💯 ТулГУ Иностранный язык (английский язык) (ответы на тесты, октябрь 2022)

Иностранные языки
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8 Окт 2022 в 14:14
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ТулГУ Иностранный язык (английский язык)
160.2 Кбайт 400 ₽
  • правильные ответы на 139 вопросов из тестов по данной дисциплине
  • вопросы отсортированы в лексикографическом порядке

Иностранный язык (английский язык)

_________ were carried out on animals before the drug was tested on humans.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • experiments
  • investigations
  • pills
  • research

… a bookshop near here? Yes, there is one in Hill Street.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • Are there
  • Is there
  • There is
  • There was

… shopping after classes!

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • Goes
  • Let's go
  • To go
  • Went

… should be refreshment.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • leisure
  • pleasure
  • vigour
  • virtue

… waste money on candies and ice-cream!

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • Doesn't
  • Don't
  • Not
  • Not to

A (An) … computer system consists of five fundamental units.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • full-of-fun
  • out-of-date
  • up-to-data
  • up-to-date

According to the agreement the sofa will be delivered ... the seller himself.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • by
  • for
  • of
  • with

Adam Smith is a famous… .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • economical
  • economics
  • economist
  • economy

After he'd graduated from the university he became a (an) … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • aspirant
  • postgraduate
  • senior
  • undergraduate

All means of travel have their … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • advantages and disadvantages
  • business and pleasure
  • harbor and departure
  • luggage and customs

All the public holidays in Great Britain (except New Year's Day, Christmas and Boxing Day) are … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • commemorating
  • forbidden
  • movable
  • religious

American young people are mostly … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • average
  • hardworking
  • lazy
  • various

An atheist … in God.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • believes
  • doesn't believe
  • don't believe
  • not believes

An important discovery was made in Germany in1859. A group of _________ found the body of a Neanderthal man.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • science
  • scientific
  • scientists
  • scientology

Ann … her hair every day or so.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • do wash
  • wash
  • washes
  • washing

At the end of each term students pass … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • credit tests
  • entrance exams
  • final exams
  • graduation papers

Automation is introduced both in …and…industries.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • difficult, simple
  • heavy, easy
  • heavy, light
  • strong, easy

Charlie has never seen … like that place except in films.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • any
  • anything
  • nothing
  • some

Computers … an important part in our everyday life.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • play
  • plays
  • was played
  • were played

During the winter, many people take short … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • emphasis
  • performances
  • vacations
  • values

Everybody knows this project will … a great effort.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • have
  • inquire
  • require
  • square

Give me … to read, please. – With pleasure.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • anything
  • everything
  • nothing
  • something

Has … in this group got a dictionary?

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • any
  • anybody
  • some
  • somebody

He … a first year student now.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • has
  • is
  • was
  • will be

He … as an engineer for two years.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • has work
  • has worked
  • have worked
  • worked

He … college from September to May every year.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • attend
  • attends
  • do attend
  • does attend

He ... waiting for you.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • as still been
  • is still
  • still is
  • will still

He didn't sell very many books. That's why he never made … money.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • few
  • little
  • many
  • much

He has very … knowledge of the matter, don't ask him for advice.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • few
  • little
  • many
  • much

He is breathing hard. ..........?

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • Did he run
  • Has he been running
  • Have he run
  • Was he running

He looks so happy. He's just … the exam.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • failed
  • passed
  • sat for
  • taken part in

He said he … at school two years ago.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • has worked
  • is working
  • worked
  • works

He said he … at the “Ritz” hotel.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • is staying
  • was staying
  • will stay
  • will staying

He said he … to the station to see me off.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • comes
  • shall come
  • will come
  • would come

He said he didn't know when ....

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • her birthday was
  • her birthday will be
  • is her birthday
  • was her birthday

He will know the poem by heart when he ……… it twice.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had heard
  • has heard
  • hear
  • will hear

How long … it take you to brush teeth?

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • do
  • does
  • have
  • is

How often … to the cinema?

