Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (Темы 5-6) тест с ответами Синергия/МОИ/ МТИ /МОСАП

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25 Окт 2023 в 13:59
МФПУ Синергия / Московский открытый институт (МОИ) / Московский технологический институт (МТИ) / МОСАП
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43 вопроса с ответами

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1. Подберите эквивалентный перевод к следующим фразам

A. viral marketing technique

B. to reach the target audience

C. huge discounts

D. dominant distribution channel

E. to gain a competitive advantage

F. техника вирусного маркетинга

G. охватить целевую аудиторию

H. огромные скидки

I. доминирующий канал распределения

J. получить конкурентное преимуществ

2. A friend to his friend: “You know, yesterday my teacher said to me that some companies may follow the 4Ps Strategy (or 4P Strategy). And … “Sorry, what does 4Ps mean? I suppose it might stand for product, price, place, and … I can’t imagine what the fourth point is!” Help him to find the fourth P…..

3. A person or an organization that buys a product or service is called a …

* customer




4. A platform where vendors can come together to sell their products or services to a curated customer base is called …

*an office

*a school

* a marketplace

*the Internet

5. A professional who helps design, create, and supervise a marketing project is called ...

* a marketing specialist

*an economist

*a teacher

*a chief

6. A strategic communications process that sets out to build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships between two or more parties is called…

*corporate culture

* public relations

*managerial atmosphere

*selected aims 

7. A woman to her friend: “My son finally got his dream job. Now, he works with promoting and generating new business at restaurants and he is an expert in knowing the potential customer and the cuising.” “Is he a cook?”, – she asked. “No, he is a …. manager”. What manager does she mean?

8. According to the concept of 4 Ps, communication is a part of …

9. According to the concept of 4 Ps, getting the product to a point at which the customer can purchase is a …

10. According to the concept of 4 Ps, goods and services can be named …

11. According to the concept of 4 Ps, the monetary amount charged for the product is …

12. Websites and computer programs that allow people to communicate and share information on the Internet using a computer or mobile phone society are called



* social media


13. Расставьте слова, словосочетания, фразы в правильной последовательности, чтобы получить предложение:

1 Where the manufacturer makes the

2 product and where people

3 buy it can significantly influence

4 its price.

14. Расставьте слова, словосочетания, фразы в правильной последовательности, чтобы получить предложение:

1 The price of your product can

2 determine many things, including

3 your profit margin and

4 investments for future growth.

15. Расставьте слова, словосочетания, фразы в правильной последовательности, чтобы получить предложение:

1 You need to determine how you will

2 get your marketing message to

3 your target market, and when

4 you will begin promoting it. 

16. Расставьте слова, словосочетания, фразы в правильной последовательности, чтобы получить предложение:

1 Promotion is a very important

2 component of marketing as it

3 can boost brand

4 recognition and sales.

17. Расставьте слова, словосочетания, фразы в правильной последовательности, чтобы получить предложение:

1 Marketing is a management

2 process through which goods

3 and services move from concept

4 to the consumer.  

18. Установите соответствие между названием концепции и ее аббревиатурой:







19. Установите соответствие между термином и его аббревиатурой:

A.World Bank

B.Search engine optimization

C.Public relations




20. Установите соответствия между предложением на английском языке и на русском языке:

A.Restaurant marketing has become much more complicated in the past few years.

B.Marketing’s principal function is to promote and facilitate exchange.

C.When you combine all your marketing goals and objectives into one plan, you have a marketing strategy.

D.A competitive advantage is something the product has that makes it stand out from competitors’ goods.

E. Основная функция маркетинга заключается в продвижении и улучшении обмена.

F. Когда вы объединяете все свои маркетинговые цели и задачки в один план, у вас получается маркетинговая стратегия.

G. За последние несколько лет ресторанный маркетинг значительно усложнился.

H.Конкурентное преимущество - это то, чем обладает продукт, что выделяет его на фоне товаров конкурентов.

21. Подберите эквивалентный перевод к следующим фразам Тип ответа: Сопоставление

A. to pursue collective goals

B. a coherent multidisciplinary field

C. alliances with powerful actors

D. a high-ranking officer

E. to solve complex problems

F. преследовать коллективные цели

G. согласованная междисциплинарная область

H. альянсы с влиятельными субъектами

I. высокопоставленный офицер

J. решать сложные проблемы

22. Расставьте слова, словосочетания, фразы в правильной последовательности, чтобы получить предложение:

1 The Administrative Theory

2 into our recent understanding

3 can boost brand

4 of management practice.

