantages of a diesel locomotive is the low cost of the fuel consumed.

2. If constructed of aluminum, railway cars are lighter in weight and require less maintenance.

3. Eurostar's recently refurbished cars feature ergonomically designed reclining seats, illuminated drink holders, free WiFi, USB chargers and seatback mirrors.

4. If consisted of more than eighty freight cars, the train is pulled by two or more locomotives.

5. X 2000 HS trains adopted by Swedish railways in 1990 can run at a speed of 200 kmh on a standard track. 

Упражнение 3. Причастие I и Причастие II

(А) Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в форму Participle I или Participle II в функции определения. Фразы перепишите и переведите.

1. the long distance train (operate) between Moscow and Vladivostok

2. goods (convey) by rail

3. train tickets (book) online

4. the railway (carry) only HS trains

5. a locomotive (test) on the mountain railway

6. passengers (hurry) up to take their seats on the train

7. freight (insure) against damage

8. the EMU (approach) the station

9. wagons (use) to transport liquid goods

10. the railway operator (handle) passenger services

(Б) Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящее по смыслу причастие. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу:

  1. The mechanic replaced some ___ parts of the engine.

2. In 1913, the railway network of Russia consisted of 25 state lines and 13 private lines ___ to different companies.

3. While ___, the tramcars produce much noise.

4. The train accident was caused by an ___ defect in the rail.

5. ___ down near the railway station, a freight train blocked the approaches for an hour.

6. The El Ferdan Railway Bridge ___ the Suez Canal is the world's largest swing bridge.

7. Most substations ___ the trains with electricity are now automatically operated.

8. Refrigerator cars are used for carrying ___ meat and other perishables.

9. To ensure the safe movement of trains, drivers must carry out a full brake test when ___ a locomotive to a train.

10. ___ second hand locomotives from South Africa, Brazil rebuilt them and re-gauged from 1,067 mm to the meter gauge ___ by more than 80 % of Brazil's railways.

a) coupling

b) crossing

c) frozen

d) having broken

e) belonging

f) running

g) supplying

h) undetected

i) used

j) worn out

k) having purchased

(В) Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящую по смыслу форму причастия. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу:

1. The TGV Duplex is a double-deck tilting train ___ by SNCF.

 a) operating

b) having operated

c) operated

2. The Trans-Siberian Mainline carries about 20,000 containers per year to Europe, ___ 8,300 containers from Japan.

a) including

b) having included

c) included

3. It is impossible to stop quickly the train ___ at a high speed.

a) moving

b) having moved

c) moved

4. The trains ___ by horses were short and lightweight.

 a) drawing

b) having drawn

c) drawn

5. ___ the new locomotive in severe winter conditions, the engineers recommended it for series production.

a) testing

b) having tested

c) tested

6. Two or more ___ locomotives are frequently used in freight trains.

a) coupling

b) having coupled

c) coupled

7. Some people risk their lives, ___ to stow away on freight trains.

 a) trying

b) having tried

c) tried

8. ___ the emergency brake, the train driver avoided hitting a truck stranded on the track.

 a) applying

b) having applied

c) applied

9. In Turkey, when ___ the trains, passengers must pass a security check like in airports.

 a) boarding

b) having boarded

c) boarded

10. When ___, these low-floor cars will be used for express services between Denmark and Sweden.

a) building

b) having built

c) built

Упражнение 4. Герундий

(А) Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на способы перевода герундия.

1. Using long-welded rails allows reducing wear and tear on rolling stock.

2. The function of railway signals is keeping the trains at some distance from one another.

3. Around 1.2 billion dollar will be spent on modernizing the 270 km suburban network of Sao Paolo, Brazil.

4. This includes refurbishing rolling stock, renewing signaling equipment, constructing new railway stations and laying down new tracks.

5. In the early 19th century, the idea of using steam engines for drawing freight and passenger trains interested many inventors. 

(Б) Перепишите предложения. В каждом предложении заполните пробел герундием, образованным на основе одного из глаголов, данных в рамке.

- examine  - collide  - lay  - clear  - reduce  - enter  - transport

1. An autorack is a special-purpose freight car used for ___ unladen automobiles.

2. A long tunnel was bored through the mountain but ___ down rail tracks in this tunnel wasn't planned.

3. Engineers are trying to find the ways of ___ the cost of electrifying railways.

4. Rail inspection is the practice of ___ rail tracks for flaws that could lead to catastrophic failures.

5. On ___ the compartment, a man introduced himself to his fellow travelers.

6. Automatic train signaling is used to prevent trains from ___.

7. Special snow-cleaning machines are developed for ___ the tracks of snow. 

Упражнение 5.Атрибутивные словосочетания

(А) Перепишите атрибутивные словосочетания, образованные по схеме «существительное + существительное», и переведите их на русский язык.

a) internal combustion engine

b) commuter rail networks

c) engine cooling system

d) freight transportation rates

e) heavy traffic railway

f) track maintenance costs

g) magnetic levitation train

h) standard length rails

i) track capacity increase

j) alternating current locomotive

k) train delays and cancellations

l) world speed record 

(Б) Перепишите предложения, заполняя пропуски подходящими по смыслу атрибутивными словосочетаниями (a-l), данными выше.

  1. Lightning damage to signalling equipment led to ___ on the Great Western Railway.

2. The primary job of ___ is to keep the engine from overheating by using either air or liquid.

3. A Japanese maglev train has broken its own ___, reaching a speed of 603 kmh in a test run.

4. The use of long welded rails improves riding qualities of vehicles and reduces ___.

5. EMUs are popular on ___ around the world due to their fast acceleration and pollution-free operation. 

Упражнение 6. Текст

(А) Прочитайте текст, устно переведите его на русский язык и письменно выполните послетекстовые упражнения.


