Контрольная работа 3, вариант 3

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Контрольная работа 3, вариант 3
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выполнены упражнения контрольной работы в соответствии с заданиями


Упр. 1. Причастие I (Participle I Simple, Participle I Perfect)

Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Обратите внимание на причастия, выделенные жирным шрифтом, и укажите их синтаксическую функцию (часть сказуемого, определение или обстоятельство).

1. The number and spacing of the sleepers depend on the weight of trains passing over the track.

2. BNSF railway is retiring old locomotives while introducing new, more energy-efficient locomotives.

3. Having become wealthy due to his invention of a sleeping car, George Pullman founded the Pullman Car Company producing various kinds of passenger cars.

4. About 250 trains operate daily on the Shinkansen network, running at 7.5-minute headways during the rush hours.

5. Nederlandse Spoorwegen has recently started refurbishing its wagon fleet consisting of fifty cars, 15-years old.

  Упр. 2. Причастие II (Participle II)

Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Обратите внимание на причастия, выделенные жирным шрифтом, и укажите их синтаксическую функцию (часть сказуемого, определение или обстоятельство).

1. New track-laying machines purchased from Great Britain by Mozambique will be used for upgrading the Limpopo line.

2. When drawn by an electric locomotive, the train may consist of more than ninety cars.

3. St. Pancras railway station renovated and expanded in the early 2000s has fifteen platforms located on two levels.

4. The first Siemens's electric locomotive built in 1879 was so small that the driver had to straddle it like a horse.

5. If compared with electric locomotives, diesel locomotives have a higher maintenance cost.

  Упр. 3. Причастие I и Причастие II

(А) Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в форму Participle I или Participle II в функции определения. Фразы перепишите и переведите.

1. a decline in the amount of freight (carry) by rail

2. the trains (travel) in opposite directions

3. things (leave) behind by passengers on the train

4. the (damage) overhead line

5. rolling stock (meet) all modern requirements

6. the (move) parts of the mechanism

7. the (restore) railway bridge

8. a locomotive (power) by electricity

9. the engine (operate) on biodiesel

10. a train (round) a curve

(Б) Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящее по смыслу причастие. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу:

1. Cambridge railway station ___ over 9 million passengers a year is the busiest junction in the east of England.

2. Biodiesel is fuel ___ from natural sources such as plant oils that can be used in diesel engines.

3. Carriage wheels, ___ over rail joints, produce the familiar sound "click-etty-click".

4. ___ plastics for the interior design of passenger cars, engineers greatly reduced maintenance costs.

5. In 1887, a coupler ___ by Eli Janney was adopted as the standard by all car builders.

6. Wooden cross-ties ___ down in the track must be treated with creosote.

7. Human error continues to be the ___ cause in many train accidents.

8. Passengers ___ by train from Sligo railway station can now get their tickets at the touch of a screen.

9. When ___ the underground railway in Rome, the builders found ancient ruins and statues.

10. Tri-Rail is not responsible for ___ or ___ luggage.

a) leading

b) constructing

c) having applied

d) laid

e) lost

f) made

g) passing

h) serving

i) stolen

j) travelling

k) designed

(В) Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящую по смыслу форму причастия. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу:

1. On December 20, 2017 ___ overhead wires cause travel chaos for rail passengers in Glasgow area.

a) damaging b) having damaged c) damaged

2. In the 1950s, the US railroads adopted special-purpose flatcars to carry ___ truck trailers.

a) loading b) having loaded c) loaded

3. All the trains ___ on the commuter lines are powered by electricity.

a) operating b) having operated c) operated

4. ___ a defect in the rail, the railway stopped trains until it was mended.

a) detecting b) having detected c) detected

5. ___ underground railways, people reduce the time of traveling from home to work and back.

a) using b) having used c) used

6. The powered cars have electric motors ___ under the floor.

a) placing b) having placed c) placed

7. An extra train is a train not ___ in the normal schedule of a railroad.

a) including b) having included c) included

8. The Trans-Siberian line ___ the European part of Russia with the Far East is the longest in the world.

a) connecting b) having connected c) connected

9. ___ the engine efficiency, the designers improved the performance of the locomotive.

a) increasing b) having increased c) increased

10. Luggage racks ___ adjacent to the entrance vestibule of a coach are used for bulky luggage.

a) locating b) having located c) located

Упр. 4. Герундий

(А) Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на способы перевода герундия.

