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Module 5



Exercise 1. Read and guess the meanings of the new words. If you have some difficulties, use the dictionary at the end of this book. It will help you to read and discuss the texts and dialogues, arrange the role-plays and present the projects.

1)      flexible manufacturing system (FMS). FMS is a manufacturing technology.

2)      to incorporate. FMS incorporates a system view of manufacturing.

3)      to evolve. The concept of FMSs went on evolving at that time.

4)      to succeed in. Computerized numerical controls succeeded in bringing a controlled environment to the factory floor.

5)      numerically controlled, direct-numerically-controlled machines. They managed to control the manufacture using numerically-controlled and direct-numerically-controlled machines. sophisticated material-handling systems. Early FMSs contained sophisticated material-handling systems.

6)      incredibly. Early FMSs were controlled by incredibly complex software.

7)      flexible cell. The trend in FMS is towards small versions of the traditional FMS called flexible manufacturing cells (FMC).

8)      to introduce a wide scale automation. The progress of computing machines allowed introducing a wide scale automation of all branches of industry.

9)      independent development. The progress of computing machines led to independent development of automation process.

10)   computer-aided designing (CAD). Automated data processing includes automated control systems and computer-aided designing.

11)   computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). Automation of production technology includes numerically-controlled equipment, computeraided manufacturing, and industrial robots.

12)   to be interconnected. The various cells for machining are interconnected by an automated transport system.

13)   loading, unloading stations. The various machining cells are interconnected via loading or unloading stations by an automated transport system.


14)   possibility. This prospect of automation and flexibility presents the possibility of producing non-standard parts.

15)   competitive advantage. They employ different competitive advantages to maintain a lead in this industry.

16)   to approach. The general objectives of FMS are to approach the efficiencies and economies of mass production.

17)   small- and medium-lot-size production. FMS maintains the flexibility required for small- and medium-lot-size production of variety of parts.

18)   to fall within. Two kinds of systems for manufacturing fall within the FMS spectrum.

19)   generic. A generic FMS consists of some components.

20)   set-up time, change-over. A set of stations do not require significant set-up time or change-over between successive jobs.

21)   milling, boring, drilling. These machines perform operations of milling, boring, drilling, etc.

22)   routing. Computers direct the routing of jobs through the system.

23)   to be capable of. Computers are capable of performing complex tasks.

24)   to track. Computers track the status of all jobs in progress.

25)   to ensure. A network of supervisory computers and microprocessors is to ensure that the right tools are available for the job.

26)   to provide the monitoring. Computers provide the monitoring of correct performance of operations.

27)   to require attention. Computers signal problems requiring attention.

28)   to make customizations. Machines can be used to assemble different parts and to make customizations.

29)   to implement. Several companies decided to implement flexible manufacturing systems.

30)   agility. The common word for today’s manufacturer is agility.

Exercise 7. Think over the definitions of the words which appear in the texts and dialogues and then:

a) agree or disagree with the following definitions.Why?

1.       FMS (flexible manufacturing system) is a manufacturing system in which there is some amount of flexibility that allows the system to react in the case of changes, whether predicted or unpredicted.

2.       CNC (computer numerical control) is the method of controlling machines by the application of digital electronic computers and circuitry (design or detailed plan for an electric circuit).

3.       Agile manufacturing is the manufacturing that has created the processes, tools, to respond quickly to customers’ needs and market changes while still controlling costs and quality.

4.       Flexible means able to make changes or to deal with the situation that is changing.

5.       A network is a set of computers that are connected to each other so that each computer can send and receive information to and from other computers.


b) match each word with its correct definition

scale, system, manufacture, robot, component

1.       A machine that can do work by itself.

2.       One of the different parts that a machine or piece of equipment consists of.

3.       A set of connected things that work together for a particular purpose.

4.       The size of something, especially when it is big.

5.       The process of making goods in large quantities in a factory.


c) find the definitions for some other words which you consider to be important for the topic “Flexible Manufacturing Systems”. Use the website







Exercise 10. Read the text, try to focus on its essential facts and choose the most suitable heading given below for each paragraph.

1) FMS Is an Automated Production System

2) Early FMSs

3) Modern FMSs

4) Generic FMS Components



Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) is famous for being both a manufacturing technology and a philosophy. “System” is the key word for a flexible manufacturing system. FMS incorporates a system view of manufacturing. The FMS idea was proposed in England (1960s) under the name “System 24”. It was a flexible machining system that could operate without human operators 24 hours a day but being controlled by a computer.

