Ответы на тесты / ЭИОС ВФ РЭУ / Иностранный язык английский / 207 вопросов

Иностранные языки
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14 Июл 2023 в 23:33
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Демо - ЭИОС ВФ РЭУ - Иностранный язык английский Демо - ЭИОС ВФ РЭУ - Иностранный язык английский
88.1 Кбайт 88.1 Кбайт
Оценка - ЭИОС ВФ РЭУ - Иностранный язык английский Оценка - ЭИОС ВФ РЭУ - Иностранный язык английский
175.2 Кбайт 175.2 Кбайт
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Ответы - ЭИОС ВФ РЭУ - Иностранный язык английский
1.7 Мбайт 445 ₽

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КлР 26.11 - Работа с текстом 3 - MACY'S DEPARTMENT STORE

Вопрос 1





Сопоставьте английские и русские слова













retail space

















department store



retail sales






fireworks display



holding company



annual revenue







Вопрос 2





Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужное время (Present Simple Active or Passive, Past Simple,Present Perfect, participle II)

Macy's (originally R. H. Macy & Co.) is an American department store chain founded in 1858 by Rowland Hussey Macy. It 1)



(become) a division of the Cincinnati-based Federated Department Stores in 1994, through which it is 2)



(affiliate) with the Bloomingdale’s department store chain; the holding company 3)



 (rename) Macy’s, Inc. in 2007. As of 2015, Macy's was the largest U.S. department store company by retail sales. As of November 3, 2018, there 4)



(be) 594 full-line stores with the Macy's nameplate in operation throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Its flagship store 5)



(locate) at Herald Square in the Manhattan borough of New York City. The company 6)



(have) 130,000 employees and 7)



(earn) annual revenue of $24.8 billion as of 2017.

Macy's 8)



(conduct) the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City since 1924 and 9)



(sponsor) the city's annual Fourth of July fireworks display since 1976. Macy's Herald Square is one of the largest department stores in the world. The flagship store 10)



(cover) almost an entire New York City block, 11)



(feature) about 1.1 million square feet of retail space, 12)



(include) additional space for offices and storage, and 13)



(serve) as the endpoint for the Thanksgiving Day parade. The value of Herald Square has been 14)



(estimate) at around $3 billion.

Вопрос 3





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получился вопрос












Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

напишите цифры словами


Вопрос 5





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке














Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос


Вопрос 7





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке




















Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос

напишите цифры словами


Вопрос 9





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке
















Вопрос 10





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос


Вопрос 11





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке



















10         0





Вопрос 12





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос

напишите цифры словами


Вопрос 13





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке














Вопрос 14





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос


Вопрос 15





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке


















Вопрос 16





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос

напишите цифры словами


Вопрос 17





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке


















Вопрос 18





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос

напишите цифры словами


Вопрос 19





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке



















10         0





Вопрос 20





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос

напишите цифры словами


Вопрос 21





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке
















Вопрос 22





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос


Вопрос 23





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке
















Вопрос 24





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос


Вопрос 25





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке
















Вопрос 26





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос


Вопрос 27





Сопоставьте слова из двух колонок, чтобы получились устойчивые выражения из текста



























КлР 10.09 - Работа с текстом 1 - CEO of Google

Вопрос 1





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова







restructuring process



trial and testing



assume the position     














chief executive officer






earn a degree







Вопрос 2





Заполните пропуски предложенными вариантами

Pichai Sundararajan is an Indian-American business

. He is the chief executive officer (CEO) of Google LLC. Formerly the Product Chief of Google, Pichai's  role was announced on August 10, 2015, as part of the process that made Alphabet Inc. into Google's parent company, and he assumed the

 on October 2, 2015.

Pichai was born July 12, 1972 in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India in a Tamil family. His mother was a

 and his father was an electrical engineer at GEC, the British conglomerate. His father also had a  plant that produced electrical components. Pichai grew up in a two-room

in Ashok Nagar, Chennai.

