Заказ № 3250 Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет. Тест «Английский язык» на отлично! Выбери значение приставки contra …

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29 Окт 2023 в 12:28
Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет
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100 ₽
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Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет.

Дисциплина: «Английский язык»


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Тестовое задание № 1

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Flying 'car' could be on sale next year (15th July, 2018)

Humanity is set to enter a new era of transport as a flying car could go on sale next year. The BlackFly airborne vehicle was unveiled by maker Opener in California on Thursday. It is the brainchild of Google co-founder Larry Page. BlackFly's designers say it can travel for up to 40km at a speed of 100kph. It will eventually cost the same as a typical sports-utility car. The vehicle has been tested in Canada, which has authorized its use. Even though it will take to the skies, drivers (or pilots) will not need a pilot's license to get behind the controls. However, BlackFly operators will have to successfully complete a pilot's written examination and receive training in how to use the vehicle.

Critics say the term "car" is somewhat of a misnomer as it has no wheels and cannot be driven on roads. A more accurate description would be a person-carrying drone. The vehicle can only carry one person and is powered by eight propellers - four at the front of the car and four at the back. Company CEO Marcus Leng said: "Opener is re-energizing the art of flight with a safe and affordable flying vehicle that can free its operators from the everyday restrictions of ground transportation." A former vice-president of knowledge at Google said the age of personal flight could be arriving with BlackFly. He said: "I've noticed in my career that things go from impossible to inevitable in a very short period of time."

Выбери значение приставки contra-

Выберите один ответ:

a. внутри

b. снаружи

c. перед

d. противно

е. назад, снова

How many people can the car carry?

Выберите один ответ:

a. 4

b. 1

c. 2

d. 3

Fill in the gaps: Company CEO Marcus Leng said: «Opener is re-energizing the art of flight with a safe and affordable flying vehicle that can free its operators from the everyday___________ of ground transportation.»

Выберите один ответ:

a. inevitable

b. restrictions

c. drone

d. accurate

e. misnomer

f. personal

g. art

h. powered

Match the definition: restrictions

Выберите один ответ:

a. A mechanical device for propelling a boat or aircraft, consisting of a revolving shaft with two or more broad, angled blades attached to it

b. Faithfully or fairly representing the truth about someone

c. Inexpensive; reasonably priced

d. People who judge the merits of literary artistic, or MUSiCal WOliCS, especially one viho does so professionally

e. A wrong or inaccurate name

f The limitation or control of someone or something, or the state of being limited or restricted

g. Certain to happen; unavoidable

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