Тесты были сданы в 2024 году.
Представлены ответы на большинство вопросов из тестов 7-9 по предмету "Иностранный язык" (Английский язык) для студентов Витте.
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Мой средний набранный балл за тесты 97 из 100 (Скриншот прилагаю).
ВНИМАНИЕ! Покупайте работу, только убедившись, что ваши вопросы совпадают с представленными ниже. Для этого рекомендую сначала запустить тест и сверить хотя бы несколько вопросов.
Я не возражаю, если вы откроете окно. - I don’t mind ____ opening the window.
Не возражаете, если я тут почитаю? - Do you mind ____ reading here?
Online discussions have made it easy for people to __________. In addition, they have made socializing easy. Through online discussions, people find better solutions to problems by exchanging opinions and ideas.
Guess which phrase is missing:
The Internet is awash with dating sites that are full of people looking for partners and friends. The ease of forming friendships and relationships through the Internet has _____________ many people from engaging in tradition socializing activities.
Guess which word is missing:
Talking about the United States we often use the metaphor 'melting pot' to emphasize that all the immigrant cultures have mixed and ________ into American society.
Guess which word is missing:
The modern world can be called multicultural due to racial, cultural and ethnic_________. Through the process of globalization and immigration modern society has become a mixture of different nations and cultures.
Guess which word is missing:
Какие выражения могут выступать в качестве эквивалентов глагола can?
Какой модальный глагол обозначает вероятность?
Он сказал, что он предпочел бы остаться дома. - Не said he would ___ stay at home.
It is illegal to drive while __toxicated.
She is a strong-minded, ___dependent woman.
It is known that glass partially protects against ____violet radiation.
Я счастлив, что он пришел вовремя. – I am happy about __ coming on time.
What city is the capital of the USA?
Какие значения имеет глагол must?
Какие слова заменяют глагол may?
После каких модальных глаголов необходима частица to.
The last state to join the USA to date is _______
Match the states with their capitals:
Place in order American states as they joined the US Federation:
Place in order the four American presidents historically:
Match American presidents with wars they participated in:
The first president of the USA was __________
Match the states with their largest cities:
Place the four biggest US cities in succession from the smallest of the four to the biggest:
A famous American anthropologist E. Hall was one of the founders of cross-cultural communication as a scientific direction. One of the key points of his theory was dividing all cultures and thus all people into monochromic and polychromic types according to their perception of time. Monochronic perception implies treating time like a thing so it can be lost, missed, won, used, overtaken etc.. In this perception time is a direct line, every fragment of which is associated with one thing to do. The other type, polychromic, perceives time as an intersection of many lines with many things done and much communication realized simultaneously.
Technology is a vital component of life in the modern world. People are so _______ technology that they cannot live without it. Technology is important and useful in all areas of human life today. It has made life easy and comfortable by making communication and transport faster and easier.
Guess which word is missing:
The US flag is one of the best recognized state symbols of the world though it is a comparatively young symbol as the state has existed only for about two centuries and a half. Over this time the fag has undergone minor charges but its general design keeps the same.
Какие приставки имеют противоположное значение?
The job of the management is more complex than just making a profit. In a capitalist society, the goal of the business firm is maximizing ________ wealth or the price of the stock of the business firm in order to make each owner as wealthy as possible.
Guess which word is missing:
In a market economy, there is fierce competition and, perhaps, unfair competition. There is a tendency, in capitalist economies, for big companies to get bigger and for ___________ behavior to occur. Unfair labor practices may occur since companies are driven by the profit motive.
Guess which word is missing:
Most Russians are used to associating America in general and North America in particular mainly with the USA. Nevertheless Canada, the other state on the continent is not less wealthy and economically developed country.
By many economic indicators Canada is comparable with its neighbor. Canada’s living standards compete with American and fascinating Nordic virgin nature makes Canada even more attractive for many people.
Being the second largest country in the world after Russia, Canada is not as populous as it could be imagined. Four fifths of its inhabitants live in the South near US border, the longest land frontier on the Earth. Vast unpopulated northern territories are highly rich in natural resources giving the country great economic potential. This combined with developed trade, finance and good social and political conditions, creates one of the most sustainable economies in the world even under crisis.
