Cвободные (специальные) экономические зоны в Китае и их роль в глобальной экономике

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Cвободные (специальные) экономические зоны в Китае и их роль в глобальной экономике
6.5 Мбайт 2 200 ₽

Дата изготовления: май 2024 года.

Учебное заведение: неизвестно.

Проведен анализ данных за 2013-2022 годы.

Целью данной работы является предоставление всестороннего обзора развития, функционирования и влияния СЭЗ в Китае на мировой рынок экономики в целом.

Задачи, которые предстоит решить:

Проанализируйте концепции и современные классификации СЭЗ, чтобы понять их теоретические основы.

В соответствии с поставленной целью считаю необходимым решить следующие задачи:

-                    Изучить теоретические основы и современные классификации свободных экономических зон в мире.

-                    Исследовать общие характеристики системы свободных экономических зон в Китае, региональное распределение и экономическое значение.

-                    Изучить систему государственного регулирования свободных экономических зон в Китае.

-                    Оценить влияние свободных экономических зон на темпы экономического роста в Китае и анализировать их эффективность на стимулирование экономического развития страны.

Проанализировать перспективы развития свободных экономических зон в Китае, в том числе возможности для инноваций и экономического сотрудничества с другими странами, особенно с Монголией.

Работа была успешно сдана - заказчик претензий не имел.

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1.1 Понятия и современные классификации свободных экономических зон 6

1.2 История развития свободных экономических зон 12

1.3 Анализ мирового опыта функционирования свободных экономических зон 18


2.1 Общая характеристика современной системы свободных экономических зон в КНР 34

2.2 Анализ системы государственного регулирования деятельности свободных экономических зон в КНР 45

2.3 Оценка влияние свободных экономических зон на темп экономического роста КНР 54


3.1 Проблемы и возможности развития системы государственного регулирования свободных экономических зон в КНР 61

3.2 Перспективы использования свободных экономических зон для развития инновационных отраслей экономики КНР 67

3.3 Использование свободных экономических зон для развития экономического сотрудничества КНР с Монголией 81



Список литературы

1. Akbari M, Azbari ME, Chaijani MH. “Performance of the firms in a free-trade zone: the role of institutional factors and resources”, 2019, 363–378. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

2. Chang, C., Chen, X., & Liao, G. “What are the Reliably Important Determinants of Capital Structure in China?”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2015, 87 - 113. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

3. Chen WL, Hu Y, Liu B, Wang H, Zheng MB. “Does the establishment of Pilot Free Trade Test Zones promote the transformation and upgradation of trade patterns?” , 2022, 114–128. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

4. China Center for Special Economic Zone Research, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China, Xiaowen Fan. “Report on the Development of Pilot Free Trade Zones in China”, 2019, 35-70. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

5. Dong Q, Wang AM, He KK, Zhu K. “Impact of government incentives on the innovation output of high-tech enterprises from the perspective of the free trade zone: a case study of China”, 2020, 462–485. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

6. Fan, X. “China Pilot Free Trade Zones and all-around open economic system reform”, 2015, 155-180. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

7. Feng, Q. “Exploring the Path of reform and opening-up, realizing rapid economic growth and expanding the construction of Free Trade Zones in China”, 2018, 275-283. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

8. Hossain, M. S., Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Freedom and Economic Growth. “Evidence from Developing Countries International Journal of Economics & Finance”, 2019, 200 - 214. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

9. Hu, Z.; Zhou, J.; Li, Y. “Has the establishment of the pilot free trade zone improved the atmospheric environment?”, 2022, 37–50. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

10. Huang, P. “The effect of regional policy on corporate innovation performance based on propensity score matching method”, 2022, 821–831. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

11. Jiang YF, Wang HY, Liu K. “The impact of the free trade zone on green total factor productivity -evidence from the Shanghai pilot free trade zone”, 2021, 148-150. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

12. Justin Y., Jiajun Xu and Junjie Xia. “‘Explaining reform and special economic zones in China”, The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Economic Development, 2021, 559–573. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

13. Li H. “Innovation and financial performance: an assessment of patenting strategies of Chinese listed firms”, 2021, 225-252. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