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • do go you
  • do you go
  • go you
  • you go

I … been to Italy this year.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had
  • has
  • have
  • will have

I am a little frightened for I ……… my way.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • am losing
  • has lost
  • have lost
  • lost

I am aware of a bad news: yesterday I .... that I failed in maths.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had told
  • tell
  • told
  • was told

I am going to Egyptian exhibition as soon as I get a (an) _________.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • advice
  • choice
  • circumstance
  • opportunity

I am sure you won't be able to speak to him, he ……… .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had worked
  • will be working
  • work
  • works

I have … time, so I can't go with you.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • few
  • little
  • many
  • much

I have known him … my childhood.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • already
  • for
  • recently
  • since

I have known him … years.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • already
  • for
  • recently
  • since

I have so … things to do that I don't know which to do first.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • a few
  • few
  • little
  • many

I know many people who ... afraid of closed places.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • are
  • had been
  • is
  • was

I phoned to book train tickets and the receptionist said that the train to Kiev … leave only in a week.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • is to
  • must
  • was
  • was to

I saw her open the window and ... to someone.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • to wave
  • wave
  • waved
  • waving

I studied psychology last year.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • Neither did I.
  • Neither was I.
  • So did I.
  • So was I.

I thought you … better sense.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had
  • has
  • have
  • will have

I usually … coffee for breakfast.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • am
  • has
  • have
  • will have

I went to the library ….

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • in a day
  • next week
  • now
  • yesterday

If you … to Rome, you'll see the Coliseum.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • go
  • went
  • will go
  • would go

In 1863 President Lincoln …………all slaves to be free.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had proclaimed
  • proclaim
  • proclaimed
  • were proclaiming

In 1877 Edison _________ a phonograph.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • created
  • developed
  • invented
  • made

In all the books on etiquette that I ……… it is explained that the tactful host does not map out the day too precisely for his guest in advance.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • am reading
  • had read
  • have read
  • read

Information … over large distances.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • is transmit
  • is transmitted
  • will transmit
  • will transmitting

It … a long time ago.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • happened
  • happening
  • happens
  • will happen

It is difficult to find free … in America.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • entertainment
  • jewelry
  • soccer
  • teenager

It was Mendeleyev … established the periodic table of elements.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • that
  • what
  • which
  • who

Last month I went on business abroad. To pass the Customs control I … fill in a declaration.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • has to
  • must to
  • must
  • had to

Let's have lunch in this snack-bar, there are ... people here.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • few
  • little
  • lots
  • not much

Let's not... there alone.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • don't go
  • go
  • going
  • to go

Look at the sky. … a storm in some minutes.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • Is there
  • There is
  • There was
  • There will be

Many youths work … on weekends.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • full-time
  • never
  • occasionally
  • part-time

Maria ……… her parents yet.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • didn't call
  • hadn't called
  • hasn't called
  • won't call

Modern technology … our lives strongly.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • affects
  • effect
  • effective
  • effects

Modern technology ……… dramatically ……… our lives.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • are …………. improving
  • has ………….. improved
  • have ………... improved
  • is ………….. improving

My friend … come at 5 yesterday, because we had arranged to meet.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had to
  • must
  • must to
  • was to

My niece … a psychologist in two years.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • is
  • was
  • will be
  • will have

My sister-in-law works at one of the most famous hospitals in our city. She is a … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • geologist
  • physician
  • physicist
  • waitress

Normally I … breakfast at 8 in the morning.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • has
  • have
  • have had
  • to have

People who stay at home at the weekend try to … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • cycle
  • jog
  • relax
  • sew

Politics … her.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • doesn't interest
  • don't interest
  • isn't interest
  • not interest

Ralph and his wife … in Los Angeles.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • does live
  • live
  • lives
  • living

She … little money, so she usually buys cheap things.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • has
  • have
  • haves
  • is

She ... silent for some time and then began crying.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had been keeping
  • had kept
  • kept
  • was keeping

She ……… constantly ……… of being lonely.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had ………… complained
  • have ……….. complained
  • was ……….. complaining
  • Were …….. complaining

She couldn't make her daughter ... shopping.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • go
  • going
  • to go
  • went

She finds great … in music.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • enjoy
  • enjoyed
  • enjoying
  • enjoyment

She seemed to have forgotten what had happened … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • a few minutes ago
  • a few minutes before
  • ago a few minutes
  • before a few minutes

She speaks Italian … than English.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • better
  • gooder
  • more good
  • the best

She told her son ... go out.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • didn't
  • don't
  • not
  • not to

She wasn't a bright student. He had to help her a lot, ... he?

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • did
  • didn't
  • had
  • hadn't

She works and studies. She is a … student.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • full-time
  • graduate
  • part-time
  • principal

Sit down, Peter. … mark is “good”.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • His
  • My
  • You
  • Your

Strong _________ measures will be taken during the President's visit next month.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • protective
  • safe
  • safety
  • security

Technology provides science with new and more _________ instruments for its investigation and research.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • accurate
  • careful
  • exact
  • standard

The house was built in … century.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • 19
  • `19^th`
  • the 19
  • the `19^th`

The kettle ……… .Can you turn it off, please?

