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6. Read and translate the tex
Medicinal plants and herbs contain substances known to modem and ancient civilizations for their healing properties. Until the development of Chemistry and, particularly, of the synthesis of organic compounds in the 19th century, medicinal plants and herbs were the sole source of active principles capable of curing man’s ailments. They continue to be important to people that do not have access to modem medicines and, moreover, modem Pharmaceuticals rely heavily on the same active principles, be they natural or synthetic. The active principles differ from plant to plant due to their biodiversity, i.e. to the plant’s genetic coding ability to produce them
With thousands of active principles yet to be discovered or fully evaluated, it is no wonder that biodiversity is a fundamental topic on any nature preservation agenda. The genetic material of old and new herbs and plants are coveted for their potential in discovering, combining, manipulating and synthesizing new medicine. Thus, even if people are not aware of the pharmaceutical industry does not stress the point, medicinal plants and herbs continue to be the source of proven medicaments and of new and revolutionary drugs. If the active principles of synthetic drugs are so important and can be found in many plants and herbs, cheaply and easily bought at your home market or Herbalist, why not use them? If taken in the appropriate dose and form, they can be as effective as pharmaceutical drugs
The chemistry of herbs is subtle and complex, all herbs being very powerful chemical factories. The main active constituents fall into eight main groups: acids; carbohydrates; phenols; volatile (essential) oils; saponins; glycosides; bitters and alkaloids.
II. Read and translate the sentences with Complex Subject
1. Grippe is known to be a highly communicable disease.
2. Adonis vernalis is said not to be cumulative.
3. Our professor is likely to come soon.
4. Atoms are known to be tiny and invisible compounds.
5. Water pollution is considered to be perhaps an ever greater hazard to health than air pollution.
III. Read and translate the sentences with Complex Object
1. I know him to have passed the exam very well.
2. The fact made him think.
3. The doctor told the patient to take the drug three times a day.
4. I want my friend to assist me during my work.
5. Doctors found interferon to be effective against flu.
6. We know this professor to teach pharmacology very well.
7.The students want the teacher to explain the following phenomena.
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Present and Past Participles
Переведите предложения на русский язык
1. The patients admitted to the hospital developed heart failure.
2. Examining the patient he revealed moist rales in the left lung
3. The nurse is taking the patient’s temperature now
4. When brought to the hospital, he complained of malaise
5. He has not prerpared the remedy yet
6. Grippe is a highly communicable and rapidly spreading disease
7. The drug used healed the wounds in a short time
8. The problem concerning cancer is the most urgent one
9. Having tested the method, the researcher made an interesting report
10. A high temperature was followed by vomiting.
Переведите предложения на русский язык
1. The report made at the conference concerned the problem of cancer
2. Three days later the operated patient had feld better
3. Having left school, he entered the medical academy
4. Spreading rapidly, grippe may affect a great number of persons
5. Doctors treating skin diseases are called dermatologists
6. The patient was suffering from severe pains in the back
7. The repeated analyses revealed nothing new
8. Following the doctor’s prescription, the patient will recover soon
9. Examining the man the doctor revealed some murmurs in his heart
10. The treatment of virus diseases is followed by the development of new drugs.
1. Define the function of the verb “to have ”
1. Roots with different forms have special names.
2. We have already read this book.
3. Aloe has a very short woody stem.
4. You have to take a teaspoonful of this infusion 3 or 4 times a day.
5. My brother has helped me to collect aloe leaves.
6. She has to translate this text.
7. Drugs are classified into groups which have a specific action.
2. Read and translate the sentences. Pay attention to Modal Verbs
1. Bacteria can only be seen with microscope.
2. Digitalis may be readjly grown from seeds.
3. If you dry plants carelessly the drug may be spoiled.
4. Our specialists are able to compound different prescriptions.
5. Nick had to take a tablespoonful of mixture three times a day.
6. We must take vitamin B daily.
6. The patient was allowed to take this analgetic.
7. To become a good specialist you should achieve knowledge of different subjects.
8. May I use your dictionary?
3. Read and translate the sentences. Pay attention to Complex Subject
1. Aspirin and paracetamol are known to relieve pain and lower temperature.
2. The infection is said to spread very quickly.
3. The vaccine is reported to have been tested successfully.
4. Foxglove leaves appear to have been used externally by Welsh physicians.
5. The new substance turned out to be a compound of oxygen.
6. The drug appears to be non-toxic for all practical purposes.
7. She seems to have forgotten everything.
8. This man is likely to have appendicitis.
9. HIV is certain to spread through contaminated blood.
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