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КАЧЕСТВЕННАЯ РАБОТА, ВЫПОЛНЕННАЯ НА ЗАКАЗ. ПРИ НЕОБХОДИМОСТИ МОГУ ВЫПОЛНИТЬ ИНДИВИДУАЛЬНУЮ РАБОТУ ПО ВАШИМ ТРЕБОВАНИЯМ! КАЧЕСТВО ГАРАНТИРУЮ! ВСЕ ПОСЛЕДУЮЩИЕ ДОРАБОТКИ БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ!!! ЕСЛИ ВОЗНИКНУТ ВОПРОСЫ ПО РАБОТЕ, ПИШИТЕ В ЛИЧНЫЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ. Контрольная работа №1 Вариант 3 I. В данных предложениях выберите соответствующее притяжательное местоимение. 1. She doesn’t need to borrow from the bank. She’s got … own money. a) her b) hers c) his 2. We are going to invite … Korean partners to the conference. a) our b) ours c) theirs 3. I’m going to a wedding on Friday. A friend of … is getting married. a) mine b) my c) our II. К данным предложениям подберите соответствующие неопределённые или отрицательные местоимения. 1. Are there …seats left on the flight to Tokyo next Monday? a) some b) any c) anything 2. These plans are secret. You mustn’t discuss them with … . a) somebody b) nobody c) anyone 3. I’m having …problems with this new software. a) no b) any c) something III. К подчёркнутым словам в данных предложениях подберите правильный вариант вопроса. 1. The museum offers an excellent opportunity to get familiar with the history of Khabarovsk. А. Does the museum offer an excellent opportunity to get familiar with the history? В. What museum offers an excellent opportunity to get familiar with the history? С. What offers an excellent opportunity to get familiar with the history of Khabarovsk? 2. High technologies are very important for economy's development. А. What are high technologies very important for? В. Why are high technologies very important? С. What technologies are very important? 3. The journey took a long time because there was a lot of traffic. А. How much time did the journey take? В. How much traffic was there? С. Why did the journey take a long time? IV. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какую функцию окончание –s выполняет в предложениях: а) показатель 3-го лица ед. числа в Pres
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3. He works as a software engineer for Nokia . V. Выберите прилагательное в нужной степени сравнения. 1. Daimler Chrysler is … company in Europe. a) as profitable as b) more profitable c) the most profitable 2. Air France is not as …as Lufthansa. a) bigger b) the biggest c) big 3. Norway has the … number of McDonalds restaurants. a) smallest b) smaller c) most small VI. Определите временную форму сказуемого в данных предложениях. 1. Environment protection has become a global problem. a) Present Perfect b) Past Simple c) Past Perfect 2. Our Administration will have set up some new joint ventures by next year. a) Present Perfect b) Future Perfect c) Future Simple 3. He was checking the accounts the whole day. a) Past Simple b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect VII. Выберите правильную форму глагола для следующих предложений. 1. When the phone rang, I … to a client. a) was talking b) was talked c) talk 2. I … at the State Academy of Economics and Law. a) studies b) study c) am study 3. I don’t think I … to the conference. a) came b) will come c) am coming VIII. Выберите вспомогательный глагол для следующих предложений. 1. … you study or work? a) do b) are c) shall 2. When …you send your report to the conference? a) did b) have c) shall 3. How long … your friend been living in Khabarovsk? a) was b) does c) has IX. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на слова с окончанием "-ed". 1. The Government adopted a new program of the economic development. 2. I have worked in the company for 3 years. 3. Specialists reported at the conference are well-known economists.