СИНЕРГИЯ Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности Тест 96 баллов 2023 год

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СИНЕРГИЯ Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (темы 1-6 Итог)

МТИ МосТех МосАП МФПУ Синергия Тест оценка ОТЛИЧНО (96 баллов)

2023 год


Ответы на 253 вопроса

Результат – 96 баллов

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СИНЕРГИЯ Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (темы 1-6 Итог)

МТИ МосТех МосАП МФПУ Синергия Тест оценка ОТЛИЧНО (96 баллов)

2023 год


Ответы на 253 вопроса

Результат – 96 баллов

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1. “Molecular …” is a term for data storage technologies that use molecular species as the data storage element, rather than e.g. circuits, magnetics, inorganic materials or physical shapes

2. … AE has been ported to leading high-availability CompactPCI platforms such as the CPX8000 from Motorola Computer Group

3. … are important because they promote inter-service interoperability, meaning exchanging and making use of information, and interoperability between various component systems within the same service

4. … are made for program logic and for computer memory

5. … business is the sale of goods and services to consumers, in contrast to wholesaling, which is sale to business or institutional customers

6. … by Microware System Corporation (USA) belongs to the class of UNIX-like systems and is a highly configurable high-performance real-time system

7. … computer is a type of computers that harnesses the collective properties of quantum states, such as superposition, interference, and entanglement, to perform calculations

8. … created the first operating system for the IBM 701

9. … extends a private network across a public network and enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks (give the abbreviation)

10. … heterogeneity is when database schema or datasets for the same domain are developed by independent parties, resulting in differences in meaning and interpretation of data values

11. … integrated circuits are the name for the initial generations of commercially produced microelectronic devices (SSI)

12. … integration is giving way to very-large-scale integration (VLSI) and wafer-scale integration (WSI)

13. … invented a machine called the Tabulating machine

14. … is a bottleneck in most operating systems and usually creates significant problems for RTOS

15. … is a commercial Unix-like real-time operating system, aimed primarily at the embedded systems market, have been implemented in many hundreds of companies, including such well-known and large ones as Du Pont, Ferranti-Packard, General Motors, Kodak and others

16. … is a difficulty that develops when a solution that works for a small data set fails to function for a much larger data set due to a combinatorial explosion, such as in comparands

17. … is a group of several proprietary graphical operating system families, all of which are developed and marketed by Microsoft

18. … is a Linux distribution that provides a free and open-source community-supported computing platform

19. … is a person who creates the high-level design of a technical system

20. … is a person who identifies and analyzes business problems, and generates system requirements

21. … is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or “chip”) of semiconductor material, usually silicon

22. … is a technical person who builds new software systems

23. … is an electronic machine that can store, organize and find information, do processes with numbers and other data, and control other machines

24. … is an open-source Linux distribution built on the architecture and infrastructure of Debian

25. … is an organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically

26. … is data that provides information about other data, but not the content of the data, such as the text of a message or the image itself

27. … is something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person’s ability

28. … is the administration of an organization, whether it is a business, a non-profit organization, or a government body

29. … is the branch of ethics that focuses on the relationship between the creation, organization, dissemination, and use of information, and the ethical standards and moral codes governing human conduct in society

30. … is the person responsible for accomplishing all project objectives

31. … is the property of a system to handle a growing amount of work by adding resources to the system

32. … is the world’s dominant software platform

33. … latency is the time interval from the end of the execution of the last user interrupt handler instruction to the execution of the first instruction of the process that entered the state due to this interrupt

34. … means compilers produce code that does not contain absolute addresses

35. … memory is a memory management technique that provides an idealized abstraction of the storage resources that are actually available on a given machine which creates the illusion to users of a very large (main) memory

36. … operating systems are the systems that run on a server and manage all the networking functions

37. … OS is an Android-based mobile operating system designed for Amazon’s phones

38. … switch time is the time interval from the end of the execution of the last instruction of one process (thread) to the start of the execution of the first instruction of the next process (thread)