23. Установите соответствие между термином и его аббревиатурой:

A. Enterprise Risk Management

B. Search engine optimization

C. The least preferred coworker




24. … value is value of an asset calculated according to its ability to produce income in the future:


* Economic



25. …. theory is a set of behavioral theory which postulates that there is no single way or the best method to organize and lead an organization in a management set up.

26. …awareness is the extent to which customers are able to recall or recognize a brand under different conditions.



* Brand


27. A person, group or organization with a vested interest, or stake, in the decision-making and activities of a business, organization or project can be called a …



* stakeholder


28. An examiner asks a student: “This theory is a theory of how rational individuals should behave under risk and uncertainty. The theory suggests that decision-making means the adoption and application of rational choice for the management of a private, business, or governmental organization in an efficient manner. What is the theory?” Help the student and name the theory

29. Money earned by a person, company, government, etc. over a particular period of time can be called an ….


* income



30. The …theory of management is incorporated into our recent understanding of management practice. It is concerned with the design and management of an organization.

31. The founding father theory of Bureaucracy was….. He was a German sociologist. According to him, Bureaucracy was an administration, which was carried out by trained professionals along with rules fixed by the government.

32. The money earned by a business when its total revenue exceeds its total expenses is called …

*marketing specialist


* profit


33. The next exam question says that this theory consists of many approaches to organizational analysis. “Organizations” are defined as social units of people that are structured and managed to meet a need, or to pursue collective goals. The theory includes rational system perspective, division of labor, bureaucratic theory, and contingency theory. Please name it:

34. The separation of a work process into a number of tasks, with each task performed by a separate person or group of persons

35. Расставьте слова, словосочетания, фразы в правильной последовательности, чтобы получить предложение:

1 Administrative management theory primarily

2 focuses on improving the efficiency of management

3 so that lower-level employees can recognize appropriately and

4 the tasks can be done consistently.

36. Расставьте слова, словосочетания, фразы в правильной последовательности, чтобы получить предложение:

1 A positive image of the co-worker means

2 that the leader is relationship

3 oriented and scored high

4 on the LPC scale.

37. Расставьте слова, словосочетания, фразы в правильной последовательности, чтобы получить предложение:

1 Administrative management has a

2 prominent role in managing the

3 financial relationships of a

4 business association.

38. Установите соответствие между названием функции менеджмента и ее объяснением:




D. refers to creating an organizational structure to work together with human resources and non-human resources

E. shows the direction given by managers to the subordinates

F. includes the structural planning of actions and determining the goals and objectives of the action.

39. Установите соответствия между предложением на английском языке и на русском языке:

A.The higher our role in an organization, the more we engage in decision-making to achieve certain objectives either toward the very near future or toward a longer-term period.

B. Board and senior management look for suitable strategies, possible series of actions, and feasible approaches.

C. This stage requires creativity, judgment, and quantitative analysis skills.

D. There is rarely a division of labor within an industry in nonliterate communities, except perhaps for the production of larger goods  

E. Правление и высшее руководство ищут подходящие стратегии, возможные серии действий и осуществимые подходы.

F. Этот этап требует творческого подхода, суждений и навыков количественного анализа.

G.Чем выше наша роль в организации, тем больше мы участвуем в принятии решений для достижения определенных целей либо в самом ближайшем будущем, либо на более длительный период.

H. В неграмотных сообществах редко существует разделение труда внутри отрасли, за исключением, возможно, производства более крупных товаров

40. Расставьте слова, словосочетания, фразы в правильной последовательности, чтобы получить предложение:

1 A division of labor based on

2 sex appears to be universal, but

3 the form that this takes varies

4 widely across cultures.

41. Расставьте слова, словосочетания, фразы в правильной последовательности, чтобы получить предложение:

1 Administrative management theory primarily

2 focuses on improving the efficiency of management

3 so that lower-level employees can recognize appropriately and

4 the tasks can be done consistently.

42. Marketing is a …. process through which goods and services move from concept to the consumer. adequate




43. A ….. assumption in the field was that there is no fundamental difference between public and private organizations





Список литературы

Тема 5. Marketing (Маркетинг)

Тема 6. Organizational theory (Теория Организаций)

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