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Тестовое задание №1
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Volvo will start making only all-electric cars
The car company Volvo has said it will start making all-electric cars. All new cars it makes from 2019 will have an electric motor. Volvo wants to stop making cars that use only petrol-driven or diesel-driven engines. The carmaker said it plans to launch five fully electric cars between 2019 and 2021 and a range of hybrid models. A hybrid car has an engine that is both electric and petrol-driven. Volvo becomes the first major carmaker to say it will end making cars with an internal combustion engine. The internal combustion engine has been used in cars for over a century. Volvo's CEO said: "People increasingly demand electrified cars, and we want to respond to our customers' current and future needs."
More and more car companies are now selling cars with electric or hybrid engines. The US-based company Tesla makes only all-electric cars. Its stock market value is now 25 per cent higher than that of Ford Motor Company, which started in 1903. Tesla recently announced that it will make 20,000 of its Model 3 cars a month by December. Volvo hopes to sell a million electrified cars by 2025. In addition, it hopes to have changed its factories to be more environmentally friendly. It hopes to have what it calls "climate-neutral" manufacturing. Volvo said its plans will mean the company will have one of the widest ranges of electrified cars of any carmaker in the world.
The car company Volvo
Выберите один ответ:
a. автомобильная компания «Вольво»
b. машиностроительная компания «Вольво»
c. компания «Вольво»
d. компании «Вольво»
Fill in the qaps: The carmaker said it plans to____five fully electric cars between 2019 and 2021 and a range of hybrid models
Выберите один ответ:
a. making
b. launch
c. majer
d. models
e. driven
f. end
g. century
h. respond
Гибридные автомобили
Выберите один ответ:
a. hybridic cars
b. hybrid car
c. hybrid cars
d. hybrid cards
Fill in the gaps: The carmaker said it plans to launch five fully electric cars between 2015 and 2021 and a range cf hybrid_________
Выберите один ответ:
a. launch
b. driven
c. models
d. respond
e. major
f. making
q. century
h. end
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