1. Прочитайте и переведите весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2, 3 и 4 абзацы текста.
1. When starting under way the following procedure should be observed: close recirculating line when the load is sufficient to provide the necessary condensate for the air ejector condensers.
2. Open the proper combination of nozzles to obtain designed steam chest pressure and maximum economy. Close all drains. Control the lubricating oil system checking all bearing temperatures and pressures at least once every watch and record data. Cheсk the location of the turbine rotors by means of the clearance indicators to determine wear in the thrust bearings. This should be done at least once a week while at sea.
3. When finished with the engine shut off the main steam stop valve and shut down the air ejectors, allowing the vacuum to break through the air ejector vents. Shut off the glandsealing steam. Shut down the main circulating pump.
4. Open all turbine and manoeuvring drain valves. Keep the condenser pumps working until the turbine is thoroughly drained. Then shut down the pumps. To keep the turbine interiors dry, it is important that the air pumps or ejectors be run for about 1/2 hour every second day to draw fresh air through the turbine.
5. Connect the turning gear and roll the unit for about 2 hours. After the turning gear has been disconnected, shut down the lubricating pumps.
6. Every day start the oil pump and force a fresh supply of oil through all bearings, and to the gear spray nozzles if gears are fitted. While the oil is being circulated, turn the turbine rotors through 1 1/2 revolutions of the propeller in order to oil all the gear teeth and to let the rotors come to rest in a new position.
2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1). What procedures should be observed when under way?
2). What should you do to obtain designed steam pressure?
3). When can you shut down the lubricating pump?
4). Why should you turn the turbine rotors?
3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям:
1) парораспределительная коробка;
2) на ходу;
3) индикатор зазора;
4) данные;
5) соблюдать;
6) зубья шестерни;
7) износ;
8) маслоподающее сопло;
9) расчетный;
10) воздушные клапана.
4. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее и сказуемое, подчеркните одной и двумя чертами соответственно, определите время и залог. Переведите.
1). When starting under way the following procedure should be observed.
2). You must shut down the main circulating pump.
3). The condenser pumps are working until the turbine is thoroughly drained.
4). Every day you start the oil pump and force a fresh supply of oil through all bearings.
5). The oil is being circulated.
5. Образуйте от глаголов, данных ниже, Причастие I и Причастие II. Переведите:
- to close - to record
- to check - to provide
- to determine - to observe
- to break - to shut
- to connect - to keep
6. Составьте диалог по теме «Знакомство» (Вы устраиваетесь на работу и беседуете со старшим механиком о своей будущей работе, обязанностях).