HIGHER EDUCATION IN RUSSIA Правоохранительная деятельность, специализация «Административная деятельность полиции»

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9 Мая в 09:56
КРАСНОДАРСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ МВД РОССИИ КРЫМСКИЙ ФИЛИАЛ Кафедра гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин
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Вариант 2
25.1 Кбайт 250 ₽

Вариант 2

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Russia’s higher education system started with the foundation of the universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the middle of the 18th century. Russian educational system is one of the most developed and advanced educational systems in the world.

The academic year is divided into an autumn and spring semester. Each semester ends with one assessment week during which students take course tests and present assignment works and defend course projects.

Legal education now is one of the most popular in our country. There is a network in Russia special higher legal institutions. They include the Russian Academy of Justice, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Krasnodar University of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation. Our university prepares specialists who will be (or are already working) professional police officers.

To obtain a higher legal education in Russia one is to pass a five-year full course of full-time studies. But this is for graduates who want to get the standard status of a specialist, for the master this term is longer, for a bachelor it is less. There are also traditional evening and correspondence courses for students already working.

The educational process makes emphasis on training of lawyers of the broadest profile, who after completing the training is to occupy any position requiring legal education. At the same time, graduate lawyers are to have a profound knowledge of a particular area of law. There is the general theory of thestate and law, the history of political and various legal doctrines, the history of the state and law in Russia and in foreign countries. This also includes Roman law, criminology, the judiciary and international public and private law.

After completing the basic training course the students are to pass production practice, for example, in police offices.

After university the graduates can continue their education and engage in scientific activities in graduate school, and then - in doctoral studies.

I. Answer the questions:

1. When was the higher education system of Russia founded?

2. What is the academic year divided into?

3. What do the higher legal institutions include?

4. What disciplines does the training of police officers include?

II. Translate the text.

III. Translate the words and word-combinations into English:

Выпускники, самый развитый и продвинутый, традиционные вечерние и заочные курсы, история политических и различных правовых учений, самый широкий профиль, сессия, судебная власть и международное публичное и частное право, проходить производственную практику.

IV. Translate the words and word-combinations into Russian:

The general theory of the state and law, in the middle of, special higher legal institutions, the history of the state and law in Russia and in foreign countries, defend course projects, present assignment works, the foundation, course of full- time studies, a profound knowledge, educational systems, take course tests.

V. Translate the sentences into Russian and indicate the Tense of the verb

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