Английский язык СОО 2023 Практическое занятие 3. Задание 1-2, 4 НСПК

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Практическое занятие 3. Задания 1-2, 4_ англ
978 Кбайт 500 ₽

Оценка 4,40 из 5,00 (88%)

Вопрос 1 

Подберите слово максимально подходящее по смыслу.

These adjectives describe good weather: beautiful, excellent, fine,  , nice, pleasant, wonderful.

2. These adjectives describe bad weather: awful, beastly, dull,  , rotten, terrible, ugly, unpleasant.

3. All these are water in liquid or solid form: cloud, dew, fog, hail, ice,  , rain, sleet, snow.

4. Cold and cloudy with a little drizzle. High  all day. Strong wind expected in the afternoon.

5. Moscow's climate is  , with cold winters and hot summers.

6. Ireland has a temperate  climate, with mild winters and cool summers.

7. The freezing point of water is  , or zero degrees Celsius.

8. Water boils at  , or 100 degrees Celsius.

9. Nice warm weather is  , or 24 degrees Celsius.

10. It was cold and frosty. The temperature was about

Вопрос 2

Подберите слово максимально подходящее по смыслу.

1. Where can I buy paper towels and napkins? – You can buy them in a  .

2. You can buy teacups at a  .

3. You can buy light bulbs at a  .

4. Where is the nearest  ? I want to buy hand lotion and iodine.

5. I went to the  to buy a new coat and a pair of shoes.

6. She works as a  . She sells books.

7. A  is a thin strip of wood, plastic or metal with a straight edge, used for drawing lines and for measuring.

8.  is a cosmetic substance for darkening the eyelashes.

9. A  is a deep dish for stewing or baking.

10. A  is a tall cabinet for clothes

Вопрос 3

Назовите блюда словами на английском языке: 

  1. Винегрет
  2. Плов
  3. Шашлык
  4. Сельдь под шубой
  5. Запеканка

Оценка 4,40 из 5,00 (88%)

Вопрос 1 

Подберите слово максимально подходящее по смыслу.

These adjectives describe good weather: beautiful, excellent, fine,  , nice, pleasant, wonderful.

2. These adjectives describe bad weather: awful, beastly, dull,  , rotten, terrible, ugly, unpleasant.

3. All these are water in liquid or solid form: cloud, dew, fog, hail, ice,  , rain, sleet, snow.

4. Cold and cloudy with a little drizzle. High  all day. Strong wind expected in the afternoon.

5. Moscow's climate is  , with cold winters and hot summers.

6. Ireland has a temperate  climate, with mild winters and cool summers.

7. The freezing point of water is  , or zero degrees Celsius.

8. Water boils at  , or 100 degrees Celsius.

9. Nice warm weather is  , or 24 degrees Celsius.

10. It was cold and frosty. The temperature was about

Вопрос 2

Подберите слово максимально подходящее по смыслу.

1. Where can I buy paper towels and napkins? – You can buy them in a  .

2. You can buy teacups at a  .

3. You can buy light bulbs at a  .

4. Where is the nearest  ? I want to buy hand lotion and iodine.

5. I went to the  to buy a new coat and a pair of shoes.

6. She works as a  . She sells books.

7. A  is a thin strip of wood, plastic or metal with a straight edge, used for drawing lines and for measuring.

8.  is a cosmetic substance for darkening the eyelashes.

9. A  is a deep dish for stewing or baking.

10. A  is a tall cabinet for clothes

Вопрос 3

Назовите блюда словами на английском языке: 

  1. Винегрет
  2. Плов
  3. Шашлык
  4. Сельдь под шубой
  5. Запеканка
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