Контрольная работа 4, вариант 4

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25 Янв в 05:47
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КР 4, вариант 4
35.6 Кбайт 400 ₽

выполнены упражнения согласно заданиям варианта, точный текст заданий 


  Упр. 1. Инфинитив (Infinitive)

(А) Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. В каждом предложении подчеркните инфинитив и укажите его синтаксическую функцию (подлежащее, частьименногосказуемого, дополнение, определение, обстоятельство).

1. One of the problems to be solved by State Railway of Thailand is to improve passenger services by modernizing its wagon fleet.

2. In 1895, the Baltimore-Ohio railway decided to electrify a stretch of track to avoid smoke and noise problems in a tunnel.

3. To convey perishables over long distances became possible due to the invention of a refrigerator car.

4. To control the operation of trains moving in different directions and at different speeds, railroads have developed complex systems of communications and signaling.

5. The aim of a tilting mechanism is to ensure fast and smooth running of the train on curves.

(Б) Составьте предложения из двух подходящих по смыслу частей. Переведите на русский язык те предложения, в которых инфинитив употребляется в функции дополнения.

1. The Baltimore & Ohio Railway Company was the first in the US to put forward …

2. The task of a section gang is to maintain …

3. It is not economic to use …

4. The data to be obtained in the test runs will be used …

5. Some boxcars are equipped with end doors and adjustable bulkheads …

6. Passengers without tickets or who refuse to pay the fare will be removed …

a) from the train at the next scheduled station.

b) for improving the locomotive braking system.

c) to load bulky items.

d) the railway track in proper condition.

e) electric locomotives for shunting operations.

f) the idea of Centralized Traffic Control.

Упр. 2. Неличныеформыглагола (Participle I, Participle II, Gerund, Infinitive)

Подберитеканглийскимсловосочетаниям (A) русские эквиваленты (B), учитывая правила перевода неличных форм глагола.


1. to draw up the train schedule

2. before drawing up the train schedule

3. the train schedule drawn up for the summer period

4. the task is to draw up the train schedule

5. a railway employee drawing up the train schedule

6. the train schedule to be drawn up

7. having drawn up the train schedule

8. the train schedule is being drawn up now

9. when drawing up the train schedule

10. it is necessary to draw up the train schedule


a) составляя график движения поездов

b) график движения поездов, составленный на летний период

c) работник железной дороги, составляющий график движения поездов

d) график движения поездов, который нужно составить

e) для того чтобы составить график движения поездов

f) задача заключается в том, чтобы составить график движения поездов

g) прежде чем составлять график движения поездов

h) необходимо составить график движения поездов

i) график движения поездов сейчас составляют

j) после того как график движения поездов составлен

Упр. 3. Инфинитивные обороты

(А) Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. В каждом предложении подчеркните инфинитивный оборот "Сложное подлежащее".

1. Wear and tear on rolling stock is supposed to be reduced if long-welded rails are used.

2. The railways are known to carry 80 % of all freight because they can transport anything, almost anywhere and do it without thinking of weather conditions.

3. The train collision is thought to have been caused by the driver of one of the trains having passed a red signal.

(Б) Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. В каждом предложении подчеркните инфинитивный оборот "Сложное дополнение".

1. Some specialists believe magnetic levitation to be a technology of the future.

2. Modern machinery enables a small group of workers to maintain a relatively long stretch of railroad track.

3. I heard the railway to pay compensation for train delays of 30 minutes or more.

  (B) Составьте английские предложения, соответствующие по смыслу русским предложениям. Обратите внимание на порядок слов в предложениях с инфинитивными оборотами "Сложное подлежащее" и "Сложное дополнение".

1. Сообщалось, что задержка поездов произошла из-за сбоя в сигнальном оборудовании около Паддингтона.

a fault

near Paddington

train delays

to have been caused

were reported


with the signalling system

  2. Говорят, что летом стоимость проезда в поездах возрастёт на семь процентов.

are said


in summer

seven per cent

train fares

to be raised

3. Железнодорожная компания полагает, что проблема перевозки большего количества пассажиров будет решена путём использования двухэтажных вагонов.

to be solved 





double deck cars 

the problem 


more passengers

the railway operator

4. Джордж Стефенсон хотел, чтобы паровозы, а не лошади, тянули вагоны по железной дороге Стоктон-Дарлингтон.

steam locomotives

to pull



the Stockton-Darlington rail



George Stephenson 

rather than

  Упр. 4. Условные предложения (Conditionals)

(А) Перепишите следующие условные предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Укажитетипусловныхпредложений.

1. If various machines hadn't been used in railway construction, it would have taken much more time and efforts to lay down the track.

2. If there is any serious breakdown in the power supply system, a large number of trains will be brought to a stand on the track.

3. If the high-capacity container cars were introduced, the freight turnover would be considerably increased.

(Б) Закончите предложения, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов. Запишитесвоиответывтаблицу:

1. If the Channel Tunnel hadn't been constructed …

a) the trains would have crossed the English Channel by rail ferry.

b) people wouldn't have traveled by trains.

c) the rail bridge across the English Channel would have carried trains.

 2. The cost of transporting passengers and goods would be lower …

a) if the railway stations were modernized.

b) if the cast-iron rails rather than steel ones were used.

c) if the length of trains were increased.