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • are boiling
  • boiled
  • boils
  • is boiling

The New York Stock … is famous all over the world.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • Cash
  • Change
  • Change Cash
  • Exchange

The porter will … your luggage to your room.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • be brought
  • bring
  • is brought
  • was brought

The question was so difficult that … could answer it.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • anybody
  • everybody
  • nobody
  • somebody

The research ... by the end of this term yet.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • will have been not finished
  • will have not been finished
  • will not be finish
  • will not have been finished

The shops were very crowded. … a lot of people there.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • There are
  • There was
  • There were
  • There will be

The table cloth Mary ... is very pretty.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • has laid
  • has lain
  • lay
  • lied

The work … by the students of our group.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • has been doing
  • has been done
  • has done
  • have been done

The X-rays are _________ used in industry as well.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • good
  • increasingly
  • invisibly
  • surprisingly

There are standard … which can be black or displayed in colour.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • characters
  • figures
  • letters
  • words

These … are made of steel.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • keies
  • key
  • keyes
  • keys

They … be good specialists in 4 years.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • are
  • shall
  • were
  • will

They … exams successfully.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • always have passed
  • always passed
  • always passes
  • have always passed

They ……… the sights of London while their cousin waited for them at the hotel.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had seen
  • have seen
  • saw
  • were seeing

They have had a walk in the park. (just)

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • Just they have had a walk in the park.
  • They have had a walk in the park just.
  • They have just had a walk in the park.
  • They just have had a walk in the park.

This engineer lives in our house. I know … well.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • him
  • his
  • it
  • them

This garden is … in our town.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • beautifulest
  • the beautiful
  • the more beautiful
  • the most beautiful

This is a room. … walls are green.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • Her
  • It
  • Its
  • Their

This is the first time he … a car.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • drives
  • drove
  • has driven
  • is driving

Those people are studying the science of … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • economic
  • economics
  • economist
  • economy

Two more … were brought to our zoo last year.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • wolfes
  • wolfs
  • wolves
  • wolvs

We ……… our assignment this week.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • finish
  • finished
  • have finished
  • were finishing

We have to prepare the documents by tomorrow, ... we?

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • don't
  • has
  • have
  • haven't

We have worked together … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • for three years
  • last year
  • long ago
  • three years ago

We shall stay here as long as our money … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • last
  • lasted
  • lasts
  • will last

Well, he didn't think he … ever … you before.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had … see
  • had … seen
  • has … seen
  • have … seen

Were you surprised when you got to know that I … swim?

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • can not
  • could not
  • didn't can
  • don't can

What are you going to do when you … school?

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • complete
  • conclude
  • graduate from
  • leave

What is your office equipped ...?

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • by
  • for
  • of
  • with

What will you do when summer …?

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • came
  • come
  • comes
  • will come

When I returned, she ……… the floor.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had swept
  • sweeps
  • swept
  • was sweeping

Where … the money? I'm going shopping.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • are
  • has
  • is
  • were

Who … written a letter to my friend?

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had
  • has
  • have
  • is

Yesterday I … much work to do.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • had
  • has
  • was
  • will have

Yesterday I got up at a quarter to seven.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • Yesterday I got up at 6.15.
  • Yesterday I got up at 6.45.
  • Yesterday I got up at 7.15.
  • Yesterday I got up at 7.45.

You … follow traffic rule.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • can
  • have to
  • may
  • must

You … go to the library yourself, I'll bring you the book.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • can not
  • has to
  • needn't
  • shouldn't

You ... much money to buy a good book.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • don't need
  • need no
  • need such
  • needn't

You … speak to your parents in such a loud voice.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • don't must
  • must not
  • must not to
  • needn't

You … this rule before the lesson.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • must learn
  • need have learned
  • should have learned
  • should learn

You are not very tall. Your brother is … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • a tallest
  • taller
  • tallest
  • the taller

You can operate the TV set by _________ control.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • gadget
  • handle
  • high-tech
  • remote

Your brother's wife is your … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • mother-in-law
  • niece
  • sister-in-law
  • stepsister

Your father's second wife is your … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • aunt
  • mother-in-law
  • niece
  • stepmother

Your help has been _________; we couldn't have done the job without you.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • invaluable
  • priceless
  • valueless
  • worthless

Your luggage will … up in the lift.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • be brought
  • bring
  • is brought
  • was brought

Your mother's niece is your … .

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • cousin
  • sister
  • sister-in-law
  • stepsister

Yuri Dolgoruki ... Moscow in 1147.

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

  • found
  • founded
  • was found
  • was founded

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