Stockton and Darlington Railway (S and DR) was the first world's railway to operate freight and passenger service with steam traction.

In 1821, a parliamentary bill was passed to allow the building of the S&DR. The 26-mile railway was to connect several coal mines. The original plan was to use horses to draw coal carts on cast iron rails. But George Stephenson, an English mechanical engineer, persuaded company director Edward Pease to use steam power. He told that a locomotive could pull 50 times the load that horses could draw on iron rails. Impressed, Pease agreed to change his plan.

Stephenson surveyed the line in 1821, assisted by his 18-year-old son Robert. Work on the track began in 1822. Stephenson used wrought-iron rails instead of cast iron ones. These rails were more expensive but they were much stronger. On the 12-mile line connecting Stockton and Darlington, the rails were laid on wooden blocks. The 15-mile track between the mines and Darlington was laid on stone blocks. The gauge that Stephenson chose for the line was 4 feet 8 1/2 inch (1,435 mm). Later, it became the standard gauge for railways not only in Britain but also all over the world.

The line's structures included one of the first railway bridges. Designed by architect Ignatius Bonomi, the bridge over the Skerne river in Darlington is the oldest railway bridge still in use today. From 1990 until 2003, the bridge appeared on the reverse of 5 pounds notes issued by the Bank of England, which featured George Stephenson. The bridge was shown with a train crossing it. Edward Pease and George Stephenson jointly established a company in Newcastle to manufacture locomotives for the new line. The company was set up as "Robert Stephenson and Company". George's son Robert was appointed the managing director. In September 1825, the first locomotive originally named "Active" was completed; it was soon renamed "Locomotion № 1". It was followed by "Hope", "Diligence" and "Black Diamond".

The official opening of the line took place on 27 September 1825. Large crowds of spectators were watching with interest George Stephenson operating the Locomotion № 1. The locomotive pulled 36 wagons: twelve wagons of coal and flour, six of guests and fourteen wagons full of workmen. Most of the passengers sat in open-top coal wagons, but eighteen visiting dignitaries traveled on the passenger coach called The Experiment. This coach resembled a wooden shed on wheels and as it had no springs it must have provided an uncomfortable ride. The first train was not fast; it took two hours to cover the distance of 9 miles. However, on one section of the line the locomotive was able to reach a speed of 15 mph. For the first few years, horse traction dominated on the S&DR because steam traction was too expensive. But as time went on, steam locomotives proved to be more economic – they could haul more wagons at a higher speed. In a typical working day, the most expensive steam engine could haul much more coal than the cheapest horse! By 1833, the S&DR had become entirely steam-operated, and it gradually began to resemble a modern railway. Two parallel tracks were built for trains traveling in different directions. A simple signaling system was established to prevent train collisions. Trains began to run to timetable. These methods of operation became standard on railways across the world.

The S and DR proved a huge financial success, and paved the way for modern rail transport development. In 1863, the S and DR company merged with the North Eastern Railway and in 1922 with the London and North Eastern Railway. Much but not all of the original S and DR line is still operating today.

  (Б) Перепишите следующие фразы и выпишите из текста их английские эквиваленты.

1. тянуть повозку, гружённую углём, по чугунным рельсам

2. полувагон для перевозки угля

3. ехали в пассажирском вагоне

4. развить скорость 15 миль в час на одном участке пути

5. использовалась преимущественно конная тяга

6. железная дорога была полностью переведена на паровую тягу

7. поезда, идущие в противоположных направлениях

8. чтобы предотвратить столкновения поездов

9. примитивная система сигнальных устройств

10. ходить по расписанию

(В) Перепишите предложения. Если утверждение соответствует содержанию текста, напишите "TRUE", если не соответствует – "FALSE". Исправьте неверные утверждения.

  1. The S and DR was constructed in the 1820s and was initially meant to be a horse-drawn wagonway, which were then commonplace in England.

2. The permanent way of the S and DR consisted of wrought-iron rails laid on wooden blocks.

3. The first locomotive called Locomotion № 1 was built in September 1825.

4. On the opening day, 27 September 1825, a steam locomotive successfully hauled a heavy train of 36 passenger coaches.

5. At first, horse traction predominated on the S and DR because steam locomotives were then very expensive. 

(Г) Из четырёх предложенных вариантов, выберите верный ответ на вопрос к тексту.

  1. Why did Stephenson use wrought-iron rails rather than cast iron ones?

a) because wrought-iron rails were more liable to crack under the weight of heavy locomotives

b) because these rails were more expensive than cast iron ones

c) because wrought iron was stronger and more durable than cast iron

d) because Edward Pease ordered Stephenson to use wrought-iron rails

2. What gauge did Stephenson choose for the line?

a) standard gauge

b) broad gauge

c) narrow gauge

d) wide gauge

3. What was the forth locomotive manufactured in Newcastle called?

a) Diligence

b) Black Diamond

c) Experiment

d) Hope

4. Why was it uncomfortable to ride on the first passenger carriage?

a) because this coach resembled a wooden shed on wheels

b) because it had no springs

c) because it was too small for seating 18 passengers

d) because it had no roof and windows

5. What was done to prevent train collisions on the S and DR?

a) the S&DR became entirely steam-operated

b) horses were used to carry passengers because it was less dangerous

c) trains moved at a walking speed

d) a signaling system was established and trains began to run to timetable

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