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V Семестр
EX.1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Active/ passive voice Past Simple, Present Perfect, or Present Simple
Mount Everest and K2 (believe) to be the two highest mountains in the world, but they (1) (be) very different. Everest (2) (climb) for the first time in 1953, and since then thousands of people (3) (stand) on the summit. You (4) (not need) to be a professional climber – every year many people (5) (take) to the top by guides. But in recent years this popularity (6) (begin) to cause problems. Since 1953 thousands of tons of rubbish (7) (left) at the food of the mountain, and a lot of people (8) (think) that the ‘Everest experience’ (9) (ruin) by the number of visitors
K2, deep in the Himalayas, (10) (not measure) until 1859, seven years after Everest. It (11) (say) to be the most dangerous mountain in the world, and it (12) (not climb) as often as Everest has. Every year small numbest of mountaineers (13) (try) to reach the top, but not many (14) (succeed) – some of the worst Himalayan accidents in the last twenty years (15) (happen) on the mountain, and many lives (16) (lose). Tourist expeditions (17) (start) going to Everest in the 1980 s, and the number of visitors (18) (rise) since then, but they (19) (not go) to K
EX.2. Преобразуйте предложения в Reported speech, используя слова в скобках:
The day everything went wrong
1. It was a warm winter so icebergs floated into the Atlantic. (tell)
2. There was a fire in the boiler room. (add)
3. The heat from the fire made the ship weak.(explain)
4. The lifeboat practice was cancelled so many sailors didn’t know how lifeboats worked. ( say)
5. The sailors didn’t fill the lifeboats. (realize)
6. Some left half empty.( notice)
7. A lot of people drowned. (know)
8. There weren’t enough lifeboats for all the passengers.( announce)
9. The captain received lots of warnings about the iceberg but he didn’t receive the most important warning. ( tell)
10. His ship hit the iceberg.( add)
11. The Titanic didn’t slow down when it got to the ice field. ( say)
12. It crashed into the iceberg. ( elucidate)
13. A ship called Californian didn’t hear the Titanic ’s calls for help because its radio was switched off.( explain)
14. Another ship called Carpathia heard the calls for help. (add)
15. Unfortunately it was a slow ship so it arrived an hour and twenty minutes after the Titanic had sink. ( regret)
EX.3. Раскройте скобки. Преобразуйте предложения в Reported speech, сделав необходимые изменения
Many people within the tourism industry are concerned that potential workers do not seriously consider it as the work is thought to be hard and poorly paid. The industry believes this misconception must be corrected and the population informed. Many prospective employees believe the only tourism jobs are as housekeepers, food servers and cooks. go wants to make people aware of jobs in tourism specific management, as webmasters, fitness instructors, as experts in massage and many, many other areas
EX.4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Passive Voice
Reporter Why are the trees being cut down (cut down)
Mr Kingman Well, of course, we don't want to cut them down, but the land (need) for offices and flats
Reporter What do you think about the demonstration last Saturday
Mr Kingman Well, you can see that it (organize) by a group of young hooligans. Two of them (arrest) for fighting
Reporter But their petition (sign) by nearly a thousand people
Mr Kingman Yes, but the names (not check) yet. We don't know if they are real
Reporter The oak trees (plant) in the time of Napoleon. Nearly two hundred years of history (destroy). Does that worry you
Mr Kingman We care about the environment, but we must look to the future. New trees (plant) after the offices (build)
EX.5. Переведите предложения на английский язык
1. Номер уберут, когда проживающие его освободят
2. Вам вручили приглашение на торжественное мероприятие по празднованию Дня Туризма
3. Сообщают, что группа туристов пострадала в результате террористического акта в Сочи
4. Известно, что этот район Швейцарии особенно популярен среди приезжающих туристов из других стран
5. За нашим путешествием с большим интересом следили миллионы телезрителей
6. Об их ребенке будут хорошо присматривать аниматоры отеля
7. Мне рассказали, что скоро начнется знаменитый маскарад в Бразилии
8. Мы надеялись уже в следующем году посетить Прагу
9. Руководство компании знало, что наша группа делает все, чтобы привлекать клиентов
10. Разве вам не сказали, что вы будете проживать в трехзвездочной гостинице
11. Стюардесса сообщила пассажирам, что посадка самолета затруднена из-за большего скопления птиц в небе
12. Вам уже объяснили , как пользоваться спасательными жилетами
13. Я слышал, вы отдыхали на Кубе. Вам понравилось
14. Мы заметили, что условия проживания, которые нам были обещаны, не соответствовали необходимому уровню
15. Слышал, вы нуждаетесь в оформлении визы. Я могу помочь.
Ex.6. Переведите текст на русский язык, составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам
Resume or Curriculum Vita
Application for
When a person is eager to get a job he is often to fill in a resume (USA) or curriculum vitae (UK) or a standard printed application form. The forms can be laid out in different ways but the information required will, in most cases, be the same
The information given by the candidate in these papers will be helpful in assessing the candidate’s suitability for the post
From the candidate’s point of view, this paper is the first impression the firm will obtain of him or her and therefore it is important that the candidate completes the paper clearly and carefully
A curriculum vitae should usually contain the following information
date of birt
place of birt
marital statu
work experienc
hobbies and interest
references (UK) or testimonials (US)
Here is an example
Name: Susanna J. Pattric
Home address: 1 The Lane Liverpool M 16 2P
Date of birth: 22 March 197
Place of birth: Liverpoo
Nationality: Britis
Marital status: Singl
Education: Stonebroom Comprehensive Schoo
West Par
Liverpool September 1990-July 199
Qualifications: July 199
GCSE Mathematics (B
English (C
Business Studies (A
French (C
Art and Design (D
Objective: A traineeship in tradin
Work experience: Work on a market stall on Saturda
Interest & activi-ties: Swimmin
Horse ridin
Referees: Mr Mill
The Headmaster Stonebroo
Comprehensive Schoo
West Par
Liverpool Rev. G. Brow
St. Michael le Belfre
Church Stree
CVs or resumes as well as application forms will require the name and address of at least two individuals who can act as referees, which means those who can provide references. The referees may be contacted and asked whether or not they consider the applicant to be suitable for the post. The candidate may name a vicar, a doctor, or an old family friend as one of referees
Normally, the firm will ask for the names of present or former employers or supervisors for whom the candidate has worked
When a person is eager to get a job what is he often to fill in?
What information will be helpful in assessing the candidate’s suitability for the post
What will the firm obtain from this paper of the candidate
How should the candidate complete the paper
What will CVs or resumes as well as application forms require?
Why do you need the referees?
Whom may the candidate name as one of referees
What may the firm ask for?
Вам подходит эта работа?
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