The main political consequence of Stalinism were political reprisals which had led to the vile murder of millions of innocent people including aged persons, invalids, children.
Political reprisals in the USSR have the basis, in my opinion, of internal political sources and are the consequence of Stalinism in its basis, inherently, being antinational, antidemocratic, criminal.
The fierce struggle developed after the October revolution around and inside the new control system, specific criteria of staff selection – to the degree of the "idea" fidelity, to the party membership, to the social origin («from workers», «from the poor») - quickly formed among representatives of all the power structures the spirit of isolation, corporationism that did not prevent to blossom the clannishness, squabbles. The ideas of the world revolution strengthened the moods of a special historical mission, selection, sacrifices. Representatives of party, Soviet, economic, military, retaliatory, the Komsomol, trade-union and other commanding bodies rallied in an original order. This "order" gradually broke off connections, leading its members from under the control of the masses.
1. Правовое обоснование Сталинизма. 6
2. Политические взгляды И. В. Сталина, как идейная основа формирования Сталинизма 10
3. Политические последствия сталинизма, как общие для тоталитарных режимов 17
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3
1. Legal grounds of Stalinism ............................................................................. 5
2. I.V.Stalin's political views as an ideological basis of Stalinism formation ..... 9
3. Political consequences of Stalinism as general ones for totalitarian regimes . 15
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 19
List of literature ................................................................................................ 24
1. Боханов А.Н., Горинов М.М., Дмитренко В.П. и др. История России. XX век/М.: «АСТ», 2001.
2. История политических и правовых учений: Учебник для вузов. В.С. Нерсесянц/М.: Изд-во НОРМА, 2001.
3. История политических учений: Учебник для вузов. О.В. Мартышин/М.: НОРМА, 2002.
4. Курс политология: Учебник/М.: ИНФРА-М, 2002.
5. Орлов А.С., Георгиев В.А., Георгиева Н.Г., Сивохина Т.А. История России с древнейших времен до наших дней. Учебник/М.: «ПБОЮЛ Л.В. Рожников», 2001.
List of Literature
1. Bohanov A.N., Gorinov M.M., Dmitrenko V.P., etc. The History of Russia. XX Century / M.: “AST”, 2001.
2. The history of political and legal doctrines: Textbook for high schools. V.S.Nersesyans/M.: Publishing house, NORMA, 2001.
3. The history of political doctrines: Textbook for high schools. O.V.Martishin/M.: NORMA, 2002.
4. A course of political science: Textbook / M.: INFRA, 2002.
5. Orlov A.S., Georgiev V.A., Georgieva N.G., Sivohina T.A. The history of Russia since ancient times up to now. Textbook / M.: «PBUL L.V.Rozhnikov», 2001.