Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности, ответы на тесты (итоговый, компетентностный тест), 64 ответа. Синергия / МТИ / МОИ / МосАП

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Синергия / МТИ / МОИ / МосАП
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Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (оценка, 100) Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (оценка, 100)
58.5 Кбайт 58.5 Кбайт
Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (оценка) Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (оценка)
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Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (ответы)
29.7 Кбайт 350 ₽
  • 64 вопроса с ответами
  • Результат итогового теста: 54-60 баллов из 60
  • Результат компетентностного теста: 30 баллов из 40
  • Общий результат: 84-90 баллов из 100

В работе представлены ответы на 64 вопроса, встречающихся в итоговом и компетентностном тестах.

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In 1936, Alan Turing invented a universal machine, which was later called ...

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О the Colossus

О the Turing machine

О the Differential Analyzer

О the Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine


... are made for program logic and for computer memory

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О Microchips

О Monitors

О Usb-ports

О Vacuum tubes


Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: "In 1944 Howard Aiken (develop)... Mark I that could perform calculations involving large numbers"


Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: "Displays (attain)... VGA resolution by 1988, and 256-color screens were available by 1993"


. integrated circuits are the name for the initial generations of commercially produced microelectronic devices (SSI)


The metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect.... which stands for MOSFET, is the most common in microelectronics


The ... is a small-scale special-purpose electronic digital machine for the solution of systems of linear algebraic equations and the first electronic computer incorporating vacuum tubes for digital computation

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О Colossus

О Turing machine

О Differential Analyzer

О Atanasoff-Berry computer


Arrange the stages in the history of transistors in chronological order:

Тип ответа: Сортировка

1 use of vacuum tubes

2 creating a bipolar transistor

3 manufacture of field-effect transistors


Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: "The microchip which (be)... a key component in the development of the personal computer"


Match the parts of one sentence:

A. Today's IT managers are faced with the task...

B. Another area where microelectronics has excelled is...

C. For the past 20 years,...

D. Microelectronics has influenced our daily lives in a variety of ways,...

E. ...in the field of robotics

F. ...of providing more services to more users

G. ...the design of computer processors has remained stable

H. ...making our routines a little more pleasant



The unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities, money, etc. than other people, is called .


Match the abbreviations and transcripts:

Тип ответа: Сопоставление





E. medium-scale integrated circuits

F. arithmetic and logic unit

G. large-scale integrated circuit

H. small-scale integrated circuits


The transistor's most significant advantage over the best vacuum tubes was that it consumed far...

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О less power

О more power

О less voltage

О more voltage


Nanoelectronics is the most... breakthrough in technical development

О perfect

О distant

О ancient

О recent


The slide rule in its basic form uses... logarithmic scales to allow fast multiplication and division of numbers

О two

О three

О four

О five


The largest number of internet users currently in .

О China

О Russia

О the USA

О South Africa


Arrange the computers in chronological order of their creation:

Тип ответа: Сортировка

1   abacus

2   Napier's bones

3   Analytical Engine

4    ENIAC



Match the parts of one sentence:

А. Bell Telephone Laboratories' John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley...

B. A second type of transistor was conceived...

C. Small-scale integrated circuits are the name...

D. Medium-scale integrated circuits have more than around 10 gates on a chip...

E. ...given to the earliest generations of commercially produced microelectronic devices (SSI)

F. ...about 25 years before bipolar transistors

G. ...devised the bipolar transistor in 1948

H. ...but fewer than approximately 200


The term "developed post-industrial society" was introduced by .

О W. Martin

О I. Rakitov

О N. Kurnosov

О F. Machlup


The explosion in world population and the rise of globalised trade demanded even faster and more flexible tools for processing ...

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О data

О trading

О building

О shipment


One of the advantages of Russia is an advantageous geographical location between trade and information and telecommunication flows...