Pichai completed

 in Jawahar Vidyalaya, a Central Board of  Education school in Ashok Nagar, Chennai and completed the Class XII from Vana Vani school in the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. He earned his  from Indian Institutes of Tehnology Kharagpur in metallurgical . He is currently a distinguished alumnus. He holds an M.S. from Standford University in material  and engineering, and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he was named a Siebel

 and a Palmer Scholar, respectively.





Вопрос 3





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

- business executive


Вопрос 4





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

- on August 10, 2015.


Вопрос 5





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

 - on October 2, 2015.


Вопрос 6





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

 -July 12, 1972.


Вопрос 7





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

- an electrical engineer at GEC.


Вопрос 8





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

 -electrical components.


Вопрос 9





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

 -in Jawahar Vidyalaya.


Вопрос 10





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

 - in metallurgical engineering.


Вопрос 11





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

- in material sciences and engineering.


Вопрос 12





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

 -a Siebel Scholar and a Palmer Scholar.


Вопрос 13





Заполните пропуски предложенными вариантами

Pichai worked in engineering and product

 at Applied Materials and in management consulting at McKinsey & Comany. Pichai Google in 2004, where he led the product management and efforts for a suite of Google's client software products, including Google Chrome and Chrome OS, as well as being largely for Google Drive. He went on to oversee the development of different such as Gmail and Google Maps. On November 19, 2009, Pichai gave a demonstration of Chrome OS; the Chromebook was released for trial and  in 2011, and released to the public in 2012. On May 20, 2010, he announced the open-sourcing of the new video codec VP8 by Google and

the new video format, WebM .

On March 13, 2013, Pichai

Android to the list of Google products that he oversees. Android was formerly by Andy Rubin. He was a director of Jive Software from April 2011 to July 30, 2013. Pichai was to become the next CEO of Google on August 10, 2015 after previously being Product Chief by CEO, Larry Page. On October 24, 2015 he into the new position at the completion of the formation of Alphabet Inc., the new

company for the Google company family.





Вопрос 14



Выберите верные предложения

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

 a. Larry Page appointed Pichai Product Chief .

 b. On May 20, 2010, he introduced the new video format, WebM.

 c. he led the product management and innovation efforts at Applied Materials. 

 d. He was a director of Jive Software for about 2 years. 

 e. Pichai joined Google in 2014.

 f. The Chromebook was released for trial and testing in 2012.

 g. Andy Rubin added Android to the list of Google products on March 13, 2013.

 h. Pichai stepped into the new position on August 10, 2015.  

 i. Pichai gave a demonstration of Chrome OS on November 19, 2009.




КлР 01.10 - Письмо 1 - Cover letter

Вопрос 1





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова

strict deadlines




























































Вопрос 2





Прочитайте письмо и найдите на вопрос

Mr. Gregory Bor

Super Graphics Designers

92 Delaware St.

Hatfield, WA

24 May, 2018

Dear Mr. Bor,

I am Simone Franz, an applicant for the position of Graphic Designer, as advertised in the magazine Computer Technologies. I am writing this letter to confirm that my resume was received and to reiterate my interest in your esteemed company. I believe that my experience and skills would benefit your company and match the position. If your office did not receive my resume, I will not hesitate, if necessary, to resend my resume and any other materials or details required to provide information of my qualifications.

I completed my M.A. degree in graphic design and in 3D design from Seattle University in 2013. My key skills in the field of graphics design include communication skills, problem solving, creativity, drawing and visual art. I am also excellent in making changes where required, building contacts and effective networking. To maintain my experience in graphics design, I take note of everything that can grab the attention of audiences and I remain open to influences and new ideas.

In addition to the above qualifications and skills, I have the required enthusiasm, passion and self-motivation that enables me to budget my time and to work under strict deadlines.

I have over 3 years experience working in the graphic design company ChookWorks as a first level graphic designer. I am willing to use my skills, ideas and experience to benefit Super Graphics Designers and to make it successful in terms of high productivity. I can be contacted through my email address: simonefranz@yahoo.com.

Thank you for your consideration.


Simone Franz

Answer the questions to the letter (в конце поставьте точку)

What company is Simone Franz applying for?



Вопрос 3





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What position is Simone Franz applying for?



Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Where was the job vacancy advertised?


Вопрос 5





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What did Simone send with the letter?


Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Why is she writing the letter?


Вопрос 7





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Where did she study?



Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What scientific qualifications has she got?


Вопрос 9





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What professional skills has she got?



Вопрос 10





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

How does she improve her knowledge in graphic design?



Вопрос 11





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What personal qualities are required of the candidate?



Вопрос 12





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Can she work under pressure?



Вопрос 13





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Where does she work now?



Вопрос 14





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

How can they contact Simone?



Вопрос 15





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я кандидат на должность



Вопрос 16





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я пишу письмо, чтобы подтвердить



Вопрос 17





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я полагаю что, мои навыки пригодятся вашей компании



Вопрос 18





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

 Я закончила обучение по магистерской программе



Вопрос 19





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Мои основные навыки включают



Вопрос 20





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я превосходно умею



Вопрос 21





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я обращаю внимание на все, что может привлечь внимание


Вопрос 22





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я открыта новым идеям



Вопрос 23





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Кроме перечисленных выше профессиональных навыков



Вопрос 24





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я более трех лет работаю


Вопрос 25





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Со мной можно связаться по электронной почте


Вопрос 26





Напишите сопроводительное письмо к заявке на должность. Используйте ключевые фразы из образца

 сочинение 2. docx.pdf





КлР 01.10 - Письмо 2 - Job invitation letter

Вопрос 1





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова








be responsible for









dental and health care









child daycare assistance            










cope with



apply for










Вопрос 2





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова






sick leave






Human Resource Manager












of high integrity









needs and requirements



Project Supervisor
















Вопрос 3





Прочитайте письмо и найдите в тексте на вопрос

Antony Thomas                                                                     30th May, 2018

P.O. BOX 0200

West Gate Ave.

Seattle, WA 91819

Dear Mr. Cliff,


I am the Human Resource Manager of the ABC Interbrand company where you had applied for the position of Project Supervisor. I hereby write this letter to inform you that you have been selected for the job. I congratulate you for being chosen to work in our company. We have found your credentials satisfactory. I strongly believe that your knowledge, skills and experience will be among the most valuable assets in our company.

As a project supervisor, you will be responsible for the establishment, implementation and review of project work plans to cope with the emerging needs and requirements of our organization, and to ensure that there is proper sharing of information between the departments of our organization. You will also help to develop and maintain good relations with our clients by showing a professional image when serving our clients and managing staff responsible for project development and implementation.

The employees of this company are highly valued, as we strongly believe that staff is the most valuable asset in any organization and it determines whether the company will prosper or not. Your benefits in this company will include a vacation of ten weeks per annum, group insurance, dental and health care, annual stock options, child daycare assistance, sick leave, among many others. We have designed programs which will ensure that a balance exists between work life and personal life. Each employee is supposed to participate in our programs to ensure team building in our organization.

I am thrilled to formally welcome you in our company and I wish you good luck in your new job. The staff you will work with in this company are already informed that you will be their new supervisor. They are people of high integrity, competent and ready to work with anyone. We would like you to start work on 5/6/2018 at 9:00am. Please report to Mr. Gath for the purpose of documentation and orientation. In case you find that this date is not convenient to you, contact me immediately.

Find an enclosed copy of this letter. Please sign it and send it to me by 1/6/2018 to confirm your acceptance for this job. I am confident that your contribution to ABC Interbrand will be of great significance and we look forward to having you in our company.

If you have any issue or points to be clarified, feel free to inform me.


Antony Thomas

Human Resource Manager, ABC Interbrand


Accept job offer:

I accept the position of Project Supervisor offered by ABC Interbrand.


Decline job offer:

I decline the position of Project Supervisor offered by ABC Interbrand.


Answer the question (в конце поставьте точку)

What position did Mr. Cliff apply for?




Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Has he been a successful candidate?


Вопрос 5





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Why has he been selected for the job?


Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What will his responsibilities be in his future job?



Вопрос 7





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What will the benefits include?



Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

When should he start work?


Вопрос 9





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Why should he report to Mr. Gath?



Вопрос 10





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What should he do with the enclosed letter?