39. … systems are computerized systems used in manufacturing to track and document the transformation of raw materials to finished goods

40. … technology was used in the first generation of computers

41. … time is the time interval from the moment a physical interrupt occurs to the start of execution of the first instruction of the user task to which the interrupt is intended

42. … was developed by Bell Labs and was the first significant operating system to be written almost entirely in high-level language

43. … was the first general purpose electronic computer

44. … was used in the first generation of computers

45. …. ensure the uninterrupted operation of vital systems, therefore, if a failure occurs or some illegal operations are performed, the OS must diagnose them, if necessary, block the program or isolate applications from each other, initiate recovery and protection of other programs or the system itself

46. …. technologies are one of the most basic through technologies in many documents and by many experts

47. …business is the sale of goods and services to consumers, in contrast to wholesaling, which is sale to business or institutional customers

48. A … is a device that stores electrical energy in an electric field

49. A … is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element

50. A … operating system, often known as a multitasking OS, works by dedicating time to a certain activity and frequently switching between them

51. A company deals with tasks which take a long time to complete. Each worker has their duties that can be done offline. It’s essential for managers to estimate how long a task will take to be completed. The company uses a time-sharing system and all the users are able to finish their work in the system at the same time. However they noticed their gadgets to slow down fast. Also the workers notice the inconvenience while managing large workloads. What may be causing these problems? What decision should the company make?

52. A general-purpose computing device called the analytical engine was developed in 1837 by …

53. A magnetic tape is one that had to be … attached

54. A mechanical calculator invented by Blaise Pascal in 1642 is called …

55. A participle is a verb form that can be used as an adjective, to create verb tense, or to create the passive voice. There are two types of participles: Present participle (ending -ing) and Past participle (usually ending -ed, -d, -t, -en, or -n).Find the passage, where there are both Participle 1 and Participle 2.

56. A piece of software that sits between the hardware and the user is an … system

57. A process of spreading the use of digital technology such as computers and the internet to do something is called …

58. A real-time operating system (RTOS) is an operating system (OS) for real-time applications that processes data and events that have critically defined time constraints Give a proper explanation of the predictability of RTOS.

59. A roadblock to data availability such as connectivity means that … (choose 2 correct answers)

60. A system of consumption and production that is based on intellectual capital is … economy

61. A UNIX based operating system, was originally developed in the mid-’90s. Its major offerings include scalability, interoperability, data management and security, all of which are crucial for businesses that need high-end operating software. In addition to the above, it is also known for its web, database and Java-based services and its unlimited capacity for helping in managing file system and databases is a big plus as well. Which operating system is described:

62. A user cannot send direct instructions to the hardware … various activities

63. According to current rates of growth in microelectronics, … of the world’s population will own a notebook-size computer with the capacity of today’s huge computers in roughly a decade

64. According to Professor W. Martin, the information society is understood as a “developed … society” that arose primarily in the West

65. According to the … criterion highlighted by W. Martin, information acts as an important stimulant for changing the quality of life, «information consciousness» is formed and affirmed with wide access to information

66. According to the … criterion highlighted by W. Martin, the main characteristics of the information society are information technology, which is widely used in production, institutions, the education system and in everyday life

67. According to the … Institute, by 2055 unemployment will reach around 50 % of the total labor force (give or take 20 years depending on artificial intelligence growth)

68. According to the research company com Score Networks in 2019, the number of Internet users worldwide amounted to 747 million people. The United States has the largest audience of Internet users – 153.4 million people, that is, almost every second American regularly goes online. In second place is China – in China today 86.8 million Internet users. Russia still occupies 13th place in terms of the number of people connected to the Network – 12.7 million people. However, Africa with 800 million people accounts for only 1 % of the total number of its users in the world, with 90 % of them living in South Africa. Identify the type of information society problem in the above case study.