О South-East

О West-East

О South-North

О North-East


Below is a description of one of the technologies: "It is a subfield of electronics. These devices are typically made from semiconductor materials. These include transistors, capacitors, inductors, resistors, diodes and (naturally) insulators and conductors. As a result, this kind of IT has the potential to lower skill requirements in some vocations while raising them in others. It has influenced our daily lives in a variety of ways, making our routines a little more pleasant". Which technology is described in the text?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О This is a description of photonics, which are an application of light generation, detection, and manipulation through emission, transmission, modulation, signal processing, switching, amplification, and sensing

О This is a description of nanoelectronics, because it refers to the use of nanotechnology in electronic components. It is a set of devices and materials, with the common characteristic that they are so small that inter-atomic interactions and quantum mechanical properties need to be studied extensively

О This is a description of microelectronics, because as the name suggests, microelectronics relate, to the study and manufacture (or microfabrication) of very small electronic designs and components


A system of consumption and production that is based on intellectual capital is ... economy


The description of a type of microcomputer is down below: "This type of microcomputer is just like a Mobile Device, but bigger than Smartphone and smaller then Notebook Computer. Just like Totally Smartphone feature like Touch screen display, power full Battery Backup and we can calling and receiving call and click pictures and anything". Find out, what kind of microcomputer it is.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О This is a description of the tablet

О This is a description of the laptop

О This is a description of the smartphone


It... be noted that the problem of inequality in access to new information technologies is acute not only at the international level, but also at the micro level within each individual state

О must

О have to

О has to

О should


According to the ... criterion highlighted by W. Martin, the main characteristics of the information society are information technology, which is widely used in production, institutions, the education system and in everyday life

О social

О cultural

О economic

О technological


"Molecular..." is a term for data storage technologies that use molecular species as the data storage element, rather than e.g. circuits, magnetics, inorganic materials or physical shapes


According to the research company comScore Networks in 2019, the number of Internet users worldwide amounted to 747 million people. The United States has the largest audience of Internet users - 153.4 million people, that is, almost every second American regularly goes online. In second place is China - in China today 86.8 million Internet users. Russia still occupies 13th place in terms of the number of people connected to the Network - 12.7 million people. However, Africa with 800 million people accounts for only 1 % of the total number of its users in the world, with 90 % of them living in South Africa. Identify the type of information society problem in the above case study.

О labor unemployment

О inequality of countries and regions

О insecurity of personal data


Medium-scale integrated circuits have more than around 10 ... on a chip but fewer than approximately 200 (MSI)


The transistor's most significant advantage over the best vacuum tubes was that it...

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О produced a lot of heat

О consumed far less power

О took 1 to 2 minutes to warm up

О were less reliable and had a shorter lifespan


Transferred data might contain some important...

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного с

О information

О signs

О chains

О texts


Arrange the operating systems in descending order of popularity in 2022 (according to website StatCounter GlobalStats):

Тип ответа: Сортировка

1 Microsoft Windows

2 Apple Inc's macOS

3 Chrome OS

4 Linux


If you have an old system, the running process will be too ... and inefficient

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О unpredictable

О slow

О fast

О clear


Identify the sequence of information management steps:

Тип ответа: Сортировка

1 the acquisition of information from one or more sources

2 the custodianship and the distribution of that information to those who need

3 ultimate disposal of information through archiving or deletion


Arrange the microelectronics in chronological order of their creation:

Тип ответа: Сортировка

1 vacuum tube

2 bipolar transistor





... computer is a type of computers that harnesses the collective properties of quantum states, such as superposition, interference, and entanglement, to perform calculations


Match the main characteristics of the information society according to the following criteria by W. Martin:






recognition of the cultural value of information by promoting the assertion of information values in the interests of the development of the individual and society as a whole.

the key factor is information technologies, which are widely used in production, institutions, the education system and in everyday life.

freedom of information leading to a political process characterized by growing participation and consensus among different classes and social strata of the population

information is a key factor in the economy as a resource, service, product, source of value added and employment.

information acts as an important stimulant for changing the quality of life, «information consciousness» is formed and affirmed with wide access to information.


A roadblock to data availability such as connectivity means that... (choose 2 correct answers)

Тип ответа: Множественный выбор • с выбором нескольких правильных ответов из предложенных вариантов

□ your data is too inconvenient for me to load

□ your unclassified data describe company secrets

□ systems are not connected to the same network

□ users are not aware of specific data sets because metadata is not published


... systems are computerized systems used in manufacturing to track and document the transformation of raw materials to finished goods


Information management is an important part of knowledge-oriented businesses in the ... century

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О 21th

О 18th

О 20th

О 19th



The most significant worldwide danger is the rise in labor... when information technologies are implemented


... latency is the time interval from the end of the execution of the last user interrupt handler instruction to the execution of the first instruction of the process that entered the state due to this interrupt


... AE has been ported to leading high-availability CompactPCI platforms such as the CPX8000 from Motorola Computer Group

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О VxWorks



О OS-9


Establish a correspondence between RTOS and their types:

Тип ответа: Сопоставление

A. RTOS types by software development method

B. RTOS types by origin

C. Types of RTOS by internal structure

D. hosr-target RTOS

E. «regular» OS

F. object-oriented type



… is a Linux distribution that provides a free and open-source community-supported computing platform


The Apple Macintosh, a low-cost workstation that emerged from early Alto computer concepts, was released in ...


