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Вопрос 1
Вместо пропусков вставьте little или a little.
1. Hurry up, we have time.
2. Just give us time, please. A few minutes, okay?
3. People who have patience can't be good teachers.
4. You should drink hot coffee, it will help.
5. Can you wait longer?
a little
Вопрос 2
Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме:
1. Young lady riding a pony.
2. I not expecting any visitors.
3. You doing it wrong.
4. They swimming in the river now.
5. We not fighting, we playing.
6. I trying to sleep.
7. Linda not playing tennis, she and Tina are jogging.
8. We not working on the project now, but Steven trying to finish it.
9. Birds sitting on the bench, but my cat getting ready to jump on it.
Вопрос 3
Поставьте предложенные существительные во множественном числе. Обратите внимание, среди них есть слова-исключения.
1.Tax –
2. City –
3. Potato –
4. Photo –
5. Knife –
6. Woman –
7. Mouse –
8. Passer-by –