Тема 1. History of computers (История компьютеров) Тема 2. Information dependent society (Информационно-зависимое общество) Тема 3. Development of microelectronics (Развитие микроэлектроники) Тема 4. What
Both Newton and Leibniz are credited with being the … of calculus. *mathematicians *inventors *legacies *breakthroughs 2. Calculus was a … that allowed for the solution of previously unsolvable problems. *rivalry
Компьютеров) Тема 2. Information-dependent society (Информационно-зависимое общество) Тема 3. Development of microelectronics (Развитие микроэлектроники) Тема 4. The information management challenges (Проблемы управления
ТЕСТ+компетентностный+промежуточные по темам: Тема 1. History of computers (История компьютеров) Тема 2. Information dependent society (Информационно-зависимое общество) Тема 3. Development of microelectronics (Развитие
general-purpose computing device called the analytical engine was developed in 1837 by … *James Powers *Vannevar Bush *Charles Babbage *William Seward Burrough 3. Arrange the computers in chronological order
деятельности" Синергия Введение в курс Тема 1. History of computers (История компьютеров) Тема 2. Information dependent society (Информационно-зависимое общество) Тема 3. Development of microelectronics (Развитие
general-purpose computing device called the analytical engine was developed in 1837 by … *James Powers *Vannevar Bush *Charles Babbage *William Seward Burrough 3. Arrange the computers in chronological order
1. The slide rule in its basic form uses … logarithmic scales to allow fast multiplication and division of numbers *two *three *four *five 2. In 1936, Alan Turing invented a universal machine, which
профессиональной деятельности.ои(dor_БАК(1/2)_221201_ПИвЭ, Б-И, МОиАИС) (3/3)Тема 5. The information management challenges (Проблемы управления информацией) Тема 6. Real time operating system (Операционная
computing device called the analytical engine was developed in 1837 by … · James Powers · Vannevar Bush · Charles Babbage · William Seward Burrough Arrange the computers in chronological
Компьютеров) Тема 2. Information-dependent society (Информационно-зависимое общество) Тема 3. Development of microelectronics (Развитие микроэлектроники) Тема 4. The information management challenges (Проблемы
Leibniz were involved in a bitter … . Calculus was a … that allowed for the solution of previously unsolvable problems. The abacus was very important in ancient times because it allowed people to do
УЧЕБНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ Введение в курс Тема 1. Basics of Management (Основы Менеджмента) Тема 2. Basics of Economics (Основы экономики) Тема 3. Types of management (Типы менеджмента) Тема 4. Basics of economic theory
got home I spent an hour cleaning the room. *Да *Нет 2. Укажите, используется ли в предложении «независимый причастный оборот»: He showed us a list of goods exported by the firm. *Да *Нет 3. Определите тип
профессиональной деятельностиВведение в курс Тема 1. History of computers (История компьютеров) Тема 2. Information dependent society (Информационно-зависимое общество) Тема 3. Development of microelectronics (Развитие
homework *mixed age classes 4. Inductive approach starts with giving … to the learners and then letting them to use it to figure out the rules by themselves *strategies *examples *tests *educational materials
Часть 2 Тема 4. Approaches and methods in teaching Тема 5. ICT in education Тема 6. Classroom management Тема 7. Teacher development Заключение Итоговая аттестация Итоговый тест Компетентностный тест
handle increased workloads and accommodate growing user basesТип ответа: Текcтовый ответ … means the speed at which data is created and processedТип ответа: Текcтовый ответ A stylus is a pen-like … device
Установите соответствие между термином и дефиницией: A. The activity of making money by producing or buying and selling goods, or providing services is … B. The set of characteristics that makes a good leader
формы: I remember having shown her the letter. показывал; показать; показав; показывая. Выберите русский эквивалент подчеркнутой грамматической формы: On entering the room he greeted everybody. входить;