Your favorite art is cinematography and you are attracted by US stardom.
What will be your choice?
Какой модальный глагол обозначает способность?
The executive power belongs to the President and his Administration (Vice-President and Cabinet of Ministers). The judicial power belongs to the ________ Court and the system of Federal, state and district courts.
Guess which word is missing:
От какого цвета можно образовать глагол при помощи суффикса -en?
Arguments between the farming-based South and industrial North over the growth of the institution of slavery and states' rights began the American ________ War.
Guess which word is missing:
В каких предложениях «инговая» форма является герундием?
Какие выражения могут выступать в качестве эквивалентов глагола must?
Какие из суффиксов являются суффиксами прилагательных?
What is “a market economy”?
Какая форма причастия правильная?
От каких прилагательных отрицательное прилагательное образуется при помощи приставки ir-?
От каких прилагательных отрицательное прилагательное образуется при помощи приставки un-?
Укажите суффикс наречия:
I badly need money. I ... work a lot.
What is “a planned economy”?
People don't social___ with their neighbours as much as they used to.
Mrs Keane is a comfortable, home__ person.
___ active children find it difficult to concentrate.
Ventura County is mostly ____urban and rural and also has developed primarily through the growth of Los Angeles.
It is essential that every child have the same education__ opportunities.
It was care___ of you to leave the door unlocked.
Укажите суффикс прилагательного:
I ___ not have hurried. They will start in an hour.
___ your dreams come true!
В каком слове нет суффикса?
Place the four biggest Canadian cities in succession from the smallest of the four to the biggest:
The native S. Job’s city is _______
___ I help you?
We are tired and are not ___ to work effectively.
I need money so I ___ work.
___ it be so?!
I paid his attention to it, but he ___ not listen to me.
___ we dance?
He plays football – he ___ play football perfectly well.
Match the parts of the UK with their capitals:
Герундий одновременно сочетает в себе признаки:
Which states lie on the Eastern American coast?
Match Canadian provinces with their capitals:
The business quarter in London is called ______
Какой глагол имеет идентичные формы второго причастия и простого прошедшего времени?
Какие приставки являются международными?
Nowadays Great Britain is one of the highly developed mixed private-and public enterprise economies. Britain lives by industry and trade. Britain exports its manufactured goods such as automobiles and other vehicles, wooden goods, steel, electrical and mechanical machinery, tractors, instruments, chemical goods. Invisible exports – shipping, insurance, aviation, tourism – earn nearly as much as commodity exports.
Great Britain is a major financial and commercial center of the world. With its many famous institutions such as the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and Lloyd’s, the City of London has always been and still remains the main financial and commercial center in the world.
Britain has always been a manufacturing country. Major manufactures include motor vehicles, aerospace equipment, electronic data processing and telecommunication equipment, metal goods, instruments, chemicals. Production from oil fields in the North Sea has allowed the United Kingdom to become self-sufficient in petroleum. The United Kingdom’s coal industry remains one of the largest and the most technologically advanced in Europe.
Agriculture accounts for less than 2 percent of the GNP and employs about 2 percent of the work force. Chief crops include barley, wheat, sugar beets, and potatoes. The United Kingdom is not self-sufficient and it imports a lot of food products.
Какой суффикс заимствован из французского языка?
The USA is an immigrant country; most people in the USA are immigrants. They come from different countries and different ethnic groups; they have different languages, educational ____________, customs, values and religions.
Guess which word is missing:
В каком случае инфинитив употребляется c частицей to?
После какого глагола в сложном дополнении инфинитив употребляется без частицы to?
Under a capitalist economy, the economy runs through individuals who own and operate __________ companies. Decisions over the use of resources are made by the individual or individuals who own the company.
Guess which word is missing:
The nation was founded by the thirteen colonies of Great Britain along the Atlantic coast. On July 4, 1776, they issued the Declaration of ___________, which announced their independence from Great Britain and their creation of a cooperative union.
Guess which word is missing:
You are charmed by 1930s mafia stories.
What will be your choice?
Match English speaking countries with their capitals:
В каких словах сочетание “gh” произносится?
В каких предложениях допущены ошибки?