... time is the time interval from the moment a physical interrupt occurs to the start of execution of the first instruction of the user task to which the interrupt is intended


Match the sentence to the tense in which it is written:

Тип ответа: Сопоставление

A. Android OS is primarily written in Java (Ul), C (core), and C++, and is designed for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets

B. In 2014, Android apps were made available on Chrome OS

C. The most recent long-term support release is 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla), which will be supported for 9 months

D. Each version of Android has been given a code name that is confectionery-themed and in alphabetical sequence

E. Present Simple Passive

F. Past Simple Passive

G. Future Simple Passive

H. Present Perfect Passive


Arrange the inventions chronologically:

Тип ответа: Сортировка

1 The Stepped Reckoner

2 Atanasoff-Berry Computer

3 Mark II



...business is the sale of goods and services to consumers, in contrast to wholesaling, which is sale to business or institutional customers


For the past... years, the design of computer processors has remained stable


MULTICS was developed by ...

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного

О Apple Inc

О Kaspersky Labs

О Linux

О Bell Labs


A piece of software that sits between the hardware and the user is an ... system

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О mediating

О operating

О facilitating

О moderating


According to Professor W. Martin, the information society is understood as a "developed ... society" that arose primarily in the West

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О industrial

О modern

О post-industrial

О post-modern



А ... is a device that stores electrical energy in an electric field


Bell Telephone Laboratories' John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley devised the ... in 1948

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О vacuum tube

О bipolar transistor

О field-effect transistor

О insulated-gate bipolar transistor


Data ... is the process of combining data from multiple sources into a single system or in close proximity to one another, such as on a display, so that the user may access them from a single platform

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О access policy

О access issue

О aggregation

О scalability


The OS-9 family of real-time operating systems has been in use for over... years, with more than 5 million installed copies

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О twenty

О thirty

О forty

О fifty


... is something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person's ability


The observations that apply to a common ... information system also apply to a certain extent to data warehouses and data mining

О integrated

О real-time

О distributed

О embedded


The first recognized use of the word "computer" was from 1613. What did the "computer" use to mean before this word started to refer to devices?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О It was used for people who have a high level of intelligence

О It was used for a device which helped ships to calculate their latitude at sea

О It was used for people who performed repetitive mathematical operations


An information society is a society where the usage, creation, distribution, manipulation and integration of information is a significant activity. Which of the following statements is not true about the Information Society?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О The information society refers to the social, economic, technological, and cultural changes that have occurred as a result of the rapid development and extensive use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in modern countries, particularly since World War II

О According to Professor W. Martin attempted to formulate the main characteristics of the information society according to the Social and Technological criteria

О The information society has been formed decades ago, and therefore has been widely studied from different angles; experts have reached the consensus regarding the "Information Society" term


A company deals with tasks which take a long time to complete. Each worker has their duties that can be done offline. It's essential for managers to estimate how long a task will take to be completed. The company uses a time-sharing system and all the users are able to finish their work in the system at the same time. However they noticed their gadgets to slow down fast. Also the workers notice the inconvenience while managing large workloads. What may be causing these problems? What decision should the company make?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О The company wants to execute a lot of things at the same time, which is now impossible, so each worker needs to use different languages to get the job done. In their case the company should use Operating System

О Workers cannot send direct instructions to the complier to execute various activities since it is extremely difficult for the user to transform their request or instruction into one language. In their case the company should use Input/Output System

О The company uses a system that dedicates time to a certain activity and frequently switches between the computers, which is overloading while completing long tasks. In their case the company should use Batch System

The OS-9 family of real-time operating systems has been in use for over 20 years, with more than 5 million installed copies. The range of OS-9 applications is wide - industrial automation, instrumental and measuring systems, military and space systems. Why has the OS-9 been so popular and widely used?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

О Number of supported hardware platforms and the quality of that support; various development tools; advanced network facilities

О Unlimited number of tasks; it's the first commercial real-time OS designed for building highly reliable fault-tolerant systems

О Their protocol is not based on any of the common network protocols such as IPX or NetBios and has a number of qualities that make it unique; keeps specific hardware running smoothly 

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