14. Li Yin. “Innovative Firms and High-tech Industrial Hubs in China”, The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Economic Development, 2020, 592-606. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

15. Li, S.; Liu, J.; Kong, Y. “Pilot free trade zones and Chinese port-listed companies’ performance: An empirical research based on quasi-natural experiment”, 2021, 125–137. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

16. Lin X, Leng LP, Qiu Y. “Research on the policy effect of Free Trade Zone on regional innovation capability: evidence from China”, 2023, 689–694. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

17. Qin B, Zeng DM, Gao AG. “Convergence effect of the Belt and Road Initiative on income disparity: evidence from China”, 2021, 16-23. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

18. Shi JG, Sadowski BM, Zeng XR. “Picking winners in strategic emerging industries using government subsidies in China: the role of market power”, 2023, 18-25. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

19. Zhang, J.; Cai, N.; Mao, J.; Yang, C. “Autonomous innovation, technology introduction, and green growth of Chinese industry—An empirical study based on industry heterogeneity”, 2020, 185–194. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

20. Zheng, Yu, and Aradhna Aggarwal “Special Economic Zones in China and India: A Comparative Analysis”, The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Economic Development, 2020, 607-622. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

Научные статьи:

1. Chen Qi and Liu Wei. "Analysis of the Motives and Economic Effects of Establishing the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone", "Scientific Development", 2018. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

2. Desai, M. A., Foley, C. F., Hines, Jr. , & James, R. “Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Economic Activity”, NBER Working Paper, No. 1020, 2015. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

3. Gu Shengz. “Co-ordinated development – The gateway to the Bay Area Development. The IFF China Report 2018”, 2018, URL: https://www.centralbanking.com/central-banks/economics/3458506/co-ordinated-development-the-gateway-to-the-bay-area-development#cxrecs_s (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

4. Jigang, Wei. "Four Decade of China’s Industrial Policies.", 2018, URL: http://en.drc.gov.cn/2018-10/31/content_37172949.htm. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

5. Kong Qunxi, Wang Ziqi and Cai Meng. "Does Outward Direct Investment Improve the Quality of China's Economic Growth", "Finance and Trade Economics", 2019. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

6. Li Shanmin. "Blue Book on the Development of China Free Trade Pilot Zones (2019-2020)", Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press, 2020. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

7. Liu Bingsuan and Chang Cheng. "Differential Analysis of the Impact of Free Trade Zones on Regional Economy - A Comparative Study Based on Synthetic Control Method", "International Trade Issues", 2018. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

8. Ministry of Commerce of the People’s republic China "China Pilot Free Trade Zone Development Report (2023)”, 2023, URL: http://zmqgs.mofcom.gov.cn/article/gzjb/202311/20231103450930.shtml (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

9. Pan Xiongfeng, Yan Yaobo, Wang Guan. "Research on the Transmission Path of Outward Direct Investment, Technological Innovation and Economic Growth", "Statistical Research", 2016. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

10. Qinghe, Luo, Wang Fang, Zhnag Zhenfeng , and Ke Xiao. "A study of Special Economic Zone: Transformation and the China Model”, 2019, 65-89 (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

11. Research Team of Sun Yat-sen University Free Trade Zone Comprehensive Research Institute “China Free Trade Pilot Zone Institutional Innovation Index", 2023. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

12. Shanghai Academy Of Social Sciences “China Pilot Free Trade Zone and Future of Asia”, 2018, URL: https://www.ide.go.jp/library/Japanese/Event/Sympo/pdf/150223_final_report.pdf (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

13. Shen Yuan, Wang Xin, Shen Junlong. "Analysis on the Innovation Effect of the Negative List Management Model of China (Shanghai) White Trade Zone", "Journal of Hohai University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)", 2017. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

14. Shi Xiuqun. "Free Trade Pilot Zones and Economic Growth - An Empirical Study Based on Quasi-Natural Experiments", Economic Review, Vol. 4, 2018. (дата обращения 15.04.2024) 

15. Tan Na, Zhou Xianbo, Lin Jianhao. “Research on the Economic Growth Effect of Shanghai Free Trade Zone Based on Counterfactual Analysis Method under Panel Data", "International Trade Issues", 2019. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

