[РОСДИСТАНТ] Академический английский язык 1 FINAL TASK 1,2,3

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Final Task 3 Final Task 3
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Final Task 1 Final Task 1
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Final Task 2_corr+ Final Task 2_corr+
18.3 Кбайт 18.3 Кбайт
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Final Task 3_пр
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Final task 1_пр
918.6 Кбайт 400 ₽
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Академический английский язык 1. РОСДИСТАНТ. Практические работы. Final Task 1-3.



The final task will allow you to evaluate your knowledge and your achievement after studying of Module 1.


Write an academic essay on the topic “What Is the Role of Science and Technology in the Society?”. Write at least 250-300 words. Use the words from the file «Vocabulary for Module 1». 10 words from the list must be used. Don't forget to apply the words and clichés from the useful vocabulary for writing an essay below and highlight them in green.

You should remember to:

·      divide your essay into three parts: introduction, body and conclusion;

·      have a clear introduction telling the reader briefly what areas you are going to cover;

·      make it clear which side of an argument you are presenting (use clear linking expressions such as ‘On the one hand …’; ‘On the other hand …’) and make sure you do not mix two sides of an argument in the same paragraph;

·      give examples clearly (choose good examples which illustrate your argument when you take notes (use expressions such as ‘We can see an example of this ... ’);

·      make it clear when you are giving your own opinion (use expressions such as ‘in my view ... ’);

·      give a clear conclusion which relates your argument back to the original question and summarizes your opinion.


Note: After the completing the Final Task use Self-Assessment List to be sure you’ve completed the work correctly.



The final task will allow you to evaluate your knowledge and your achievement after studying of Module 2.


The final task consists of two parts.

The maximum score for both parts of the final task in module 2 “Scientific publications” is 14 points, estimated according to the parameters.



The final task will allow you to evaluate your knowledge and your achievement after studying of Module 3.


Write an informative abstract (approximately 250 words) and 5 keywords for an article you have written in Russian. In case you don’t have your own article use your Bachelor’s Graduation Work. You need to use:

·      the information (tips) you have got from Listening and Reading parts of the module;

·      the abstract structure given in Reading 1;

·      at least 10 words from the file «Vocabulary for Module 3» (highlight them in green);

·      at least 5 of the clichés listed below (underline them);

·      5 keywords (write them after the abstract).


Note: After the completing the Final Task use Self-Assessment List to be sure you’ve completed the work correctly.

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