Контрольная №4, вариант 1

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250 ₽
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Контрольная работа №4, вариант 1
22.8 Кбайт 250 ₽

выполнены упражнения согласно заданиям варианта, точный текст заданий ниже


I. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод составных предлогов.

1. Because of locating hose reels near exits in an emergency, it is possible to reach a safe place simply by following the hose.

2. A hydrant system is a system used to transport water in order to limit the number of hoses that firefighters have to lay.

3. Time factor is essential in case of a fire.

4. Most fires may be extinguished at the initial phase thanks to the correct type and amount of extinguishing agent applied.

5. In addition to professional skills in fire suppression, a fire crew must have reliable tools and equipment.

  II. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод числительных и числовых показателей.

1. The suction hose has an internal diameter from 2 to 6 in and its length is 6-12 ft.

2. Fire trains are equipped with a fire pump designed to deliver 300 gal of water per minute through a hose having a length of 1,000 ft 2.5 in.

3. Carbon dioxide is easily liquefied and bottled when it is kept under the pressure of about 750 lb/in2.

4. Water freezes at 32 °F (0 °C) and boils at 212 °F (100 °C).

  III. Сопоставьте слово и его определение.

1. tiller truck 2. spade 3. helitanker 4. all-terrain 5. suction pump 6. thermal imaging camera 7. hose 8. cutters 9. water tender 10. hook

a. designed to travel on all types of ground, including rough ground

b. its sensors can create a composite picture that accurately displays the heat that is emiting off of an object, resulting in an infrared image that is capable of showing you what the naked eye or a visible light camera can’t.

c. a type of firetruck using a semi-truck-type tractor to pull a long, ladder-equipped trailer

d. a tool with a flat metal blade and a long handle used for digging

e. a type of firefighting apparatus that specialises in the transport of water from a water source to a fire scene.

f. a bent piece of metal or plastic that is used for catching or holding things, or for hanging things up.

g. A helicopter used in firefighting, especially against forest fires, which drops water or other fire retardant on the fire

h. it is used for raising water or other fluid and usually consists of a cylinder containing a piston fitted with a flap valve.

i. a long plastic or rubber pipe, used to direct water onto fires

g. a tool for cutting something

 IV. Прочтите тексты и подберите заголовки, соответствующие текстам. Один заголовок лишний. Переведите тексты, в которых говорится о пожарных лестницах и рукаве.

1. A system in which water is admitted upon the release of air pressure.

2. Main classes of hoses.

3. Extension ladders.

4. Types of ladders used in firefighting.

 Text 1

 A number of different types of ladders carried and extended by hand have been developed for Fire Service work. The most widely used are:

a. First-floor ladders (non-extending type);

b. Extension ladders;

c. Hook ladders;

Ladders may be carried on appliances in various combinations according to local needs.

The first-floor ladder is used mainly by the larger city and town brigades and is often provided on those appliances which carry a wheeled escape.

The ladder, generally of timber, is approximately 15 ft. 6 in. long and weighs about 45 lb.

Extension ladders are used at fires in circumstances where a wheeled escape is not necessary or cannot be employed owing to restrictions of space, such as in narrow passages and in gardens. They are also frequently used as internal or external means of access where a stairway has been damaged by fire. Two ladders may be used together to form a step ladder.

Extension ladders may be of trussed or plain construction. The standard ladder is 35 ft. long when extended, but 30 ft. ladders and what is termed a short extension ladder are also in use.

The hook ladders in general use in the Fire Service are made either of wood or aluminium alloy. Formerly all hooks were made of steel, but in recent years aluminium alloy hooks have come into increasing use.

 Text 2

 A dry pipe system is a standard sprinkler system in which the system pipework is permanently air - pressurized above the alarm (dry pipe) valve, and water under pressure below the valve. Dry pipe systems are normally only found in buildings where the temperature conditions are artificially maintained close to or below freezing such as in cold or cool stores, or where the temperature is

maintained above 70°C.

Alarm (dry pipe) valves in dry pipe systems should be tested at least once every six months. This may be accomplished by removing the inspection cover plate and manually operating the moving parts.

Pre-Action System

A Pre-action system is a combination of a standard sprinkler system and an independent system of heat or smoke detectors installed in the same areas. Heat or smoke detectors operate prior to sprinkler action and a pre-action valve will therefore open to allow water to flow into the sprinkler pipe-work.

 Text 3

 A hose may be divided into two main groups:

Delivery hose, used where the water passing through it is at pressure above that of the atmosphere.

Suction hose, used where the water passing through it may be under pressures either below or above that of the atmosphere.

The first group may be subdivided into:

1. unlined hose, woven from vegetable fibres;

2. non-percolating hose, consisting of a jack woven from vegetable fibres and having a rubber or plastic lining, or a synthetic fibre jacket and lining, or a combination of both natural and synthetic fibres;

3. hose for hose reels, normally of rubber with fabric reinforcement.

 V. Просмотрите текст 2 и определите, в каких абзацах содержится следующая информация:

1. Fire appliances differ because of various aims of their application.

2. Types of ladders using principles of hydraulics.

3. Today’s fire appliances can respond to emergencies of different types.

A. Fire appliances (also known as fire engines or fire tenders) perform a wide range of general and specialized roles.

Modern fire appliances are technologically advanced machines in comparison with the steam-powered water-pumping ones. They can carry a lot of equipment and firefighting media such as water and foam in order to deal with different types of emergencies ranging from fires, rescues, floods, disasters and even injuries.

B. The design and size of a fire appliance depends upon the role it performs.

In general, most fire and rescue services use a certain amount of vehicles and equipment. However, airport fire services tend to use larger and heavier appliances than those typically applied by public fire services.

C. Fire trucks are usually equipped with turntable ladders. There are two types of turntable ladders: fixed with hydraulics and the normal ones. The hydraulic turntable ladders use the mechanics of hydraulics. These types of turntable ladders are easily moved and rotated in an open field while the base stays at the same position fixed to the main fire truck socket. This helps fire fighters perform their jobs quicker and much more safely!

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