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Crocodiles are Ответ {$а} Вопрос 11
(1) (ancient) animals in the world. There are 25 kinds of crocodiles and their relatives on our planet nowadays. (2) (large) Ответ {$а} Вопрос 11
of them is the Crested crocodile which lives in the south -east of Asia and in Australia. They are (3) Ответ {$а} Вопрос 11
(long) (about six meters) and (4) Ответ {$а} Вопрос 11
(strong) among their relatives, thats why Crested crocodiles are (5) Ответ {$а} Вопрос 11
(dangerous). Unlike other kinds of crocodiles, which live in lakes, rivers and bogs, the Crested crocodile lives in the sea. Alligators are (6) Ответ {$а} Вопрос 11
(small) than crocodiles. The Chinese alligator is considered to be (7) Ответ {$а} Вопрос 11
(small) kind of crocodiles (only two meters long). It is also (8) Ответ {$а} Вопрос 11
(rare) one.