Вопрос 11





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я пишу вам, чтобы проинформировать, что вас выбрали на эту должность



Вопрос 12





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Мы удовлетворены предоставленными вами документами



Вопрос 13





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Вы будете устанавливать, внедрять и пересматривать планы работы по проекту


Вопрос 14





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Вы должны обеспечить обмен информацией между отделами на должном уровне


Вопрос 15





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Мы высоко ценим наших сотрудников



Вопрос 16





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Мы полностью убеждены, что сотрудники – самый важный актив любой компании



Вопрос 17





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

ежегодный отпуск на 10 недель


Вопрос 18





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

баланс между работой и личной жизнью


Вопрос 19





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я очень рад официально приветствовать вас в нашей организации



Вопрос 20





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я желаю вам удачи на новой работе



Вопрос 21





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Если вам не подходит время, сразу свяжитесь со мной



Вопрос 22





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Мы с нетерпением ждем, когда вы приступите к работе в нашей компании



Вопрос 23





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Если вам требуется что-то уточнить, без колебаний связывайтесь со мной



Вопрос 24





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

You have been selected for the job.

We .

Вопрос 25





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

You have been chosen to work in our company.

We .

Вопрос 26





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

We have found your credentials satisfactory.

Your credentials .

Вопрос 27





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

Your knowledge, skills and experience will be highly valued in our company.

We .

Вопрос 28





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

The employees of this company are highly valued .

They .

Вопрос 29





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

We have designed programs.

Programs .

Вопрос 30





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

The staff are already informed.

We .

Вопрос 31





Напишите письмо кандидату, которого взяли на работу / кандидатуру которого отклонили. Объясните причину отказа / приема на работу, условия труда, обязанности, льготы.



 сочинение 3.pdf





КлР 17.12 - Письмо 3 - Inquiry letter

Вопрос 1





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова

credit facilities






market share



Food and Beverage Industry






establish oneself








per unit price



cash payment






















Вопрос 2





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова




Production Manager






























with vigor







Вопрос 3





Прочитайте письмо и найдите в тексте на вопрос

James Milner                                                                                May 26, 2018

Tropical Bakers Ltd

653 Elmwood Ave.

Indianapolis, IN 12345

Customer Relations Manager

Indiana Poultry Ltd

5687 Hardegan St.

Indianapolis, IN 12345

Dear Sir/Madam

I am the Production Manager at Tropical Bakers Ltd. My duty is to ensure there is an adequate supply of wheat flour, sugar, eggs, water, milk, sweetener, salt, and fat needed for the production of bread, cakes and biscuits. Our company is new in the Food and Beverage Industry. Our aim is to produce 300,000 loaves of bread, cakes, and biscuits daily. We need a reliable supplier who can deliver more than 300,000 eggs to our storehouse every day.

I have tracked your performance in this industry. You have good relations with companies that soon are to be our competitors. We would like to venture into this industry with vigor. We would like to establish ourselves in this industry and control a large market share. Due to your reliance and commitment to your customers, our company is approaching your company to be our supplier.

However, we would like you to respond to the following inquiries:

•        What is the per unit price of your products (eggs)?

•        Do you offer any credit facilities or deal in cash payment only?

•        Do you offer any discounts?

•        Do you deliver goods to the customer’s premises?

I would like to further discuss with you about your products. I propose that we meet on the 2nd June, 2018 at Springfield Hotel, Elmwood Ave., Indianapolis. If this time is not appropriate, you can inform me of the time and place convenient for this meeting. My work phone number and email address are (555)564-234 and Jmilner@tropical.com.


James Milner

Production Manager

Answer the question to the letter

Who is James Milner?




Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What do we learn about the company Tropical Bakers Ltd?



Вопрос 5





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What are James Milner’s responsibilities at the company?



Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

Why is James Milner writing to Indiana Poultry Ltd?



Вопрос 7





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What are the goals of the Tropical Bakers Ltd?



Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

Why have they chosen Indiana Poultry Ltd as a supplier?



Вопрос 9





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

When does James Milner propose to meet Customer Relations Manager from Indiana Poultry Ltd?