 3. According to the project, India's first HS train will cover the distance of 508 km between Mumbai and Ahmedabad in 2 h and 58 min …

a) if it runs at an average speed of 10 kmh.

b) if it has 10 coaches with a total seating capacity of 750 passengers.

c) if it halts at 10 railway stations.

 4. Passengers could claim for refunds …

a) if the train is delayed for one hour or more.

b) if the train were delayed for one hour or more.

c) if the train had been delayed for one hour or more.

 5. If the flat car were fitted with fastening devices, …

a) it would be removed from service.

b) it would be used for carrying containerized freight.

c) it would be coupled to the passenger train.

 Упр. 5. Типы вопросительных предложений (Types of Interrogative Sentences)

Перепишите предложения и задайте к ним вопросы. Типвопросауказанвскобках.

1. The first refrigerated cars in Japan entered service for fish transport in 1908. (разделительный)

2. Two or more locomotives are often used to haul heavy freight trains. (альтернативный)

3. Double-deck coaches on commuter trains seat from 150 to 170 people. (специальный)

4. HS trains like France's TGV train may dominate the rails in the future. (общий)

5. An average 70-car freight train carries about 2,500 tons of goods. (альтернативный)

6. One of the first attempts to put a steam engine on wheels was made by Richard Trevithick. (специальный)

7. The US hasn't built a single mile of high-speed track yet. (разделительный)

8. The train departure will be delayed because of the accident on the level crossing. (общий)

 Упр. 6. Текст

(А) Прочитайте текст, устно переведите его на русский язык и письменно выполните послетекстовые упражнения.


In the 1990s, Rio de Janeiro's state-owned commuter rail network had been going from bad to worse. The ridership reduced from 1.2 million a day in 1985 to 145,000 a day in 1998. One governor even proposed to pave the tracks with asphalt and replace the trains with trolleybuses. Fortunately, rail network was privatized.

SuperVia, the new private owner of the Rio commuter network, inherited a large number of serious problems. Signaling didn't work properly. Only 35 out of a fleet of 180 trains were operational. The condition of the track was very poor. SuperVia began the slow process of reviving 270-km rail network.

Twenty kilometers of rails, fifty thousand sleepers and eighty three switches were replaced. The power supply system was upgraded. Drainage system was also improved to overcome serious flooding problems, which disrupted train traffic in the past. Railway stations were rebuilt to make them safer and more attractive.

Delivery of 30 new 4-car EMUs started in 2011. Capable of carrying 1,300 passengers, the new trains have several technical advantages such as alternating current traction motors, air conditioning with automatic temperature control, automatic coupling system, door system with detection of obstruction, electronic billboards and onboard displays, sound equipment, security cameras, intercom and emergency signaling. Trains also have cameras on the sides, which allow the driver to monitor any platform without having to move away from the control console in the cab. The color blue is used (which is the color of the state and also a color of SuperVia). Four CCTV cameras are installed in each car to ensure passenger security. Together with rebuilt trains, SuperVia has now a fleet of 201 trains, providing a carrying capacity of 600,000 passengers a day.

One of the main challenges for SuperVia was to convince the public that the days when the trains were unsafe, dirty, overcrowded and ran late had gone. Trains now run mostly to schedule and their number has increased. One key result is that the ridership has grown by 150 % from the dark days of 1998! Nowadays, it carries around 152 million passengers a year on a railway network comprising 100 stations in 12 cities.

 (Б) Перепишите следующие фразы и выпишите из текста их английские эквиваленты.

 1. государственная сеть пригородных железных дорог

2. количество пассажиров уменьшилось с … до

3. были в исправном состоянии

4. системаэлектроснабжения

5. система водоотведения

6. электропоезда в составе из 4 вагонов

7. новые поезда имеют ряд технических преимуществ

8. система управления дверями с обнаружением препятствий

9. тяговые электродвигатели переменного тока

10. пульт управления в кабине машиниста

 (В) Перепишите следующие вопросы к тексту и ответьте на них.

 1. When was Rio de Janeiro's state-owned commuter rail network privatized?

2. Is SuperVia the new private owner of the Rio road network?

3. What serious problems did SuperVia face?

4. A lot of rails, sleepers and switches were replaced, weren't they?

5. What was done to overcome serious flooding problems, which stopped traffic in the past?

6. Are all new passenger cars equipped with automatic couplers?

7. Why do emus have cameras on the sides?

 (Г) Перепишите предложения. Если утверждение соответствует содержанию текста, напишите TRUE(верно), если не соответствует – FALSE(неверно), если в тексте нет точной информации – NOTSTATED(не сказано). Исправьтеневерныеутверждения.

 1. In the 1990s, Rio de Janeiro's commuter railways were paved with asphalt and the trains were replaced with trolleybuses.

2. Having launched an advertising campaign, SuperVia began the slow process of reviving rail network.

3. Railway stations were renewed to make them larger and more comfortable.

4. Delivery of new electrical-multiple units is known to have started in 2011.

5. Each car of new emus accommodates 225 passengers.

6. SuperVia trains are scheduled to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

7. SuperVia managed to convince the public that the days when the trains were unsafe, dirty, overcrowded and ran late had gone. 

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