От каких прилагательных отрицательное прилагательное образуется при помощи приставки il-?
In a market economy the owning class rule by virtue of owning the means of _______ (factories, mines, stores, land), called capital.
Guess which word is missing:
The state of Hawaii is a set of ____________ in the mid-Pacific located within Polynesia and is about 2,200 miles (3,500 kilometers) from the mainland. The country also possesses territories, and insular areas, in the Caribbean and Pacific.
Guess which word is missing:
Examples of _________ that individuals in a socialist society are provided are educational, health care, and care for the elderly and the vulnerable.
Guess which word is missing:
После какого глагола в сложном дополнении инфинитив употребляется с частицей to?
Forty-eight of these states and the District of Columbia border each other between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. They are bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwestern area of the continent and is separated from the other 48 states by Canada making it an _________.
Guess which word is missing:
Eric Hirsch is the author of theory of cultural literacy. This scientist’s theory reveals what namely a person needs for effective entering intercultural communication. Hirsch generalizes all intercultural communicative abilities and interpersonal skills as intercultural competence, which is the key notion of his theory. According to him there exist four levels of intercultural competence. The first is so-called “survival level”, it means that person’s communicative skills are developed only enough to manage in a foreign land, allowing him or her to exchange a minimum of simple information and to participate in the most common everyday acts of social interaction. The second level allows a person more or less comfortable entering a different culture by means of good language skills and basic social and cultural knowledge. The third level of this competence implies assimilating into a foreign culture which means effective communication and social interaction. The last fourth level means that a person feels like a foreigner, it gives him or her a new cultural and language identity.
Nowadays “globalization” is one of the most popular words in social, economical and political discourse. Nevertheless, it is a comparatively recent term, whose current meaning was established only in the 1970s. In 2000, the International Monetary Fund identified for basic aspects of globalization: trade and transactions, capital and investment movements, migration and mobility of people and the following dissemination of knowledge. Today globalization is traditionally understood as the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture. Thus, it is more a more concern spheres other than economy with which it is usually mainly associated.
Какая приставка всегда пишется через дефис?
The USA’s economy bases on such principles as limited role of government, private property, competition, profit incentive, freedom of enterprise and freedom of choice. Application of these principles led to building an economy that ranks top in the world by many criteria.
In the USA practically all principal economic spheres and sectors are highly developed. The USA is a highly developed industrial and agricultural country. The main industrial branches are aircraft, rocket, automobile, electronics, radio-engineering and others. The country accounts for 41% of global military spending. After the Cold War it became the sole superpower. It is the largest market in the world. The USA has also a highly developed financial market. The largest Stock exchange is the biggest in the whole and is located in New York.
Какие модальные глаголы не могут употребляться в форме будущего времени?
Что является формами причастия глагола to write?
От каких глаголов можно образовать глагол при помощи приставки under- со значением “недо-”?
Укажите суффикс глагола:
Sometimes, especially in small businesses, the owners and managers are the same people. As the business gets larger, the owners may hire managers who may or may not have any _________ stake in the firm.
Guess which word is missing:
Что является сложным дополнением?
The Past Participle of the verb “to tear” is ___.
Which states lie on Canadian frontier?
Place adverbs in order from the earliest:
Что является формами герундия глагола to write?
Что является формами причастия глагола to do?
Какой глагол может быть не только вспомогательным, но и модальным?
От какого глагола первое причастие образуется не по правилу?
Где в употреблении сложного дополнения допущены ошибки?
It is the government’s job to enforce laws and regulations for privately run companies. The amount of governing ______________ in a particular industry generally depends on the potential for abuse in that industry.
Guess which concept is missing:
You speak English pretty well but would like to learn a bit of Spanish.
What will be your choice?
The Past Participle of the verb “to weave” is ___.
Какой модальный глагол обозначает упрек или сожаление о прошлом при употреблении с перфектным инфинитивом.
The United States of America (U.S.A or USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S or US) or America, is a ____________country mostly in North America. It is divided into 50 states.
Guess which word is missing:
В каком сложном дополнении частица to перед инфинитивом поставлена ошибочно?
У какого глагола при образовании герундия произойдёт удвоение последней согласной?