1. Using special mechanical devices for loading and unloading freight cars resulted in reducing hard manual labor.

2. Indian Railways is examining the possibility of straightening ten curves on the Delhi-Chandigarh railway.

3. The aim of eliminating curves is increasing train speeds up to 200 kmh.

4. Tilting trains can round a curve at a high speed without causing discomfort to passengers.

5. All tank cars undergo periodic inspection for damage and corrosion to prevent dangerous materials from leaking in transit.

(Б) Перепишите предложения. В каждом предложении заполните пробел герундием, образованным на основе одного из глаголов, данных в рамке.

  • deteriorate • direct • increase • keep • maintain • overheat • pack • protect

1. The motor has broken from ___.

2. The transport committee studied the problem of ___ the number of trains operating on the commuter network.

3. Fences are built for ___ the tracks against snow and for ___ the livestock away from the railway.

4. The cost of ___ track has been reduced due to the use of special-purpose machinery.

5. Turnouts are the means of ___ a train from one track to another.

6. The most durable material must be used to prevent the interior of a tunnel from ___.

7. The trackmen started ___ the ballast under the ties.

Упр. 5. Атрибутивные словосочетания

(А) Перепишите атрибутивные словосочетания, образованные по схеме «существительное + существительное», и переведите их на русский язык.

a) track wear and tear

b) freight traffic volume

c) all-weather suitability

d) train delays or cancellations

e) standard gauge railway line

f) car tare weight

g) air pressure changes

h) braking system failure

i) train schedule

j) track repair and maintenance

k) passenger address system

l) train arrival and departure time

  (Б) Перепишите предложения, заполняя пропуски подходящими по смыслу атрибутивными словосочетаниями (a-l), данными выше.

1. At the train station, large information displays show ___ as well as information about.

2. The total loaded wagon weight includes the weight of freight and the ___.

3. The railways have an advantage over other modes of transport in their ___.

4. The interior of HS trains must be sealed to prevent passenger discomfort from ___ when they run through a tunnel.

5. The specialized equipment is used to detect ___ and alert railroad companies to potential defects.

  Упр. 6. Текст (А) Прочитайте текст, устно переведите его на русский язык и письменно выполните послетекстовые упражнения.


  The Tsarskoselskaya Railway is the first Russian public railway running between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoe Selo. Until 1851, it was the only railway in the country and the 6th in the world. Its construction started on 1 May 1836 and took 18 months to complete.

On 6 January 1835, Franz Anton von Gerstner, an Austrian engineer sent a letter to Tsar Nicholas I proposing to construct a railway network in Russia. Von Gerstner had perfect qualifications for the project since he had been the engineer of the first public railway on the European continent – the Danube-Moldavia line. He wrote about the advantages, which railway construction had brought to other countries. Von Gerstner gave the examples of American railways to show that they could operate under severe weather conditions in the winter. He also emphasized that due to Russia's geography, railways would benefit it. The relatively flat terrain made railways easy to build and the large distances made them profitable to operate. To convince the Emperor, von Gerstner proposed to build an experimental line from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoe Selo. According to the project, the railway was to start near the center of the Russian capital, travel along the Obvodny Canal and then lead to Pavlovsk Park in Tsarskoe Selo. The Obvodny Canal was to be crossed by a bridge. The route was to be a straight line with only one curve near a bridge over the Obvodny Canal.

On 21 March 1836, the plan was approved. Von Gerstner had promised that the line would be completed by 1 October 1836. He immediately left for Europe to order locomotives, cars, rails and other equipment. He chose the best manufacturers and insisted on high quality despite added costs.

