[МЭБИК] Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере (обязательное задание, контрольная)

Иностранные языки
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3. Обязательное задание для выполнения 3. Обязательное задание для выполнения
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МЭБИК. Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере. Контрольная работа, обязательное задание. Подробное решение.

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В обязательном порядке обучающийся должен письменно перевести один из предложенных текстов и выполнить задания к тексту.

Текст 2.


Like most service industries, tourism is labour-intensive; that is, it employs a high proportion of people in comparison to the number that it serves. The range of jobs is also very wide, from unskilled, like a dish washer in a restaurant, to semi-skilled, like a waiter or a chambermaid, to skilled, like a travel agent or a tour operator. In addition, tourism generates many jobs that are not usually considered to be within the industry itself—jobs in construction, manufacturing, and merchandising.

A majority of the jobs in tourism have one common feature: contact with the public including both the positive and negative aspects of dealing with ordinary human beings. Anyone who has chosen a career in tourism should enjoy working with people and be tolerant, especially since the irritations of travel can bring out the worst qualities in some people.

In many jobs in which it is necessary to deal with the public, language skill is necessary or desirable. People who hold jobs of this kind include travel agency employees, ticket and reservations agents, airline flight personnel, front-desk employees in hotels, tour conductors or guides, waiters, barmen and so forth. (The degree of language skill may vary from using special terms in catering service jobs to speaking fluently among travel agents and tour guides. The degree of language skill may vary according to the location of the job.

The tourist industry differs from many others as it employs more women than other kinds of business. Indeed, women are found at all levels. Many successful travel agents are women who have established independent enterprises after gaining experience elsewhere in the industry. There are many different ways to acquire the necessary experience. Some agents begin as clerical workers or secretaries in travel agencies or in transportation companies. Particular jobs that provide useful knowledge include those of ticket agent and reservations agent for the airlines.

In addition to dealing with the public, the travel agent must deal with people who work for the other components in the industry. One of the most important aspects of the job is keeping informed about the highlycomplex pricing policies of airlines and the resort hotels

The people who write about travelalso receive lavish treatment from the tourist industry. There are relatively few travel writers, but they fill an important place in publicizing the industry. Some of them work full-time for magazines or newspapers. Others are free-lancers: they work for themselves and sell their articles to any publication that is interested in them. There is also a small industry involved in writing and publishing travel guidebooks.

The tour operators work much more within the framework of ordinary, corporate practice than the small retail agencies do. Companies like Cook and American Express employ people in nearly all phases of tourism, ranging from the jobs that would be found in a retail travel agency to those that deal with package tours or establishing overall policy for the companies. They also employ a large staff to work on advertising and publicity.

Ex.1. Найдите следующие выражения в тексте. Прочитайте предложения с ними и письменно переведите.

Ex.2. Подберите по смыслу слова из 1 колонки ко 2.

Ex.3. Найдите ответы в тексте на следующие вопросы.

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