Английский язык Синергия. (Тест с ответами) Ликвидация А3 - 4 семестр

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Английский язык Синергия. (Тест с ответами) Ликвидация А3 - 4 семестр

20 вопросов - с ответами. Оценка 90/100 баллов


Выберите модальный глагол, соответствующий данному предложению.

Don't forget that we... to meet in the evening.





Выберите правильный вариант подчеркнутой формы глагола:

Два месяца назад мой друг закончил университет. Сейчас он ищет работу. Он отправил свое резюме нескольким компаниям. На днях его пригласили на собеседование. Если ему предложат интересную, высокооплачиваемую работу, он согласится.


...has been invited

... had been invited

...was invited


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In marketing, as in the rest of life, there is much to learn from history. Postmortems of marketing failures are important factors in making decisions about the future. The spectrum of marketing failures ranges from inadequate return on the original investment to corporate bankruptcy.

As production techniques and marketing systems become more sophisticated, cross-cultural trading increases. As people of different cultures become more dependent on each other for their living standards, they appreciate the need for peace and stability. Communication and transportation systems have created a small world, in a marketing sense. Every year more and more firms, even relatively small ones, enter the international market. The problems encountered there are significantly different from those encountered in domestic operations. Marketers are accustomed to risk-taking; but in international dealings the dimensions of these risks are often misjudged and misunderstood.

The emergence of the multinational corporation (MNC) is of major significance in the future of marketing. Many firms that entered the export business in a modest way eventually became fully committed to an international perspective. The two basic roles of these MNCs are the transmission of resources, especially technological and managerial skills, and organization of the economic activities of several nations. Global approaches to economic decisions often differ with the aims of specific countries. There may be resistance to multinational activities for reasons of nationalism, control, and the extraction of profits

The current trend in marketing is...

failure to adhere to long-range goal policies

development of international trade

misjudged strategies


Выберите грамматическую конструкцию, соответствующую каждому предложению.

Would you mind ...to the library with me?

coming up

come up

that you come up

to come up


Из нескольких вариантов ответов выберите единственно правильный.

Не will do it when he ... writing this letter.

Will finish

Has finished


Would finish


Выберите правильный вариант подчеркнутой формы глагола

" Твой компьютер подключен к Интернету?" - "Да, я пользуюсь Интернета уже 4 года". - "Ты когда-нибудь думал о создании собственного сайта?" - " Как раз сейчас я делаю его. Как только он будет завершен, ты сможешь его увидеть. Думаю, он тебе понравится".

Is... connecting

... connected

Had ... been connected

Is... connected


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Most well-run organizations attempt to develop and follow strategies, large-scale action plans for interacting with the environment in,order to achieve long-term goals. A comprehensive statement of an organization's strategies, along with'its mission arid goals, constitutes an organization's strategic plan. To learn where such strategies originate and how they are put in action, we need to examine carefully an aspect of the planning function called strategic management. Strategic management is a process through which managers formulate and implement strategies geared to optimizing strategic goal achievement, given available environmental and internal conditions. This definition recognizes that strategic management is oriented toward reaching long-term goals, weighs important environmental elements, considers major internal characteristics of the organization, and involves developing specific strategies.

The strategic management process is made up of several major components. The process begins with identifying the organization's mission and strategic goals. The process also includes analyzing the competitive situation, taking into consideration both the external environment and relevant organizational factors. The part of the strategic management: process triat includes identifying the mission and strategic goals, conducting competitive analysis, and developing specific strategies is often referred to as strategy formulation. In contrast, the part of the strategic management process that focuses on carrying out strategic plans and maintaining control over how those plans are carried out is known as strategy implementation. Strategy implementation is increasingly highlighted as a distinct part of the strategic management process because even the most brilliantly formulated strategies must be implemented effectively in order to reach strategic goals.

Strategy formulation...

focuses on carrying out strategic plans

is a part of the strategic management process

has the same functions as strategy implementation


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Banks are among the most important financial institutions. The way in which a bank is organized and operates is determined by its objectives. The first and the most important function of a central bank is to accept responsibility for advising the government on the making of the country's financial policy, and then to see that it is carried out. The aim of commercial banks is to earn profit. Over the years banks have developed organizational forms, or structures, designed to perform these various roles and to supply the services their customers demand.

