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Контрольная по английскому языку


upon withdrawal. Because of this agitation, the amphetamines are of little use in the treatment of severe depression. The clinical anti-depressants, however, have limited use in the treatment of emotional depression, although electroconvulsive therapy appears to the more effective in cases of severe depression.

It appears that little if any physical dependence on either amphetamine or cocaine develops, although fatigue, profound sleep, brain-wave (EEC) changes, lethargy, and emotional depression may be observed upon withdrawal. Tolerance of cocaine does not occur, but the tolerance of amphetamines that develops becomes marked, often reaching daily doses of thousands of milligrams intravenously. The potential of psychological dependence on both compounds is quite high. Tolerance and dependence do not appear to be problematic with the clinical anti-depressants.

The other stimulants (caffeine, nicotine, and the convulsants) do not appear to exert a primary action on the NE system, and the behavioral effects of these agents are not thought to involve the continuum from depression through mania. These latter compounds are less selective in their action: their general stimulation of the cerebral cortex, brainstem, and/or spinal cord results in increases In behavioral excitation.

Consumer Psychology

Consumer psychology is a branch of applied psychology concerned with questions about the optimal means for making goods and services available providing information about them, developing and testing methods for promoting interest in their acquisition and investigating how they might be consume with maximum satisfaction and benefit to the customer.

From the broadest point of view, consumer psychology is concerned with the individual's behavioral expressions of value — that is, the ways in which he or she spends his time and money. These range from candy and toothpaste to savings for college education from spending a few hours viewing television or reading the newspaper to the philatelist's absorption with old or rare stumps. Therefore, whatever the individual consumes - however he uses his time or spends his money — is an object for study by the consumer psychologist.

The consumer psychologist is concerned with the psychological determinants of the individual's behavior as a consumer. An important distinction is made between high and low involvement consumer decisions. When decisions have high personal importance or relevance, like the purchase of a clothing outfit to be worn on a special occasion, consumers typically engage in an extensive search for information that incorporates not only input from advertising sources but careful appraisals of anticipated reactions from others in their reference group. While high involvement choices activate extensile problem-solving behavior, low involvement choices, such as the purchase of an inexpensive ballpoint pen. are more impulsive, reflecting such factors as brand recognition The shape and color of a package, or its position in a display case, will have a greater impact on low involvement decisions Beyond marketing research, consumer psychologists have been called upon to study the consumer's attitudes toward and the means for influencing his acceptance of devices or behaviors that are generally considered to be in his best interest, particularly in the fields of health and safety. Among the many illustrations of this relatively new area of study are the individual's responses to seat belts in automobiles as well as his attitudes concerning air pollution, smoking, and other health hazards.

The consumer psychologist may also be consulted for studies aimed at understanding how attitudes may be changed.

Applications. Since the techniques and procedures for conducting consumer research are very similar to those used in opinion research or public opinion polling, psychologists engaged in consumer research are often engaged in public opinion studies as well. Opinion research is supported by foundations, government agencies, universities, the mass media, political organizations.


I. Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский.

1. The lecturer stressed that psychology had been first established as a separate science in 1879.

2. Association method is being widely applied in psychology now.

3. Psychological theories of crime have been widely criticized.

II. Перепишите следующие предложение и переведите их на русский пик, обращая внимание ив разные значения слов it, that, one. 

1. It is difficult to classify all branches of psychology.

2. It is society’s effect on criminal behavior that sociological criminology focuses on.

3. Convicted murderers with a history of violent offences had a much higher incidence of hyperactivity, temper tantrums (вспышки гнева), and other extraverted features during childhood than those without previous criminal records of violence.

4. Conducting any socio-psychological investigation one must observe certain ethical norms.

III. Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните в них объектный и субъектный инфинитивный оборот. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Most criminals are suggested to be extraverts.

2. Psychology is unlikely to be able to formulate basic “truths" about crime without help from other disciplines and areas of research.

3. Humanists believe man to be basically good and conscious forces to be more important than unconscious forces.

IV. Перепишите следующие предложения, найдите в них придаточные предложении условия и подчеркните их. Переведите предложения на русский язык, учитывая особенности перевода условных предложений.

1. If one tries to sum up the antisocial реrsonality in just a few words, irresponsibility and lack of concern for others will be among them.

2. If the situation permitted they would test this method.

3. If we had not succeeded in obtaining the desired results, we would have tried to make more experiments.

V. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1,2,3 и 4 абзацы текста.

The Power of Group Roles

1 One thing that psychologists have noticed is that people often seem to “fit” the roles within a group. It is the role that shapes the individual, not the other way around. There is no better illustration of this fundamental fact than a study conducted by psychologist Philip Zimbardo and his colleagues.

2 Zimbardo set out to examine how the prison roles of inmate and guard affect how people act. Studying this subject in a real prison would have presented problems. So Zimbardo conducted his study in his own “mock" prison, set up in the basement of a Stanford University building. Over seventy-five students volunteered to participate in the two-week simulation. Of these, Zimbardo selected twenty-one for their emotional stability and maturity. Completely at random he assigned ten to the role of prisoner and eleven to the role of guard

3. The research having become too frighteningly real, Zimbardo was forced to abandon it after only six days. The guards began to use their power harshly. They repeatedly demeaned the inmates. The reaction of the prisoners was equally disturbing. They developed symptoms of severe anxiety or were reduced to servile robots.

4. The demands of being an inmate оr a guard became so dominant that subjects' personalities temporarily changed. If normal, well-adjusted young men can 68 so transformed by the parts they are playing in psychological study, it is likely that many roles in real life can also exert an enormous influence on us.

VI. Прочитайте 5 абзац текста и ответьте письменно на следующий вопрос

Ноw did Zimbardo hope to make the high price paid for the data of his research socially worthwhile? 

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