Причастие одновременно сочетает в себе признаки:
In a capitalist economy, a competitive market provides consumers with a wide array of products and services to choose from. Consumers and companies are supposed to regulate the ___________. This is often seen as one of the advantages of a capitalist society.
Guess which concept is missing:
Какой модальный глагол обозначает долженствование?
Где в употреблении сложного дополнения допущены ошибки?
О каких «инговых» формах можно однозначно сказать, что это отглагольное существительное, а не причастие и не герундий?
Установите соответствие между формой глагола run и частью речи:
The traditional British variant of Past Participle of the verb “to burn” is ___.
Установите соответствие между частями речи:
Under the slave system in the U.S. before the Civil War, big _________ owned black slaves together with everything they produced.
Guess which word is missing:
The gerundial form of the verb “to die” is ___.
The Present Participle of the verb “to ski” is ___.
You look very pale. I think You …stay at home.
Установите соответствие между частями речи:
Какой модальный глагол употребляется вместо вводного слова “maybe”?
Какая приставка всегда пишется через дефис?
Intercultural or cross-cultural communication, most broadly understood as a process of interaction of different cultures representatives, became a sphere of scientific knowledge in mid-20th century. Though in practice different civilizations and cultures have had international contacts since the dawn of mankind, a need to study different aspects of this process theoretically and systematically arose together with globalization that internationalized most spheres of our life.
Nowadays intercultural communication as an interdisciplinary scientific direction is generally considered to be on the verge of all Humanities (humanitarian sciences) and even some other spheres, for instance, economics and technology. The process of cross-cultural interaction can be viewed and analyzed from positions of all these sciences and such a multitude of paradigms makes researches the more fruitful and leads to better understanding of cultural interaction as a complex phenomenon. In most cases in intercultural communication at least one of the communicants speaks a foreign language.
Какие из суффиксов являются суффиксами глаголов?
Place the four biggest American rivers in succession from the smallest of the four to the longest:
As Newcastle is a major British mining centre, English proverb equivalent for «В Тулу со своим самоваром» sounds like “To carry ______ to Newcastle”.
Place the four biggest Australian cities in succession from the smallest of the four to the biggest:
The USA is probably the most socially, geographically and linguistically heterogeneous country in the world. Many of us are used to associating it mainly with English but this is only because it is so often mentioned in English language programs. In fact, it presents a great linguistic variety and in different states there are many communities speaking languages other than English.
Edward Hall’s other division of cultures is based on information context. The scientist observed that in communication different deals of explicit information can be given depending on the culture. In low-context cultures people communicate in such a way that practically all their information and attitudes can be judged by bare words. High context means implicit understanding of a considerable part of information by communicants. In high-context cultures communication network formed by people is relationships is stronger that a lot doesn’t need to be said and thus is left out. In high-context a lot is expressed through non-verbal communication and different effects such as emotions matter much more.
Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own race or ethnic group is more important than others and that its culture is _________ to the culture of other groups. It occurs when one culture or nation places itself at the top of an imagined hierarchy of cultures and nations.
Guess which word is missing:
Since then, other ___________ such as the internet and the mobile phone have made communication faster and easier. For example, the internet has improved ways through which people exchange views, opinions and ideas through online discussions.
Guess which word is missing:
Что является вторым причастием?
Какой модальный глагол требует вспомогательного глагола при отрицании и вопросе?
Какой глагол может быть и модальным, и смысловым?
Какие модальные глаголы могут употребляться в форме прошедшего времени?
Which states lie on the Western American coast?
Какие значения имеет модальный глагол to be to?
The legislative organ of the USA is _________
Place in order invaders who conquered the British Isles in the course of their history:
Imagine you participate in a presentation contest dedicated to America. For winning the participants need to present any American territory highlighting its most exotic features.
Какие из приставок являются международными латинскими?
The official British monarch’s residence is called _____
Australia is one of the former British colonies that has managed to become an economically developed country as an independent state. The country occupies a whole continent, rich in resources and yet it is one of the most urbanized states in the world as most population lives on the coast.
China, New Zealand and the UK are among Australia’s main trading partners.
