Профессиональный иностранный язык (английский)

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Вопрос № 1

Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence.

Chemical engineering is _____ of engineering that combines pure sciences like physics, chemistry mathematics and economics to produce applications in energy, materials, construction medicine and healthcare sectors to improve the quality of life.

Ответ студента:

1. outlier

2. a branch

3. chapter

4. wing

Верно ( + 1 балл)

Вопрос № 2

Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence.

Although the process of _____ was not fully understood until Louis Pasteur's work in 1857, it is still the first use of biotechnology to convert a food source into another form.

Ответ студента:

1. fermented

2. fermentation

3. ferments

4. unfermented

Верно ( + 1 балл)

Вопрос № 3

Choose the right alternative.

_____ for health and safety at your place of work?

Ответ студента:

1. who responsibility has

2. who has responsibility

3. has responsibility who

4. whose responsibility

Верно ( + 1 балл)

Вопрос № 4

Choose the right alternative.

_____ preparing fieldwork safety documents for trips?

Ответ студента:

1. who is for responsible

2. for who is responsible

3. is who responsible for

4. who is responsible for

Верно ( + 1 балл)

Вопрос № 5

Choose the right alternative.

If we _______ an argument, we would not have been late.

Ответ студента:

1. have not

2. did not have

3. had had

4. had not had

Верно ( + 1 балл)

Вопрос № 6

Which word does NOT fit the space?

According to Green Pack, the most common types of soil pollutants are _____ .

Ответ студента:

1. pesticides or herbicides

2. organic matter

3. combustible or radioactive materials

4. heavy metals

Верно ( + 1 балл)

Вопрос № 7

Circle the odd word out in the following group of words _______

Ответ студента:

1. hazardous

2. precarious

3. secure

4. dangerous

Верно ( + 1 балл)

Вопрос № 8

Circle the odd word out in the following group of words _______

Ответ студента:

1. Polymer chemistry

2. Analytical chemistry

3. Medical chemistry

4. Medieval chemistry

Верно ( + 1 балл)

Вопрос № 9

Chemical engineers apply the scientific principles to solve problems that involve the production or use of:

Ответ студента:

1. perpetual motion

2. fuel

3. chemicals

4. truth

Верно ( + 2 балла)

Вопрос № 10

Chemical engineers work mostly:

Ответ студента:

1. free of charge

2. as a freelance

3. in laboratories

4. in offices

Верно ( + 2 балла)

Вопрос № 11

A safety sign provides information about safety or health and can be a _____ or a _____.

Ответ студента:

1. verbal communication

2. sigh

3. twinkle

4. hand signal

Верно ( + 2 балла)

Вопрос № 12

The main routes when dangerous chemicals enter the body are:

Ответ студента:

1. feeding

2. breathing

3. inoculation:

4. ingestion

Верно ( + 2 балла)

Вопрос № 13

Put the parts of the sentence in the correct order.

1. with the application of chemistry

2. and other natural sciences

3. to manufacturing processes.

4. Chemical engineering deals

Верно ( + 3 балла)

Вопрос № 14

Put the parts of the sentence in the correct order.

1. manufacturing made $94,810.

2. Chemical engineers working in resin,

3. synthetic fibers and filaments

4. synthetic rubber, and artificial

Верно ( + 3 балла)

Вопрос № 15

Put the parts of the sentence in the correct order.

1. manufacturing process and

2. for developing strategies for efficiencies in the mixing area.

3. for optimizing the Raw Material

4. The Chemical Engineer is responsible

Верно ( + 3 балла)

Вопрос № 16

Put the parts of the sentence in the correct order.

1. degree in

2. have a bachelor’s

3. chemical engineering.

4. Chemical engineers must

Верно ( + 3 балла)


Вопрос № 17

Find the most suitable variant for each sentence.

1. It may be prepared by distilling fuming sulphuric acid, or concentrated sulphuric acid over phosphorus pentoxide, or by the direct union of sulphur dioxide with oxygen in the presence of a _____, such as platinized asbestos

2. _____ is the increase in the rate of a chemical reaction due to the participation of an additional substance.

Выбран из вариантов:



Верно ( + 3 балла)

Вопрос № 18

Find the most suitable variant for each sentence.

1. Put _____ first and be careful.

2. But outsourcing to pollute, oppress workers, or have _____ working conditions hurts the world's standard of living.

Выбран из вариантов:



Верно ( + 3 балла)

Вопрос № 19

Fill in the correct form of the word given in brackets.

By identifying and evaluating options and resources useful to support green engineering, _____ and invaluable improvements can be gained. (signify)

Верно ( + 3 балл)

Вопрос № 20

Fill in the correct form of the word given in brackets.

The need is emphasized for an accurate risk assessment, careful control by means of the current monitoring strategies and _____ of the confinement measures. (implement)

Верно ( + 3 балл)

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