A commercial bank which provides the' same range of services year after year is less likely to be successful. Successful competing in the constantly changing global business environment requires market-driven strategies that are responsive to customers' needs and wants. Executives who do not recognize the change's occurring in the vast array of markets for products and services will not be able to cope with the unprecedented competitive pressure in the market place. To improve competitive advantages they are drastically altering their business and marketing strategies which may include downsizing, repositioning, market segmentation, altering the business portfolio, pricing, promotion and strategic alliances between companies. With the global increase in the number of competitors banks face in their major markets, more and more banking firms have become market-driven and more alert to the changing service demands of their customers and also to the challenges posed by bank and nonbank competitors. This trend forced bank managers to become more concerned with service marketing activities and with profitability and growth.

Banks are usually organized to follow their functions and supply the services as efficiently as possible. Moreover, as larger banks generally offer more services, a bank's size is also a significant factor in determining how banks are organized.

To cope with competitive pressure in the market place bank executives should...

increase profitability

neglect marketing strategies

take into account market changes


Выберите правильный вариант подчеркнутой формы глагола

На этой неделе ваша компания заключила выгодный контракт, не так ли?" - "Да, вчера я проводила наших зарубежных партнеров в аэропорт. Шел сильный дождь, и я думала, что рейс будет отменен. К полудню дождь прекратился. Вскоре была объявлена посадка

... stopped raining

...had stopped raining


...has stopped raining


Выберите грамматическую конструкцию, соответствующую каждому предложению.

On arriving at the airport we discovered that the plane....

is late

will be late

being late

would be late


Выберите русское предложение, наиболее точно соответствующее по смыслу английскому предложению

They seem to be winning the match.

Кажется, они выигрывают матч.

Им кажется, что они выигрывают матч.

Кажется, они выиграли матч.


Выберите русское предложение., наиболее точно соответствующее по смыслу английскому предложению

We expected him to arrive before dark.

Мы ожидали, что он приедет до наступления темноты.

Мы ждали его., пока не стемнело.

Как мы и ожидали, он приехал до наступления темноты.


Из нескольких вариантов ответов выберите единственно правильный

I... this wonderfull film when I was 16.


Have seen


Had seen


Выберите правильный вариант подчеркнутой формы глагола

"Посмотри! Здесь появился новый бизнес-центр. Когда его построили?" - "Он еще не закончен. Когда строительство будет завершено, он будет оборудован самыми современными средствами связи". - "Три года назад я не мог себе представить, что город так изменится к моему приезду."

... appears

... has appeared

...was appeared

... had appeared


Выберите правильный вариант подчеркнутой формы глагола

На этой неделе ваша компания заключила выгодный контракт, не так ли?" - "Да, вчера я проводила наших зарубежных партнеров в аэропорт. Шел сильный дождь, и я думала, что рейс будет отменен. К полудню дождь прекратился. Вскоре была объявлена посадка

... was announced

... has been announced

... is announced

... was being annonced


Выберите русское предложение., наиболее точно соответствующее по смыслу английскому предложению

They are sure to agree to take part in this work.

Они уверены, что им надо принять участие в этой работе.

Они непременно согласятся принять участие в этой работе.

Вероятно, они согласились принять участие в этой работе.


Из нескольких вариантов ответов выберите единственно правильный

We would have helped you if we... you were in trouble..


have known

had known


Выберите русское предложение., наиболее точно соответствующее по смыслу английскому предложению

They seem to have learned all the rules.

Им кажется, что они выучили все правила.

Кажется., они выучили все правила.

Кажется., они учат все правила.


Из нескольких вариантов ответов выберите единственно правильный

She told me she ... on business to the USA.

Was going

Had been going

Will be going

Has gone


Выберите грамматическую конструкцию, соответствующую каждому предложению.

They made ...a decision.

him to take

him take

him taking

he to take


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Английский язык Синергия. (Тест с ответами) (Ликвидация А3) - 4 семестр

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