Вопрос 10





Найдите в письме фразу

Моя обязанность заключается в том, чтобы …



Вопрос 11





Найдите в письме фразу

Мы - новая компания в этой отрасли



Вопрос 12





Найдите в письме фразу

Нам нужен надежный поставщик



Вопрос 13





Найдите в письме фразу

Я слежу за вашей работой


Вопрос 14





Найдите в письме фразу

У вас хорошие отношения с компаниями



Вопрос 15





Найдите в письме фразу

Мы бы хотели энергично войди в эту отрасль



Вопрос 16





Найдите в письме фразу

Мы бы хотели утвердиться в этой отрасли



Вопрос 17





Найдите в письме фразу

Мы бы хотели контролировать большую долю рынка



Вопрос 18





Найдите в письме фразу

Если вам не подходит время, вы можете сообщить мне удобное время и место



Вопрос 19





Напишите на письмо-запрос.

Поблагодарите за интерес к вашей компании.

Ответьте на заданные в письме вопросы.

Педложите место и время для встречи.


 сочинение 6..docx





КлР 17.12 - Письмо 6 - Conference invitation letter

Вопрос 1





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова

populous countries      











untapped potential








attend the conference






real estate















Вопрос 2





Прочитайте письмо и ответьте на вопрос






Dear Mr J,


Greetings to you. We cordially invite you to our business conference that will take place at the Hilton Hotel conference room 25-th of October at 10 a.m.

The conference will include, but not limited to: Introduction to new marketing opportunities in the Far East. This will help you scale into the untapped potential into populous countries like China. You will be shown how to create advertisement online on social media platforms – this would attract more people into your company’s website. You will be directed as how to properly invest in market shares, thus helping you grow financially. You will be given the chance to learn how to properly venture into real estate.

By attending this conference, you will have the chance to grow both career-wise and also investment wise. Your presence at our conference will be much appreciated.

Our best regards,


Company’s representative

Answer the question

When will the conference take place?


Вопрос 3





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

Where will the conference be held?



Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What time will the conference start?



Вопрос 5





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What is the theme of the conference?


Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What countries in particular will be dealt with at the conference?


Вопрос 7





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

Why is it necessary to create advertisement on social media platforms?



Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What skills will you acquire at the conference?


Вопрос 9





Найдите в письме фразу

Мы радушно приглашаем вас



Вопрос 10





Найдите в письме фразу

Конференция пройдет



Вопрос 11





Найдите в письме фразу

Конференция посвящена следующим вопросам



Вопрос 12





Найдите в письме фразу

Вам покажут, как создавать рекламу



Вопрос 13





Найдите в письме фразу

Вам расскажут, как инвестировать в акции



Вопрос 14





Найдите в письме фразу

У вас будет возможность



Вопрос 15





Найдите в письме фразу

Вы повысите свои карьерные возможности и знания в области инвестиций



Вопрос 16





Найдите в письме фразу

Мы будем рады вашему участию в конференции



Вопрос 17





Преобразуйте предложение в активный\ пассивный залог

You will be shown how to create advertisement online on social media platforms.

We .


Вопрос 18





Преобразуйте предложение в активный\ пассивный залог

You will be directed as how to properly invest in market shares.

We .

Вопрос 19





Преобразуйте предложение в активный\ пассивный залог

You will be given the chance to learn how to properly venture into real estate .

We .

Вопрос 20





Преобразуйте предложение в активный\ пассивный залог

Your presence at our conference will be much appreciated.

We .

Вопрос 21





Напишите пригласительное письмо на конференцию, которую организует ваша компания

Используйте ключевые фразы из образца






КлР 10.09 - Работа с лексикой 1 - Careers

Вопрос 1





Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос

Despite of growth of outsourcing (buying in services from outside an organization) and teleworking by freelancers working from home communicating via the Internet, most professional people still go to job in a building that is recognizably an office. The average tenure, the length of time that people spend in a paricular job, has remained unchanged (at about seven years) for two decades.

From the point of view of human resources (HR) department of a large company, managing people's career is seen in the traditional activities of selection procedures and recruitment, managing remuneration (how much people are paid) and working with department managers on performance review: annual or more frequent meetings with employees to tell them how well they are doing and how they may progress further on career ladder. The HR department will also be involved with training and professional development of company employees.