16. UNCTAD “The Role of China’s Pilot Free Trade Zones in Promoting Institutional Innovation, Industrial Transformation and South-South Cooperation”, 2023, URL: https://unctad.org/publication/role-chinas-pilot-free-trade-zones-promoting-institutional-innovation-industrial (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

17. UNCTAD. Wang Xiaohong, deputy minister of information. “World Investment Report 2018 Investment and New Industrial Policies” 2018, URL:https://www.centralbanking.com/central-banks/economics/3454351/foreign-direct-investment-supporting-chinas-leapfrog-development. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

18. Wang Aijian, Fang Yunlong, Zu Aiyi: "40 Years of Financial Opening: Process, Achievements and Chinese Experience", "Modern Finance (Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics)", Issue 3, 2019. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

19. Wang Lihui and Liu Zhihong. "Research on the Impact of Shanghai Free Trade Zone on Regional Economy - Based on the "Counterfactual" Thinking Perspective", "International Trade Issues", 2020. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

20. Xiang Houjun and He Kang. "The impact of free trade zones and capital flows - a natural experiment study based on Shanghai", International Trade Issues, Vol. 8, 2016. 143 Finance & Trade Economics, Vol. 41, No. 8, 2020. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

21. Yiming Yuan. “In Studies on China's Special Economic Zones”, 2017, 21-39, Singapore: Social Sciences Academic Press and Springer Nature Singapore. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

22. Yin Hua and Gao Weihe. "Do free trade pilot zones produce an "institutional dividend" effect? Evidence from the Shanghai Free Trade Zone", Financial Research, 2019. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

23. Yitao, Tao. "Special Economic Zones and China's Path." In Studies on China's Special Economic Zones, by Yiming Yuan, 2019, 1-11. Singapore: Social Sciences Academic Press and Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

24. Zhang Jun, Yan Dongsheng, Feng Zongxian and Li Cheng. "Can the establishment of free trade zones effectively promote economic growth? - A dynamic perspective study based on the double difference method", Economic Problem Exploration, Vol. 11, 2018. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

25. Zhang, Liu, Jiang, & Han. “Strengthen the structural transformation of the Belt and Road partner countries: Global value chain integration and upgrade”, UNCTAD project policy paper, 2022, URL: https://unctad.org/system/ files/official-document/BRI-Project_RP12_en.pdf. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)


1. Chinese Government Website. "Xi Jinping presided over the 15th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reforms and emphasized: Promoting deeper reforms and implementing higher levels of opening up will provide strong impetus for building a new development pattern", 2020, URL: https ://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2020-09/01/content_5539118.htm. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

2. KPMG. "Pilot Free Trade Zone Series - Regulation for China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone has been released." 2017. URL: https://www.kpmg.com/CN/en/IssuesAndInsights/ArticlesPublications/Newsletters/ChinaAle rts/Documents/China-tax-alert-1408-22-Regulation-for-China-Shanghai-Pilot-Free-TradeZone-released.pdf). (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

3. Ministry of Commerce of the People’s republic China “Minister Zhong Shan and Mongolian Deputy Prime Minister Soderbaatar co-chaired the 16th meeting of the China-Mongolia Joint Economic and Trade Committee”, 2020, URL: http://fta.mofcom.gov.cn/article/chinamongol/chinamongolnews/202011/43718_1.html (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

4. Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China. "Shanghai Free Trade Account Reform and Innovation and Market Scale Will Reach a New Level in 2021", 2022, URL: https://finance.sina.com.cn/china/gncj/ 2022-02-07/doc-ikyakumy4634950.shtml. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

5. Sun YT, Cao C. “Planning for science: China’s “grand experiment” and global implications”, 2021, URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-021-00895-7 (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

6. Zhang, Y., Liu, J., Xi, X., & Yang, X. “Understanding and application of “Opinions on Providing a Judicial Guarantee for the Construction of Pilot Free Trade Zones”, 2017, URL: http://rmfyb.chinacourt.org/paper/html/2017-01/18/content_120979.htm?div=-1. (дата обращения 15.04.2024)

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