Тесты10-12_Иностранный язык_Английский_Витте

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16 страниц вопросов с ответами

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A good resume should…

It is widely known that under tough labor-market HRs and other personnel professionals receive hundreds of CVs, which makes a question of attracting attention essential. To increase the chances when sending a CV one needs …

Someone your potential employer can contact to find out more about you

The main objective of manager s presentation is …

What are the most correct ways to answer the question: If the business was not making profit after five years, what would You do?

Which are present-day ways of finding a job?

The key principle of business telephone talks is …

If you disturbed someone by phone you should say ...

 Telephone talks …

Business letters usually …

Which phrases suit telephone etiquette in business?

In business letters prevail …

If you need to phone later it is correct to say

Which phrases suit telephone etiquette in business?

In business telephone talks …

Why are telephone talks more difficult to understand?

Mr. Brown is not available at the moment. Please, try _______ again later.

Установите последовательность предложений в деловом письме с начала

A letter in which a company asks for certain information or certain actions is called an __________ letter

Установите соответствие между этикетными фразами в деловом письме и их переводом

Sorry, you must have dialed a __________ number

A letter in which a company gives a reply is called an ________ letter

It's widely known that a business letter has a certain pattern and structure

It's is universally known that business letters are an inseparable part of business

Contract is an agreement between the parties involved that creates 

Which are the right translations of the word "Contract"?

Which is the right translation for the word "Payment"?

Which are incoterm abbreviations?

Which is the right translation for verb "to sue"?

Which is the right translation for the word "Sample"?

Which is the right translation for the word "Arbitration"?

Which are the factors that make trade the most rapidly developing spheres of human life?

Choose possible clauses of a contract

How many clauses does a contract usually contain 

Установите соответствие между английскими словами и их русскими переводами

It is made from the Buyers' bank account to the Sellers' in accordance with the Buyers' letter of instruction. Actually this method of cash payment may sometimes take several months, which is naturally very disadvantageous to the Sellers. The transfer is carried out at current rates of exchange

Прочитайте отрывок текста из рабочего учебника. Найдите переводы слов. (1) The price stated in a contract may be firm, fixed or sliding. (2) Firm prices are not subject to change in the course of the fulfillment of the contract. (3) Fixed price is the price governing in the market on the day of delivery or for a given period. (4) Sliding price is quoted for machinery and equipment which require a long period of delivery.

Установите соответствие между синонимами

It is often jokingly said that finding a job is a job itself. Indeed this process has so many subtleties and peculiarities that there is a large deal of truth in this statement.

If your position entails always being available to callers, you should actually be available. That means staying focused and answering calls __________. The last thing you want to do is keep a customer waiting

If any ____________ event continues for thirty days or more, either party may terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice

What is the most correct way to answer the question: How do you get with other people?

Management is a function of…

Specific forms of ___________________ are used in many situations: international affairs, the legal system, government, industrial disputes or domestic relationships as examples

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