When von Gerstner returned, earthworks were underway. The forest on either side of the railway line had already been cleared to 420 feet out, the swampy areas had been drained and embankments had been built. The bridges were still being erected. The large bridge over the Obvodny Canal went up slowly due to its size and location, but the other 34 bridges were built rather quickly. By the end of 1836, eight kilometers of track had been laid down. The track was constructed with the heaviest cast iron rails available. The wooden sleepers were treated with tar to prevent them from decay. Special measures were taken to ensure that the tracks would not be damaged by winter freezes and thaws. Everything was done to the highest possible quality. Although none of the locomotives had arrived by the 1 October deadline, von Gerstner demonstrated the railway on 27 September. Horses were used to pull two 2-cars trains at a distance of 3 km. Trials were also held on the two following Sundays with great success. By November, several locomotives had been delivered and were ready to be tested. On 3 November 1836, one of the locomotives pulled five cars up and down the completed section of the line. The official opening of the Tsarskoe Selo Railway took place on 30 October 1837. Many guests of honor, including Tsar Nicholas I and a crowd of curious spectators attended the ceremony. Driven by von Gerstner, the Provorny locomotive pulled eight passenger carriages from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoe Selo, reaching the top speed of 64 kmh on one section of the track. On that day, it took a train 35 min to cover 23 km.

After the inauguration, regular rail service between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoe Selo began. Initially, trains were drawn by horses and only on Sundays by steam engines; but after 4 April 1838, steam power was used exclusively.

  (Б) Перепишите следующие фразы и выпишите из текста их английские эквиваленты.

1. эксплуатироваться в условиях суровой зимы

2. прямая железная дорога с одним кривым участком

3. работы по сооружению земляного полотна шли полным ходом

4. участки земли по обе стороны от линии были очищены от лесонасаждений

5. чугунные рельсы самого тяжёлого типа

6. шпалы пропитывали смолой

7. чтобы рельсовый путь не разрушался под воздействием зимних морозов и оттепелей

8. лошади использовались для того, чтобы тянуть 2 двухвагонных состава

9. испытания прошли с большим успехом

10. было начато регулярное железнодорожное сообщение по маршруту Санкт Петербург-Царское Село

  (В) Перепишите предложения. Если утверждение соответствует содержанию текста, напишите "TRUE", если не соответствует – "FALSE". Исправьте неверные утверждения.

1. In January 1835, Tsar Nicholas I sent a letter to Franz von Gerstner proposing to build the railway from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoe Selo.

2. According to von Gerstner, no other country could benefit from railways as much as Russia, due to its climate.

3. The first railway ran along quite a straight line with the sole curvature near a bridge over the Obvodny Canal.

4. Thirty four bridges were erected on the railway line, the bridge over the Vedensky Canal being the largest one.

5. On 30 October 1837, the hooter of a steam locomotive, the Provorny, marked the inauguration of the country's first, 27-km railway that ran from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoye Selo.

  (Г) Из четырёх предложенных вариантов, выберите верный ответ на вопрос к тексту.

1. Why did von Gerstner leave for Europe in March 1836?

a) to celebrate the beginning of construction

b) to hire foreign railway builders

c) to order rolling stock, rails and ties

d) to raise money for the construction

2. What were the rails made of?

a) steel b) wrought iron c) wood d) cast iron

3. Why did horses pull the trains during the track test on 27 September 1836?

a) because horse power was cheaper and more ecologically friendly than steam power

b) because heavy locomotives could damage the newly built track

c) because none of the locomotives was delivered by the deadline

d) because people were afraid of traveling by steam trains

4. Von Gerstner promised that the line would be completed by 1 October 1836. Did he keep his word?

a) Yes, he did b) No, he didn't

5. When did regular service between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoe Selo start?

a) after 1 October 1836 b) after 3 November 1836 c) after 30 October 1837 d) after 4 April 1838  

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