69. According to the research company comScore Networks in 2019, the number of Internet users worldwide amounted to … people

70. An information society is a society where the usage, creation, distribution, manipulation and integration of information is a significant activity. Which of the following statements is not true about the Information Society?

71. Another name for bipolar transistors is …

72. Arrange the computers in chronological order of their creation:

73. Arrange the computers in chronological order of their creation:

74. Arrange the inventions chronologically:

75. Arrange the microelectronics in chronological order of their creation:

76. Arrange the microelectronics in chronological order of their creation:

77. Arrange the operating systems in descending order of popularity in 2022 (according to website StatCounter GlobalStats):

78. Arrange the stages in the history of transistors in chronological order:

79. Arrange the stages of the development of the internet in chronological order:

80. Arrange the stages of the development of the internet in chronological order:

81. Arrange the states of tasks in typical RTOS designs in chronological order:

82. Arrange the units of measurement of the data in ascending order:

83. Artificial intelligence is becoming more standardized, making it more accessible to a subject-matter expert who isn’t necessarily a knowledge engineering expert. What standards are becoming more common accessible and useful today?

84. Because of the expense, the system’s productivity had to be increased … cost effectiveness

85. Bell Telephone Laboratories’ John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley devised the … in 1948

86. Bell Telephone Laboratories’ John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley devised the … transistor in 1948

87. Bell Telephone Laboratories’ John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley devised the bipolar transistor in …

88. Below is a description of one of the technologies: “It is a subfield of electronics. These devices are typically made from semiconductor materials. These include transistors, capacitors, inductors, resistors, diodes and (naturally) insulators and conductors. As a result, this kind of IT has the potential to lower skill requirements in some vocations while raising them in others. It has influenced our daily lives in a variety of ways, making our routines a little more pleasant”. Which technology is described in the text?

89. Burroughs converted to electronic desk … and in the mid to late 1970s their products dropped from the market

90. Cell phones are …, making it possible to provide everyone with communication channels

91. Cell phones are digital, it was the transition to digital that made it possible to provide everyone with communication channels, but without … in SIM cards, cellular communications could not become mass

92. Charge carriers from both polarities are involved in the operation of … transistors

93. Chrome OS is another Linux kernel-based operating system created by …

94. Context switch time is the time interval from …

95. Correlate the generations of computers with their descriptions:

96. Cryptography is the study of secure communications techniques that allow only the sender and intended recipient of a message to view its contents. What does a massive use of cryptography lead to?

97. Data … is the process of combining data from multiple sources into a single system or in close proximity to one another, such as on a display, so that the user may access them from a single platform

98. Data … is the process of combining data from multiple sources into a single system or in close proximity to one another, such as on a display, so that the user may access them from a single platform

99. Data access can be difficult due to many problems. Which of the following situations describes the documentation problem?

100. Data administrators, as well as policymakers, must keep a balance between two … aims

101. Debian is a pre-compiled software that has over … packages and is based on the Linux kernel

102. Demand for programmers is already outstripping supply, and some analysts believe that this shortfall will limit … usage development in the next few years

103. Duplication of effort, cost inefficiencies, lost business opportunities, medical catastrophes, and military disasters result from data access …

104. Engineers still have problems … with the use of standards, and quite often with their misuse and misunderstanding

105. Establish a correspondence between data types and their description:

106. Establish a correspondence between RTOS and their types:

107. Establish a correspondence between the abbreviation and the definition:

108. Establish a correspondence between the concept and the definition:

109. For the past … years, the design of computer processors has remained stable

110. Four different data groupings are possible based on the four different …

111. Harvard Mark I is …

112. Identify the sequence of generations of computers (by their description):

113. If you have an old system, the running process will be too … and inefficient

114. In 1837, … designed a general-purpose computing device, called the analytical engine

115. In 1936, Alan Turing invented a universal machine, which was later called …

116. In 1936, Alan Turing invented a universal machine, which was later called the …

117. In 1944 Howard Aiken developed … l that could perform calculations involving large numbers

118. In November 1985, Microsoft released … – computer operating system

119. In the 1960s and 1970s, microcomputers and minicomputers became available to businesses and individuals. Thanks to what technology did it become possible?

