Средства современной межкультурной коммуникации
Edward. - Westport: Greenwood Press, 1980. - 217 p. 21. Breckling J. The analysis of directional time series: applications to wind speed and direction // Springer Science & Business Media. 2012. Vol. 61.
ВКР Моделирование распространения пандемии
Robertson A., Saunders A., Tian Y., Varadi F., Yiou P. Advanced spectral methods for climatic time series // Rev. Geophys. 2002. Vol. 40, N 1. P. 1–41. 24. Тыртышников, Е. Е. Матричный анализ и линейная
Технический английский язык 1 / Тестовая часть
Information Technology. She 2) __________ a passion for web development and 3) __________ most of her time learning new techniques and tools. She 4) ______already ______a chance to apply her skills by participating