Though the greatest part of economy is occupied by services, Australia has a varied and developed industry. Among the top industrial branches are mining, transportation equipment, food processing, chemicals, steel etc.
Australia has also a highly developed financial market. The largest Australian Stock exchange is the biggest in the whole South Pacific. Sydney has always been and still remains the most important financial and commercial center in Australia.
В предложении “Our school is a big building” выделенное слово является:
Place in order days of an English week. Mind what day a week begins from in England:
The Congress makes the laws that everybody must obey. The Congress meets in the US Capitol in Washington, D.C. The Congress is divided into two parts, the Senate and the House of ________________.
Guess which word is missing:
You feel like lying on a fashionable beach basking in the sun.
What will be your choice?
B предложении “Our school is a big building” слово “building” является:
В каком предложении есть сложное дополнение?
В каком случае инфинитив употребляется без частицы to?
Examples of negative ________ of technology include development of controversial medical practices such as stem cell research, and the embracement of solitude due to changes in interaction methods. For example, social media has changed the way people interact.
Guess which word is missing:
В каких предложениях используется нисходящая интонация?
Какой модальный глагол обозначает предписанную обязанность по закону, по уставу организации, по договору, по распоряжению руководства?
От каких глаголов можно образовать глагол при помощи приставки mis-?
There are over two thousand rivers in the Russian Federation. The longest of them are the Volga, the Ob, the Yenisei, the Lena and the Amur. Our land is also rich in various lakes with the __________ lake in the world, the Baikal, included.
Guess which word is missing:
У какой пары суффиксов прилагательных противоположное значение?
This period, from about 800-1100 ___.D, is referred to as classical Sufism or classical mysticism.
Capitalism and socialism are different political, economic, and social _________ in use by countries around the world. Many countries have mixed economies. They have economic elements of both capitalism and socialism.
Guess which word is missing:
Fortunately, modern technologies offer a wide range of opportunities to study a language. The Internet opens a lot of chances to improve the level of language ___________. Students can watch movies in original, chat with foreigners in international dating chats, listen to tutorials on YouTube, attend online classes, etc.
Which word is missing:
Какие выражения могут выступать в качестве эквивалентов глагола may?
Какие значения имеет глагол can?
Какие значения имеет глагол will?
The official language of the USA is American English. The weather differs. In the North in Alaska the climate is _______, Florida and Hawaii are in tropical climate.
Guess which word is missing:
Americans are made up from nearly all races and nations. The country population is over 310 million people. After the __________of the USSR it became the third largest country in the world by population after China and India.
Guess which word is missing:
От каких прилагательных отрицательное прилагательное не образуется при помощи приставки ir-?
От каких глаголов можно образовать слова с суффиксом -ment?
Какие суффиксы образуют глаголы?
В каком слове корень не может употребляться без суффикса?
От какого глагола существительное образуется при помощи суффикса –ent (не -ant)?
От какого слова название профессии не образуется при помощи суффикса “–ist”?
Edward Hall’s other division of cultures is based on information context. The scientist observed that in communication different deals of explicit information can be given depending on the culture. In low-context cultures people communicate in such a way that practically all their information and attitudes can be judged by bare words. High context means implicit understanding of a considerable part of information by communicants. In high-context cultures communication network formed by people’s relationships is stronger that a lot doesn’t need to be said and thus is left out. In high-context a lot is expressed through non-verbal communication and different effects such as emotions matter much more.
What type do most oriental cultures belong to?
Technology has contributed significantly to the healthcare sector. For example, it has made vital contributions in the fields of disease __________ and health promotion.
Guess which word is missing:
У каких глаголов второе причастие неправильное?
В каких предложениях имеется сложное дополнение?
A famous American anthropologist E. Hall was one of the founders of cross-cultural communication as a scientific direction. One of the key points of his theory was dividing all cultures and thus all people into monochromic and polychromic types according to their perception of time. Monochronic perception implies treating time like a thing so it can be lost, missed, won, used, overtaken etc.. In this perception time is a direct line, every fragment of which is associated with one thing to do. The other type, polychromic, perceives time as an intersection of many lines with many things done and much communication realized simultaneously.
What type of time perception led to inventing time management as a study?