Leibniz were involved in a bitter … . Calculus was a … that allowed for the solution of previously unsolvable problems. The abacus was very important in ancient times because it allowed people to do
general-purpose computing device called the analytical engine was developed in 1837 by … *James Powers *Vannevar Bush *Charles Babbage *William Seward Burrough 3. Arrange the computers in chronological order
Both Newton and Leibniz are credited with being the … of calculus. *mathematicians *inventors *legacies *breakthroughs 2. Calculus was a … that allowed for the solution of previously unsolvable problems. *rivalry
1. “The Arts and Crafts movement” advocated the need for …-designed products. *good *best *well *poorly 2. A degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of a picture is called … 3. A gauge
Everyday Life Тема 3. Design Schools Тема 4. Types of Design Тема 5. Elements of Design Тема 6. The Importance of Color in Design Тема 7. Ergonomics Тема 8. Modern Design and Architecture Заключение
The slide rule in its basic form uses … logarithmic scales to allow fast multiplication and division of numbers Burroughs converted to electronic desk … and in the mid to late 1970s their products dropped
general-purpose computing device called the analytical engine was developed in 1837 by … *James Powers *Vannevar Bush *Charles Babbage *William Seward Burrough 3. Arrange the computers in chronological order
species as the data storage element, rather than e.g. circuits, magnetics, inorganic materials or physical shapes 2. … AE has been ported to leading high-availability CompactPCI platforms such as the CPX8000
(Информационно-зависимое общество) Тема 3. Development of microelectronics (Развитие микроэлектроники) Тема 4. The information management challenges (Проблемы управления информацией) Часть 2 Тема 5. SoftwarE. PeoplewarE
homework *mixed age classes 4. Inductive approach starts with giving … to the learners and then letting them to use it to figure out the rules by themselves *strategies *examples *tests *educational materials
computing device called the analytical engine was developed in 1837 by … · James Powers · Vannevar Bush · Charles Babbage · William Seward Burrough Arrange the computers in chronological
предложенных вариантов Trackpad Sensor panel Touchpad Как правильно интерпретировать команду “click the ‘minimize’ button”?Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких
Итоговая аттестация Итоговый тест Компетентностный тест. 1. ‘Safe’ small talk topic is … 2. … is the act of sending a document, plan, etc to someone so that they can consider it 3. … motivation 4. …
systems as it allows them to handle increased workloads and accommodate growing user basesТип ответа: Текcтовый ответ … means the speed at which data is created and processedТип ответа: Текcтовый ответ A
(Развитие микроэлектроники) Тема 4. What is operating system (Что такое операционная система) Тема 5. The information management challenges (Проблемы управления информацией) Тема 6. Real time operating system
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(Развитие микроэлектроники) Тема 4. What is operating system (Что такое операционная система) Тема 5. The information management challenges (Проблемы управления информацией) Тема 6. Real time operating system
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