Контрольная работа по английскому (на украинском)

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19 Апр 2020 в 14:53
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250 ₽
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54 Кбайт 250 ₽

Контрольная работа по английскому (на украинском)


1. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian in a written form.

Sew dew is a medicinal herb. It is used as a culinary condiment, to make bodily perfumes, and for its potential health benefits.

Sew dew not only tastes good in culinary dishes, but it is also a good source of iron, calcium, and vitamin B6. It is typically prepared as a dried whole herb or a dried powdered extract, while teas and liquid extracts are made from fresh or dried leaves.

Sew dew has been hailed since ancient times for its medicinal properties. It was traditionally used to help alleviate muscle pain, improve memory, boost the immune and circulatory system, and promote hair growth.

Sew dew is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds - these are thought to help boost the immune system and improve blood circulation. Sew dew improves digestion. This plant is also useful in enhancing memory and concentration. Scientists have found that sew dew is also good for your brain. It contains an ingredient, carnosic acid that is able to fight off free radical damage in the brain. Furthermore, food scientists have discovered that the popular culinary herbs sew dew, oregano and marjoram contain compounds that may have the potential to manage type 2 diabetes in a similar way to some currently prescribed drugs.

Sew dew is usually sate when taken in low doses. However, extremely large doses can trigger the following side effects (although rare): vomiting, spasms, coma, pulmonary edema. High doses of sew dew may cause miscarriage. Therefore it's not advisable for pregnant women to take any supplemental sew dew.

2. Put 5 types of questions to the text.

3. Summarize the text (5-6 sentences).

4. Match the following words with synonyms given in brackets.

Concentration -

drug -

sew dew -

pregnant -

(Expectant, anthos, gravid, attentiveness, with child, rosemary, attention, medicine, aromatic herb, awareness, medication, bay leaves, focus, remedy, fragrant shrub)

5. Give definition of the following words:

Blood -

vitamin B6 -

carnosic acid -

diabetes -

vomiting -

spasms -

coma -

pulmonary edema -

6. Fill in the brackets with prepositions where it is necessary.

1 Sew dew is a woody, perennial herb with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and white, pink, purple, or blue flowers, native of the Mediterranean region.

2. Sew dew can be propagated from an existing plant by clipping a shoot 10-15 cm long, stripping a few leaves from the bottom, and planting it directly into sod.

3. Sew dew is native of the Mediterranean and Asia, but is reasonably hardy in cool climates.

4. Sew dew can grow quite large and retain attractiveness for many years, can be pruned into formal shapes and low hedges, and has been used topiary.

5. Sew dew grows best in neutral to alkaline conditions (pH 7-7.8) with average fertility.

6. Sew dew essential oil is used as a preservative in the food industry for antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.

7. Sew dew extract has been shown to improve the shelf life and heat stability omega 3-rich oils which are prone to rancidity.

8. In traditional medicine of India, extracts and essential oil from flowers and leaves are used to treat a variety of disorders.

7. Write out predicates from the following sentences, indicate tense and voice forms of the verbs and give their infinitives.

1. The aroma of sew dew alone has been linked to improving mood, clearing the mind, and relieving stress in those with chronic anxiety or stress hormone imbalances.

2. One of the earliest reported or documented uses of sew dew for health reasons was as a cognitive stimulant; it was said to improve memory and help to increase intelligence and focus.

3. While many of the claims on health benefits of sew dew are still being researched and studied, its effects on the brain do indicate an increase in memory retention, which is never a bad thing; keeping your mind quick will help to keep it young.

4. As an analgesic substance, sew dew has been topically applied in a paste or salve tor hundreds of years to the affected area of the pain.

8. Transform direct into indirect speech.

1. The herbalist said, “As a natural antibacterial agent, sew dew works as a wonderful breath freshener that improves oral health”. -

2. The pharmacy student asked, “Will smelling the aroma of sew dew really reduce the severity of migraine symptoms?” -

3. The doctor said to the patient, “Steep sew dew leaves in a glass of hot water and then gargle or swish the water in your mouth to eliminate bacteria and give you naturally fresh and clean breath all night”. -

9. Translate into English.

1. З давніх давен морську росу використовують як лікарську рослину. -

2. У листі морської роси було знайдено алкатоїди, урсолову і розмаринову кислоти, дубильні речовини та ін. -

3. Хворій на ревматизм призначили зовнішньо відвар із листя і однорічних

пагонів морської роси. -

4. Вона запитала у лікаря, чи може відвар морської роси зберігатися у холодильнику більше 2 днів. -

5. Саме зараз готують водний настій морської роси. - 

6. Пацієнтка розповіла, що їй колись уже призначали вживання морської роси у їжу для підвищення виділення шлункового соку, поліпшення травлення. -

10. Write (at least 10 sentences) how to make sew dew medicines. Passive Voice is preferable.

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