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1. Многофункциональные глагол
Переведите предложения на русский язык, указать глаголы
1. In any case the usefulness of these correlations is questionable. (смысловой глагол
2. The amino group is in the β-position. (глагол-связка
3. Work is under way to settle this point. (глагол-связка
4. A simpler method is to render the aqueous solution more acidic. (модальный глагол
5. Every fact is a process rather than a static entity. (смысловой глагол
6. The plus or minus sign is to be chosen in each of these equations. (модальный глагол
7. Further we are to give up these assumptions. (модальный глагол
8. A different method of procedure would be to list all the known geometric facts. (вспомогательный глагол
9. Symbolism is not only of practical use but of great interest. (смысловой глагол
10. We are trying to do our best. (вспомогательный глагол
11. One criterion could be to consider first tests covering fewest faults. (модальный глагол)

1. More education does not necessarily mean faster growth. In general, however, it probably does. (вспомогательный глагол; смысловой глагол
2. The first argument relies as it does on these assumptions. (смысловой глагол
3. The labor market does not work perfectly. (вспомогательный глагол
4. It cannot be done satisfactorily. (вспомогательный глагол
5. Only then did it work perfectly. (смысловой глагол
6. The investigation does, however, illustrate two basic approaches to the problem. (смысловой глагол
7. We do not possess any accurate understanding of cause and effect. (вспомогательный глагол) Nor do we know how to evaluate the performance of the system. (вспомогательный глагол
8. These effects can be done away with the help of the new model. (вспомогательный глагол)
Вариант 1
1. They have a car. (смысловой глагол
2. We have to meet next week and discuss our plan. (модальный глагол
3. I have done my translation. (вспомогательный глагол
4. We had past our examinations by the first of July. (вспомогательный глагол
5. Alex has to make many international phone calls. (модальный глагол)
2. Многофункциональные окончания
1b Определите функцию окончания –s у слов в предложениях. Предложения переведите на Русский язык
1. The USA borders Canada on the north and reaches south to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. (признак 3-го лица ед. ч.
2. There are two cinemas in the town. (признак мн.ч. существительного
3. The GB’s longest rivers are the Clyde and the Thames. (признак притяжательного падежа им. сущ.
4. The UK’s Parliament is made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. (признак притяжательного падежа им. сущ.; признак мн.ч. существительного
5. For art lovers, the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square has a beautiful collection of paintings. (признак мн.ч. существительного
6. Washington, which belongs to the specially created Federal district of Columbia (DC), is used always as the scene for mass demonstrations and rallies. (указывает на 3-е лицо ед. ч.; признак мн.ч. существительного
7. The United Nations Organization’s members are to take collective measures – to develop friendly relations among nations. (признак притяжательного падежа им. сущ.; указывает на 3-е лицо ед. ч.; признак мн.ч. существ.
8. Another famous London figure is one of England’s greatest seamen, Admiral Nelson. (признак притяжательного падежа им. сущ.
9. They wear red uniforms, shining helmets, long black boots and long white gloves. (признак мн.ч. существ.
10. He goes to work by car, which takes him 20 minutes. (указывает на 3-е лицо ед. ч.
11. The Romans houses and roads, castles and theatres can still seen. признак мн.ч. существ.)
2b. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на слова оканчивающиеся на -er
1. The higher your expectations, the greater will be your disappointment. (прилаг.; прилаг.
2. The dancer gives objectivity to her feelings. (им. сущ.; местоим.
3. The broader the knowledge available the sooner are the difficulties explained. (прилаг.; прилаг.
4. They are our elders. (им. сущ.
5. The earnings of the educated are greater than those of the uneducated. (прилаг.
6. The interviewer must often know the interests of the interviewee and develop a conversation along these lines. (им. сущ.
7. They were few in number. (им. сущ.
8. The use of an analog computer permits one to obtain such records quite rapidly. (им. сущ.
9. Further, we consider the image changes. (наречие; глаг.)
3a Определите, к каким частям речи относятся слова с окончанием –ing. Предложения переведите на Русский язык
1. You should think before speaking. (герундий
2. After finding a new word in the dictionary, I wrote it down and went on reading. (причастие, герундий
3. He spent much time on the copying of his literature lectures. (герундий
4. What do you mean by saying that? (причастие
5. The students find the reading of English newspapers rather difficult at first. (герундий
6. Instead of going home after classes? Students went on disco. (герундий
7. Chalk is used for writing on the blackboard. (герундий
8. We sat on the riverside listening to the running of the water. (герундий; причастие)
4b Определите, к каким частям речи относятся слова с окончанием –ed. Предложения переведите на Русский язык
1. The transported gases are compressed into strong cycling. (причастие; причастие (составное сказуемое)
2. It is interesting to mention that at least a hundred organic compounds are added every day. (числительное; причастие (составное сказуемое)
3. Fermi started to work at splitting nucleus and in 1939 he showed that then uranium nucleus was split by slow neutrons, two-three fast neutrons were emitted. (глагол; глагол; причастие (составное сказуемое)
4. In 1949 the Soviet Government announced that the sectret of the atom bomb no longer existed and the USA had lost its atomic monopoly. (глагол; глагол
5. Papers described Nobel’s inventions as “terrible means of destruction” and he was named “a dynamite king” and “a merchant of death”. (глагол; причастие (составное сказуемое)
6. The purpose of the traffic control system based on electronics is to make easier the work of traffic controllers who direct the movement of trains on the most intensive lines. (причастие
7. The question is often asked: “what is an electric current?” No one has ever seen it. (причастие (составное сказуемое)
8. Their having operated the gas changed the results of the experiment. (причастие; глагол
9. Many problems had to be solved: the main one was that of “braking” the released neutrons efficiently so that the chain reaction could be controlled. (причастие (составное сказуемое)); причастие; причастие (составное сказуемое))
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