120. Information … must be viewed from two perspectives: as an independent industry, with its science, engineering, and manufacturing capabilities and as a basis for transformation of almost all areas of human activity

121. Information management is an important part of knowledge-oriented businesses in the … century

122. Inheritance … that a thread that blocks a resource inherits the priority of the thread it blocks

123. International Business Machine’s first mass-produced electronic stored-program … was IBM

124. It … be noted that the problem of inequality in access to new information technologies is acute not only at the international level, but also at the micro level within each individual state

125. It is important to ensure that the … data is accurate and relevant

126. It is necessary to establish information-sharing procedures that are basic and straightforward to use in order to ensure that … is accessed

127. Joint organizations use standards on multiple levels – international, … and industry

128. Limited … resources are determined by the hardware features of the PC on which the RTS is operating

129. Making information accessible is a challenge that frequently causes problems for …

130. Martin Timmerman formulated the necessary requirements for an RTOS. Two of them are about priorities. Why the combination of priorities is necessary?

131. Match computers to their characteristics:

132. Match computers to their creators:

133. Match machines to their characteristics:

134. Match the abbreviations and transcripts:

135. Match the abbreviations and transcripts:

136. Match the approaches to understanding the information society and their authors:

137. Match the components of QNX with their characteristics:

138. Match the concepts with their characteristics:

139. Match the highlighted words with their meaning in the sentence:

140. Match the main characteristics of the information society according to the following criteria by W. Martin:

141. Match the names of operating systems with their descriptions:

142. Match the notions with the situations that describe them:

143. Match the operating systems and their characteristics:

144. Match the operating systems and their release dates:

145. Match the parts of one sentence:

146. Match the parts of one sentence:

147. Match the parts of the sentences:

148. Match the people and the terms they put in use:

149. Match the sentence to the tense in which it is written:

150. Match the sentence with the time it was written:

151. Match the sentence with the time it was written:

152. Match the sentences and the missing word combinations in them:

153. Match the systems and their characteristics:

154. Match the terms and definitions:

155. Match the terms and definitions:

156. Match the units of data measurement with their characteristics:

157. Match the units of data measurement with their characteristics:

158. Medium-scale integrated circuits have more than around 10 … on a chip but fewer than approximately 200 (MSI)

159. Microsoft Windows eventually surpassed Mac OS … the world’s most popular personal computer operating system, with over 90 % market share

160. Most businesses don’t want to deal with non-core tasks, which include the IT infrastructure. And if it has to pay for a data center, it has to function at maximum efficiency. Crisis situations are exacerbating resource shortages. Enterprises are cutting IT budgets, investing less in long-term projects in general and in data centers in particular. It is impossible to abandon IT altogether – it is equal to giving up doing business, but phased financing and speed of commissioning come to the fore. What do today’s IT managers face while having limited budgetary resources to expand data centers?

161. MULTICS was developed by …

162. Nanoelectronics is the most … breakthrough in technical development

163. Nothing is more … to a user than to try to use a new system that has turned functionality that previously was easy to use, into an obscure procedure that is difficult to use

164. One of the advantages of Russia is an advantageous geographical location between trade and information and telecommunication flows …

165. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “A more systematic structure (form) … with the creation of ambitious operating systems in the mid-1960s”

166. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “A UNIX based operating system, Solaris (originally develop) … by Sun Microsystems in the mid-’90s”

167. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Around the same period Intel (create) … three microprocessor designs”

168. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Displays (attain) … VGA resolution by 1988, and 256-color screens were available by 1993”

169. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Huge machines capable of conducting numerical calculations (construct) … in the mid-1940s”

170. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “In 1944 Howard Aiken (develop) … Mark l that could perform calculations involving large numbers”

171. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, Transmission, and lightweight games like Sudoku and chess (include) … by default, while GNOME Files is the default file manager”

172. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Resolutions and colors of computers (progress) … quickly by 2022”

173. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The addition of support for Linux programs, which (reveal) … in 2018, was a big advance”

174. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The microchip which (be) … a key component in the development of the personal computer”

175. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The power of computers (double) … roughly every 18 months to 2 years since the 1960s”

176. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The transistor, which (introduce) … in the mid-1950s, made computers more reliable”

177. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “There was no such thing when the first computers (develop) … following WWII”

178. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “What will the computers of the future (look) … like?”

179. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Wireless network connectivity (also manage) … by mobile operating systems”

180. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Years ago this service (can) … be used to run algorithms and experiments, and explore tutorials and simulations around what might be possible with quantum computing”

181. Prior to the transistor’s discovery in 1947, the only way to execute amplification of a weak current in an electronic circuit was to use a vacuum tube. What were the initial advantages transistors demonstrated over small vacuum tubes?

182. Prior to the transistor’s discovery in 1947, the only way to execute its function in an electronic circuit was to use a … tube

183. Put the number of Internet users worldwide from the largest to the smallest:

184. Put the number of Internet users worldwide from the smallest to the largest:

185. Put today’s potential of automation in the USA according to McKinsey Global Institute from the lowest to the biggest:

186. QNX … produced by QNX SoftWare Systems (USA) and is designed for high-critical applications that operate smoothly for years

187. Real-time operating systems (RTOS) … a special type of system software that is used to create and manage RTS

188. RTOS are operating systems that are characterized by … (choose 3 correct answers)

189. RTOS are operating systems that are characterized by … (choose 3 correct answers)

190. Some of the RTOS are distributed all over the world, the number of installations reaches hundreds of thousands, which is not bad for industrial systems, while others are designed for a specific microcontroller model and the number of copies sold … exceed two or three dozen

191. Speaking about the development of the information society in Russia, I. N. Kurnosov writes that “the strategy for the formation of the information society in the transition period to a new system of property relations … take into account the special role and responsibility of the state”

192. Talent, intellectual property, finance, and technical experience will always be in demand as the global economy is revolutionised by … technology

193. The “information economy” and “post-industrial society”, two concepts from that period, are still key parts of the information … concept

194. The … is a small-scale special-purpose electronic digital machine for the solution of systems of linear algebraic equations and the first electronic computer incorporating vacuum tubes for digital computation

195. The … protocol is not based on any of the common network protocols such as IPX or NetBios and has a number of qualities that make it unique (give the abbreviation)

196. The … transistor was conceived about 25 years before bipolar transistors, but mass production did not become feasible until the early 1960s

197. The …, which was introduced in the mid-1950s, made computers more reliable

198. The advent of ways for creating the numerous functional units on a crystal of semiconductor materials was critical to the development of …

199. The analytical engine was invented in …

200. The Apple Macintosh, a low-cost workstation that emerged from early Alto computer concepts, was released in …

201. The Apple Macintosh, a low-cost workstation that emerged from early Alto computer concepts, was released in …

202. The author of The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States (1962) is …

203. The benefits of specialized RTOS include … (choose 2 correct answers)

204. The description of a type of microcomputer is down below: “This type of microcomputer is just like a Mobile Device, but bigger than Smartphone and smaller then Notebook Computer. Just like Totally Smartphone feature like Touch screen display, power full Battery Backup and we can calling and receiving call and click pictures and anything”. Find "out, what kind of microcomputer it is.

205. The description of the generation of computers is down below: “Computers of this generation appeared, when IBM introduced the System/360, a line of software-compatible computers with varying levels of capability and price. Because the machines shared the same architecture and instruction set, programs created for one could be run on the other”. Which generation of computers is described in the text?

