Иностранный язык Витте Ответы на тесты 7-9
желание эмоциональный совет просьба обязанность Какие слова заменяют глагол may? maybe possibly perhaps clearly После каких модальных глаголов необходима частица to. have be ought must The last state
Контрольная работа по английскому языку
vacations, educational and maternity leave, housing, health insurance, unemployment compensation, and perhaps most important, carefully monitored grievance procedures to protect workers against any arbitrary
Заказ № 2061 Английский язык. Unit 3 Task 4
city is filled with iconic symbols, and one of the most easily recognizable is________. 3. _____, perhaps the most famous place in the world, is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth. 4. The Albert Memorial