The concept of flexible manufacturing systems went on evolving at that time when robots, programmable controllers, and computerized numerical controls succeeded in bringing a controlled environment to the factory floor in the form of numerically-controlled and direct-numerically-controlled machines. Early FMSs were large and very complex, consisting of dozens of Computer Numerical Controlled machines (CNC) and sophisticated material-handling systems. They were too expensive and they were controlled by incredibly complex software.

Currently, the trend in FMS is towards small versions of the traditional FMS, called flexible manufacturing cells (FMC). Today two or more CNC machines are considered a flexible cell and two or more cells — a flexible manufacturing system. The progress of computing machines allowed to introduce a wide scale automation of all branches of industry and led to independent development of automation processes:

— Automated Data Processing: the appearance of Automated Control

Systems and Computer-Aided Designing (CAD);

— Automation of Production Technology: the appearance of Numerically-Controlled Equipment, Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and Industrial Robots.

Thus, a flexible manufacturing system is a group of numerically-controlled machine tools, interconnected by a central control system. The various cells for machining are interconnected via loading and unloading stations by an automated transport system. Simply defined, it is an automated production system that produces one or more families of parts in a flexible manner. Today, this prospect of automation and flexibility presents the possibility of producing non-standard parts to create a competitive advantage. Stated formally, the general objectives of FMS are to approach the efficiencies and economies of mass production, and to maintain the flexibility required for small- and medium-lot-size production of a variety of parts. Two kinds of systems for manufacturing fall within the FMS spectrum: assembly systems for assembling components into final products and systems of forming, which actually form components or final products.

General trends of automation

A generic FMS consists of the following components:

— a set of work stations which contain machine tools that do not require significant set-up time or change-over between successive jobs; typically, these machines perform operations of milling, boring, drilling, etc.;

— a material-handling system allowing to move between any pair of machines so that any job routing can be followed;

— a network of supervisory computers and microprocessors which are capable of performing some or all of the following tasks: directing the routing of jobs through the system; tracking the status of all jobs in progress so it is known where each job is to go next; passing instructions for the processing of the operation to the station; ensuring that the right tools are available for the job; and providing the monitoring of correct performance of operations and signaling problems requiring attention;

— a storage, locally at the work stations, and (or) centrally at the system level.

Exercise 11. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1. FMS is both a manufacturing process and a philosophy. 2. Early FMSs were small with several CNC machines. 3. Today two or more CNC machines are thought of being a flexible cell and two or more cells make up a flexible manufacturing system. 4. FMS is a group of numerically-controlled machine tools interconnected by a central control system. 5. The main components of FMS are: a set of workstations with machine tools, a material-handling system, a network of supervisory computers and storage.



Exercise 12. Match the words in column A with the words in column B to form meaningful phrases and then identify them at the sentence level in the text. It will help you understand the text in detail.


1)              controlled

2)              various

3)              sophisticated

4)              wide

5)              flexible

6)              programmable

7)              human

8)              numerical

9)              manufacturing 10) industrial


a)  software

b) system

c)  scale

d) environment

e)  controllers

f)   robots

g) controls

h) operator

i)   technology

j)   cells


Exercise 13. Decide which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right and then identify the word combinations at the sentence level in the text. It will help you understand the text precisely.

1)      to incorporate

2)      to propose

3)      to assemble

4)      to require

5)      to perform

6)      to interconnect

7)      to respond to

8)      to present

9)      to provide

10)   to produce

a)  system

b) changes

c)  tools

d) functions

e)  change-over

f)   idea

g) parts

h) components

i)   environment

j)   possibility

Exercise 14. Try to enrich your vocabulary:

a)      find words in the text which have the same meanings as the following words: main, to continue, to develop, complex, nowadays, adaptable, informa-

tion, different, manufacture, purpose, type, to include, to fulfil, through, work, considerable;

b)      find words in the text whose meanings are opposite to the meanings of the following words:

unknown, indirect, modern, simple, cheap, less, standard, beyond, disadvantage;

c)      replace the words in italics with the words with similar meanings:

1.     We are to install a set of work stations containing machine tools which do not require considerable set-up time or change-over between successive jobs. 2. They were automated, too expensive and controlled by incredibly complex software. 3. They continue

2.      installing the equipment. 4. There are different tools in the workshop. 5. The system includes some components.

Exercise 15. Complete the sentences: change the word in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

1.       The general objectives of FMS are to approach the … and economies of mass production and to maintain the flexibility required for small- and medium-lot-size production of a variety of parts EFFICIENT.

2.       It provides essential monitoring of correct … of operations and signals problems which require attention PERFORM.