206. The development of integrated circuits and storage devices has continued at an exponential rate; each subsequent halving of component size now takes …

207. The disadvantage of the Self-Hosted RTOS is that most of the listed OS features are not used during the operation of an industrial computer and, therefore, … computer resources in vain

208. The early transistors were not only larger than the smallest tubes, but they were also more …

209. The explosion in world population and the rise of globalised trade demanded even faster and more flexible tools for processing …

210. The first calculating device was …

211. The first operating system for the IBM 701 was created by …

212. The first recognized use of the word “computer” was from …

213. The first recognized use of the word “computer” was from 1613.What did the “computer” use to mean before this word started to refer to devices?

214. The information society is established in those countries – … – in which a post-industrial society was formed in the 60s and 70s

215. The interrupt … is the time interval from an event on an object to the execution of the first instruction in the program for processing this event

216. The interrupt latency is the time interval from …

217. The introduction of microelectronic circuits did not, for the most part, modify the … of the basic functional units: transistors, resistors, capacitors, and other similar components were still used in microelectronic devices

218. The introduction of time-sharing systems, in particular, has long been regarded as a watershed moment in the evolution of … systems

219. The largest number of internet users currently in …

220. The last decade’s technological advancements have played a … part in the formation of modern society

221. The metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect …, which stands for MOSFET, is the most common in microelectronics

222. The microkernel, process manager, device manager, file system manager, network manager belong to …

223. The most significant worldwide danger is the rise in labor … when information technologies are implemented

224. The network can serve as a means of … propaganda materials of criminal organizations, recipes for the manufacture of explosives and poisonous substances, weapons, narcotic and psychotropic drugs, and methods for breaking electronic and other ciphers

225. The network operating system, which allows users to copy files from …

226. The observations that apply to a common … information system also apply to a certain extent to data warehouses and data mining

227. The OS-9 family of real-time operating systems has been in use for over … years, with more than 5 million installed copies

228. The OS-9 family of real-time operating systems has been in use for over 20 years, with more than 5 million installed copies. The range of OS-9 applications is wide – industrial automation, instrumental and measuring systems, military and space systems. Why has the OS-9 been so popular and widely used?

229. The second most important direction for strengthening accounting policies in the information society is the massive use of …

230. The slide rule in its basic form uses … logarithmic scales to allow fast multiplication and division of numbers

231. The stage of society’s development when the service sector generates more wealth than the manufacturing sector of the economy is called … society

232. The stage of society’s development when the service sector generates more wealth than the manufacturing sector of the economy is called … society

233. The standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser is …

234. The standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser is called … (give the abbreviation)

235. The term “…” refers to the social, economic, technological, and cultural changes that have occurred as a result of the rapid development and extensive use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in modern countries, particularly since World War II

236. The term “developed post-industrial society” was introduced by …

237. The term “information…” refers to the social, economic, technological, and cultural changes that have occurred as a result of the rapid development and extensive use of information and communication technologies

238. The time interval determines how often each of the active processes … receive control under the given time slicing parameters

239. The total value of goods and services produced by a country in one year is … (give the abbreviation)

240. The transistor’s most significant advantage over the best vacuum tubes was that it …

241. The transistor’s most significant advantage over the best vacuum tubes was that it consumed far …

242. The transistor’s most significant advantage over the best vacuum tubes was that it consumed far …

243. The type of operating system that is not directly linked to the computer is the … operating system

244. The unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities, money, etc. than other people is called …

245. The unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities, money, etc. than other people, is called …

246. There are some of the potential advantages of real-time operating systems, for example … (choose 2 correct answers)

247. There are some of the potential benefits of distributed operating systems, for example … (choose 2 correct answers)

248. There are some of the potential disadvantages of distributed operating systems, for example … (choose 2 correct answers)

249. Transferred data might contain some important …

250. Until the 1800s “computers” were …

251. Vacuum tubes were discovered to have a number of flaws, for example … (choose 3 correct answers)

252. W. Martin emphasizes the idea that … is “a key element of the information society”

253. When a new driver is added to the system, no side effects can occur in the form of, for example, a conflict with other …

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