was being annonced Выберите русский эквивалент подчеркнутой грамматической формы: I don`t want her to make a habit of being late.Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких
was being annonced Выберите русский эквивалент подчеркнутой грамматической формы: I don`t want her to make a habit of being late. опаздывая; опоздала; опаздывать; опоздавшая Выберите русский эквивалент
1. К подчеркнутой грамматической конструкции подберите русский перевод: Не was pleased to have been made such an offer. *чтобы сделать; *сделать; *сделав; *ему сделали. 2. Укажите, используется ли в предложении
сказуемых. Что он делает в данный момент? is doing does do Как классифицируются электронные лампы? are classified is classified classify Следуйте подсказкам по вводу ответов. Вопрос 2 Верно Отметить
If he … a sport club near this town, he will have a lot of clients * opens *will open *would open 3. If students … interested in a lesson, they learn better *will be *were * are 4. If you … by train, you`ll
According to the text, which statement about possible mistakes is right? Выберите один ответ: If you know what traps are waiting for you when writing a research paper, you have a bigger chance to gain success
Read the text. Pedagogy is a branch of science Pedagogy is the science of the specially organized, goal-oriented, and systematic molding of a human being. The basic categories of pedagogy are personality
нескольких предложенных вариантов to change change having changed changing Выберите грамматическую конструкцию, соответствующую каждому предложению. He can`t bear ... what to do all the time.Тип ответа: Одиночный
Read the text. Pedagogy is a branch of science Pedagogy is the science of the specially organized, goal-oriented, and systematic molding of a human being. The basic categories of pedagogy are personality
Read the text. Pedagogy is a branch of science Pedagogy is the science of the specially organized, goal-oriented, and systematic molding of a human being. The basic categories of pedagogy are personality
people’s work. Match each person to his/her job. Vera: I can get patients’ lab results – blood and biochemistry – through the Health Service intranet. No delays, no need to wait for paper copies. It is much
[m_p], [`novt], [p_:t], [ leik], [skai], [hΛl], [d_im] 3.Вставьте пропущенные предлоги: 1. We are… the table. 2. The book is … the desk. 3. We have many friends… Moscow. 4. Pete
предлоги: 1. We are… the table. 2. The book is … the desk. 3. We have many friends… Moscow. 4. Pete goes … the college. 4. Вставьте артикли, где необходимо: 1. These arge books and those are note-books
in English, how to Answer the Question "How are you?" Test 6.15 % 4.00 0–4 100.00 % 4.00 % ТестTest 4.1. READING. Kate. Paul Wilson 4.62 % 3.00 0–3 100.00 % 3.00 % ТестTest 4.2. To be, to have. Test 6.15
Put this conversation in the correct order. Hi, Tom. How are you? I’m OK. And you? Hi, Mary. Nice to meet you. Hello, Tom. Nice to meet you, too. Fine, thanks. Tom, this is Mary
Вариант 2 Read the text: HIGHER EDUCATION IN RUSSIA Russia’s higher education system started with the foundation of the universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the middle of the 18th century. Russian
I (not to have dinner) now. 2. She (to see) this film yesterday? 3. My brother (to play) football every day. 4. We (to help) his father in the garden tomorrow. 5. Students (to listen) to a lecture
Read the text. Pedagogy is a branch of science Pedagogy is the science of the specially organized, goal-oriented, and systematic molding of a human being. The basic categories of pedagogy are personality
(1/4)ПРОФВажно!. Информация по изучению курса Тема 1. Урок 1 Тема 2. Урок 2 … all the students from your group invited to the conference last month.Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного
================================================================================== 1. The rain having passed, we went to have a little stroll in the garden Определите функцию герундия в предложении: He made his money by