3.       It led to … development of automation processes DEPEND.

4.       FMS is an automated … system PRODUCT.

5.       It led to the … of automated control systems APPEAR.

Exercise 16. Insert the words at the sentence level: fill in the blanks with the missing words (the first letter of each word is given).

1. Early FMSs were large and very complex, consisting of dozens of C… N… C… machines (CNC) and s… material-handling systems. 2. A materialhandling system is automated and f… . 3. Supervisory computers and microprocessors p… different tasks. 4. FMS i… a system view of manufacturing. 5. The concept of FMS went on e… . 6. Computerized numerical controls s… in bringing a controlled environment to the factory floor. 7. Early FMSs were controlled by i… complex software. 8. The progress of computing machines allowed introducing a wide s… automation of all branches of industry. 9. Flexibility presents the p… of producing non-standard parts. 10. Two kinds of systems for manufacturing fall w… the FMS spectrum.

Exercise 28. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. You will have a story on the topic as a pattern.

1. Гибкая производственная система (ГПС) — это интегрированный комплекс станков с числовым программным управлением (ЧПУ). 2. ГПС состоит из разных сочетаний гибких производственных модулей и (или) гибких производственных ячеек. 3. Гибкая производственная ячейка является совокупностью нескольких гибких производственных модулей, управляемых средствами вычислительной техники. 4. Гибкая производственная ячейка (ГПЯ) способна работать автономно. 5. Основной характеристикой ГПЯ является то, что она способна работать не только автономно, но и в составе ГПС. 6. В состав ГПС входят ГПЯ, автоматическая складская и транспортная система, система автоматизированного управления. 7. Система обладает свойством автоматизированной переналадки при изменении программы производства изделий. 8. ГПС может изготавливать мелкосерийные и среднесерийные единичные изделия. 9. Эта система нацелена на удовлетворение нужд конкретного потребителя. 10. ГПС быстро реагирует на изменения на рынке. 11. Внедрение ГПС на начальном этапе обходится дороже, чем установка обычного оборудования. 12. Общеизвестный факт, что конечной целью производителя является снижение затрат. 13. ГПС нацелена на экономию средств производителя и направлена на конкретного потребителя. 14. Применение ГПС может ускорить производственные процессы. 15. Использование ГПС позволяет снизить цену на изделие потребителя. 14. Применение ГПС может ускорить производственные процессы. 15. Использование ГПС позволяет снизить цену на изделие.



Exercise 32. Make a summary of the text using the following phrases:

1. The title of the text is…

2. The text is about… The text deals with…

3. The text covers such points as… first… second… third…

4. It should be underlined that…

5. In conclusion, I may say that…

6. To my mind… In my opinion…





A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is an approach to arranging the production effort of a business so that it is possible to change or adapt manufacturing policies and procedures with relative ease. The idea behind this type of flexibility is often to allow the business to anticipate and shift priorities depending on innovations in technology or shifts in demand for the company’s products. There are some benefits and liabilities associated with a flexible manufacturing system that should be considered before attempting to use this approach for company operations.

One of the main benefits of a flexible manufacturing system is the change to adapt the operation to meet emerging demands for certain products by customers. Doing so can aid the business in capturing a significant market share and enjoying increased revenues for as long as the demand for those products remains in place. For example, a textile plant that operates with a flexible manufacturing system may be able to adapt quickly carding and spinning machinery to accommodate the production of corduroy instead of terry cloth, if the general public begins to demand more clothing made with corduroy, then shift back to the production of terry cloth once the trend has subsided. Another advantage of a flexible manufacturing system is the chance to minimize labour costs during seasonal downturns, and then to increase the labour force during busy seasons. This approach can be achieved by cross training employees who can take on additional responsibilities during lean seasons, and then turn a portion of those responsibilities over to part-time personnel during busy seasons. The end result is efficient operation that still helps keep the cost of production for each unit produced under a certain level.

While there are some benefits of a flexible manufacturing system, there are also a few potential drawbacks that should be taken into consideration. Converting to this type of arrangement often has a significant up-front cost, since machinery may have to be modified to allow for an easier conversion of goods produced. This approach also often calls for changing the corporate culture, a process that can take a lot of time and result in some loss of efficiency in the short-term. Technological barriers may also slow the efforts to be more adaptable, requiring additional planning to overcome those obstacles and creating additional expense for the company. Before deciding that a flexible manufacturing system is the right option, company owners should weigh the benefits against the liabilities and decide if the effort will ultimately be in the best interests of the company.

The common word for today’s manufacturer is “agility”. An agile manufacturer is one who is the fastest on the market, operates with the lowest total cost and has the greatest ability to “delight” its customers. FMS is simply one of the ways for manufacturers to achieve this agility.


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