Тест: Стилистика английского языка. Педкампус

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Стилистика английского языка
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Тест: Стилистика английского языка. Педкампус (20 вопросов с ответами)

1. Укажите пропущенный термин: "... deals in fact with all the subdivisions of the language and all their possible usages, is the most all-embracing, "global" trend in style study."

• Stylistic grammar

• Stylistic lexicology

• Literary stylistics

• Functional stylistics

2. Укажите пропущенный термин: "... is a branch of general linguistics which investigates the principles and the effect of the choice and usage of various language means to convey thoughts and emotions in different communication conditions".

• Semantic

• Grammer

• Style Study

• Phonetics

3. Укажите пропущенный термин: "... studies stylistically coloured language means, expressive abilities and semantic nuances of words, forms and constructions."

• Stylistics of resources

• Stylistic lexicology

• Linguo-stylistics

• Comparative stylistics

4. We may distinguish the following styles within the English literary language:

• the scientific prose style

• the belles-letters style

• the style of official documents and presumably some others

• the publicist style

• the newspaper style

5. Укажите пропущенный термин: "... deals with texts within different sciences and professions, but studies mainly deviations from the norm not typicalfeatures."

• Sound stylistics

• Text stylistics

• Language stylistics

• Speech stylistics

6. Укажите пропущенный термин: "... is engaged in the study of style-forming phonetic features of the text. It describes the prosodic features of prose and poetry and variants of pronunciation in different types of speech."

• Linguo-stylistics

• Phonostylistics

• Comparative stylistics

• Stylistic lexicology

7. Укажите пропущенный термин: "... deals with the expressive order of words, types of syntactic links, figures of speech, etc."

• Functional stylistics

• Stylistic Syntax

• Literary stylistics

• Stylistic Morphology

8. Укажите пропущенное слово "... is a product of individual choices and patterns of choices among linguistic possibilities."

• Style

• Mode

• Method

• Speach

9. Укажите поропущенный термин: "... is an oral prepared speech aimed at informing the listener, elucidating and affecting him/her."

• The journalistic articles

• The essay

• TV commentary

• Oratory

10. Укажите пропущенный термин: "... is a small piece of prose on abstract philosophical, literary critical or ethical topic."

• Poem

• Essay

• Poetry

• Article

11. The main aims of Stylistics are:

• to analyze the choice of a definite language means in a row of synonymous forms expressing the thought to convey the information most fully and effectively

• to analyze different expressive means in the languagehierarchy

• to comprise the study of the sounds of human speech

12. Укажите пропущенный термины "... are words used exclusively in poetry and the like."

• Neologisms

• Poeticisms

• Barbarisms

• Slang word

13. Укажите пропущенный термин: "... studies the semantic structure of the word and the interrelation of the denotative and connotative meaning of the word, as well as the interrelation of the stylistic connotations of the word and the context."

• Stylistic Phonetics

• Stylistic lexicology

• Comparative stylistics

• Stylistics of resources

14. The Sub-styles of Newspaper Functional Style are:

• headlines

• brief news items and communiqués

• essays

• advertisements

15. The style of scientific prose has such subdivisions:

• the style of humanitarian sciences

• the style of exact sciences

• the style of science fiction

• the style of popular scientific prose

16. The substyles of official style are:

• style of military document

• style of legal documents

• style of business letters

• style of advertisement

17. Укажите пропущенный термин: "... are coarse words with a strong emotive meaning, mostlyderogatory, normally avoided in polite conversation."

• Slang words

• Jargonisms

• Vulgarisms

• Dialectal words

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