Заказ № 2572. Сибирский институт бизнеса и информационных технологий. Дисциплина: Английский. Практическая работа №1.

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29 Июн 2023 в 07:05
Сибирский институт бизнеса и информационных технологий
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Готово_Английский язык. Практическая работа №1
24.4 Кбайт 100 ₽

Сибирский институт бизнеса и информационных технологий.

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык. Английский.  Практическая работа №1.

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Принята с первого раза, без доработок.

После покупки вы получите файл Word (8 стр. отчет с титульником).

В работе выполнены задания, представленные ниже, в оглавлении.                                                     


Практическое задание

Task 1.

Read the texts and translate them. Use the information from these texts to write a letter in the following task.


Writing an appreciation letter for gifts, favours, courtesies, hospitality, donations,

congratulations is a great way to let others know that they are appreciated. Letters are a great

way to say thank you to someone who deserves praise. People respond positively when treated

kindly. Employees work harder when they feel appreciated. With a sincere, well-written

appreciation letter you can improve relations with words of admiration, gratitude, and


Whether it's for a friend or family member, or a business associate or client, appreciation

letters promote positive feedback. Write your appreciation letter within a few days of whatever

happened to inspire your gratitude.

Consider letter's recipient. If Aunt Jane sent you the best gift ever, a hand written note

works best. If an employee or business associate deserves a word of thanks, types it out and hand

sign it. Use customized letterhead for business correspondence.

Address your appreciation letter to a specific person. If possible, not just to the company

or to the organization in general.

Keep it simple. Everyone likes praise and they can hear great things about themselves all

day but, if you keep the thanks short and simple, the message will come across as sincere.

Tell them what they did. Make sure the person knows what efforts they're being

acknowledged for. Thank them for their time, effort, a gift or just being there.

Let them know what it meant to you. Relay to the person how their help or effort affected

you positively. If you're writing an appreciation letter for a gift, let them know how you will be

using it.

Encourage future efforts. In the case of friends or family, reiterate your hopes that you

will see each other soon or stay in touch. With employees or business associates, if you hope to

work together in future endeavors, state that. A big part of feeling appreciated is feeling wanted

or needed.


letter of appreciation – благодарственное письмо

favour – помощь, содействие

courtesy – учтивость, обходительность

donation – денежное пожертвование

gratitude – благодарность, признательность

recognition – одобрение, признание (чьих-либо заслуг и т.п.)

reiterate – повторять

endeavour – попытка, старание; стремление


An invitation letter is a formal way to invite colleagues and clients to events which are being

hosted by the company and are one of the most popular ways of inviting guests to functions. The

professional invitation should be written in a formal tone.

The introduction allows the host and sender to introduce themselves, as well as the organization

in which they have chosen to represent. A simple background of the individual or company will

suffice in this section of the letter.

Next, in the body of the letter it is important to outline all of the information about the event. The

date and time should be included as well as the theme and purpose for the event. At this point, a

date should be mentioned in which guests should provide their reply by, attire and items required

for the guest to bring.

Next, in one sentence, the appreciation for the guest to attend the party should be shown. This

can be completed with a formal note, stating that you look forward to seeing the individual at the

event. Remember, this needs to keep in tone with the rest of the letter.

The conclusion should contain the sign off and a line that ties the complete letter together,

drawing the end of the invitation, with a salutation and a signature.

A friendly invitation letter is similar to a business letter but contains less formal speech and can

make nuances with memories that may be shared with the guests whom are being invited to the


Friendly invitation letters are used for a variety of reasons from engagement parties to wedding

invitations. They can also be used for personal parties as well as housewarming get together.

Personal invitation letters should be signed with a less formal sign off, such as: yours sincerely,

best, or sincerely.

Task 2.

Write a letter to your business partner where you thank him or her for the help in

organizing a conference, and invite him to the event devoted to the launch of a new product

and inform about the place and time of it. Remember the information from the texts above.

The letter should contain:

- the logos and the addresses of both companies;

- the date;

- greeting phrase;

- opening;

- main body;

- conclusion;

- the name of your position in the company

- your name and the signature.

Постарайтесь четко и лаконично выразить свои мысли и намерения. Адреса и названия придумываете сами или берете реально существующие. Помните о разнице в оформлении адресов в русском и английском варианте. Текст письма должен быть написан в официально-деловом стиле.


Пожалуйста, внимательно изучайте оглавление работы. Деньги за приобретённую готовую работу, по причине несоответствия данной работы вашим требованиям, или её уникальности, не возвращаются, поскольку цена значительно дешевле, чем заказывать новую работу.

 Также, при необходимости, после покупки Вы можете заказать на данном сайте необходимые дополнения к работе.

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