Иностранный язык_2

Иностранные языки
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30 Июл в 07:50
3 курс
300 ₽
Практические задания для ВКС ИЯ 2 Практические задания для ВКС ИЯ 2
17.9 Кбайт 17.9 Кбайт
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Иностранный_язык_2_Практическое задание №1,2
922.4 Кбайт 300 ₽

Задание 1. Проверка умений чтения на английском языке.

Прочитайте текст интервью с пропусками. Выберите подходящий в пропуск по смыслу вариант из вопросов после текста. Заполните пропуски


Complete the article with questions a)–f).

The One-Minute Interview: fashion designer, Matthew Burns.

Im a clothes designer and a businessman. I make clothes and sell them on the internet.

I love making clothes and selling them! My friends like my clothes and now I make and sell them to other people. They like them, too. Thats really important to me.

I work for 12 hours every day – and I never have a holiday!

I get up at 6 and go running. I start work at 8a.m and leave at 8 in the evening!

I dont have any free time! But I always listen to music when I work. I love it. I like listening to new bands – but I hate rock music. I spend all my free time with my family. Ive got two wonderful daughters. They give me a lot of ideas for my clothes!

Задание 2. Проверка умений говорения.

Выберите из списка вопросов ниже любые 4, по одной из тем «Дом», «Город», «Внешность», «Одежда». Напишите развернутый ответ на эту тему (не менее 10 предложений).

Вопросы к зачету по темам:

№ п/п

Вопросы к устному зачету

Тема «Дом»

  1. The English say Home is where the heart is What do you think this means?
  2. How important to you is your home?
  3. Is there any place you visit that feels like a home from home? Why?
  4. What is it about your home that makes it so important to you?
  5. What would you say are the three things that makes you home feel so different?
  6. Do you have a dacha and what is special about it?
  7. Describe a flat of your dream.

Тема «Город»

  1. Is your hometown always where you think of as home and why is that?
  2. Do you enjoy travelling and what do you most enjoy?
  3. Which Russian cities have you visited and which did you like the most?
  4. Describe your favourite town.

Тема «Внешность»

  1. Speak about the appearance of a famous person who inspires you most.
  2. Describe a famous actor or a politician or a sportsman.
  3. Ideas of beauty are different. Give examples
  4. How much time do you spend caring for how you look?
  5. Is appearance more important than the character they have.
  6. What are the important things a person can do to look good?
  7. Do you feel nervous when in the company of someone who is foreign and looks different to you?

Тема «Одежда»

  1. Are the clothes you wear more important than your physical appearance?
  2. As a person grows older should a person try to do something about their looks or remain natural?

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