реферат на английском. Тема. Derivational Potential of Words of Native Origin.

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реферат на английском. Тема. Derivational Potential of Words of Native Origin.



The concept of “potential” has not been received in linguistics definition as a scientific category. In the literature, this term is used, as a rule, without definition, hence discrepancies arise in its interpretation.

The purpose of my referat is to analyze the derivational potential of words of origin. My tasks concern study words of origin and etymology of English words. This category should be classified as universal, because it manifests itself at all levels of language. So, researchers identify lexical, semantic, word-formative, etc. potentials that do not have in the literature there is no unambiguous interpretation[1].

There is a broad and narrow understanding of derivational potential. A broad understanding is associated with the word-formation system of a language, which has a set of word-formation resources through which the language develops. Therefore, the word-formation potential of this language is highlighted. It consists of variety of motivating units, methods and means derivations interacting with each other. The derivational potential of a language depends not only on material resources, but also on the level and volume of accumulated means, the state of the word-formation system, as well as the need of society for language units.

Word-formation potential in the narrow sense is derivational capabilities of a separate element of the word-formation system. In this aspect the following are studied:

1. Derivational potential of the method of word formation. From this position, any method of word formation is considered from the point of view of the results of its activities. In in particular, words become the result of substantivization with the meaning ‘activist’ (duty), ‘place’ (dining room), and

also words with abstract meaning (new).

2. Derivational potential of a word-forming device. From this point of view, word-formation types of the Russian language are studied, where the results of the activity of a given word-formation type become decisive. For example, using formant -tel from verbal stems form lexemes with the meaning ‘persons’ (dreamer), ‘tools’ (sprayer).

3. Derivational possibilities of the word. The derivational potential of a word is understood as real and the potential ability of words to generate new ones

units. From this position, the number of derivative words that arose from the originator and their qualitative characteristics are studied.



Introduction 2

1. Тhе Еtіmоlоgу of English words 3

2. Words of native origin 9

Conclusion 12

References 13

Список литературы

1. Arbekova T.I. Lexicology of the English language. - M.: Higher School, 1977. - 238 p.

2. Babich G. N. Lexicology of the English language. - M.: Flinta, 2019.-200 p.

3. Ivanova E.V. Lexicology and phraseology of modern English.- M.: Academy, 2011.-346 p.

4. Kunin A.V. Phraseology course of modern English language.-M: Higher School, 1996. – 200 p.

5. Nikitin M.V. lexical word meaning.-M: Higher school, 1983.- 128p.

6. Palmer F.R. Semantics. A new outline.- Cam: Cambridge University, 1976.- 173p.
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