A company's HR department may also be involved in making people redundant. Redundancies may be the result of economic downturn with reduced demand for company's goods and services. But they may follow a decision by a company to de-layer (reduce the number of management levels) and downsize. It may offer outplacement services, advice to people on how they can find another job, perhaps after some retraining.

A manager made redundant in this way may become a portfolio worker, offering their services to a number of clients. Some managers describe themselves as consultants but would prefer to work in a salaried job in an organisation like the one they have been forced to leave.

Others may enjoy the new-found freedom and embrace the flexibility it offers. Freelancers have to maintain their degree of employability keeping up with the latest trends and skills in their profession or industry, for example by attending short courses. They may complain that working outside the organization gives them fewer opportunities to learn these new skills. For many salaried employees developing their career in an organization is the process of give-and-take. The environment they work in allows them to keep their skills up to speed.

Answer the question to the text (в конце поставьте точку)

What does teleworking mean?


Вопрос 2





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Where do most professional people still work?


Вопрос 3





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

How long is the average tenure?


Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What are traditional activities of HR department?


Вопрос 5





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What often courses redundancies?


Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What are outplacement services?


Вопрос 7





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Who is a portfolio worker?


Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

How do some managers describe themselves?


Вопрос 9





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What are the good sides of being a freelancer?


Вопрос 10





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

How can freelancers maintain their degree of employability?


Вопрос 11





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What may freelancers complain about?


Вопрос 12





Выберите Верные утверждения

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

 a. Remuneration is paying money to employees for the work done.

 b. Outplacement services include finding new jobs for company's employees.

 c. Portfolio workers get a salary.

 d. De-laying means increasing the number of magament levels in the company.

 e. Outsourcing is buying services from outside an organization.

 f. Most professional workers are freelancers.

 g. HR department is involved in the process of training employees.

 h. Freelancers work for themselves.

 i. Performance reviews are conducted by HR managers and department managers.

 j. Economic downturn leads to high demand on company's goods and services.

 k. The average tenure is about 5 years.



Вопрос 13





Напишите 10-15 предложений с ключевой лексикой

freelancer, outsourcing, remuneration, flexibility, employability, redundant, performance review

make a living, get promotion, do part-time work, take time-off, work untisocial hours

career ladder, career opportunities, career plan, career break






КлР 26.11 - Работа с лексикой 2 - Companies

Вопрос 1





Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Multinationals are the most visible of companies. Their local subsidiaries can give them local reach, even if their corporate culture, the way they do things, depends largely on their culture of origin. But the tissue of most national economies is made up of much smaller organizations. Many countries owe much of their prosperity to SMEs (small or medium sized enterprises) with tens or hundreds of employees, rather than of tens of thousands employed by large corporations.

Small businesses with just a few employees are also important. Many governments hope that the small businesses of today will become the multinationals of tomorrow, but many owners of small companies choose to work that way because they find it more congenial and do not want to expand.

There are the sole traders, one-man or one-woman businesses. In the professional world these freelancers are often people who have left large organizations and who have set up on their own, taking the expertise they have gained with them.

But in every case the principle is the same: to survive - the money coming in has to be more than the money going out. Companies with shareholders are looking for more than survival - they want return on investment. Shares in the company rise and fall in the way how investors see the future profitability of the company. They demand shareholder value in the way the company is run to maximize profitability for investors, in terms of increased dividends and a rising share price. Publicly quoted companies, with their shares listed or quoted on a stock exchange, come under a lot of scrutiny in this area. Some large companies (often family-owned or dominated) are private: they choose not to have their shares openly bought and sold, perhaps they don't want this scrutiny. But they may have trouble raising the capital they need for growth and development.

Answer the question t the text

What does the corporate culture of multinationals depend on?


Вопрос 2





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

What is corporate culture?


Вопрос 3





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

What do many countries owe their prosperity to?


Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

What do many governments hope with redard to the small businesses?


Вопрос 5





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

Why don't owners of small companies want to expand?


Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

What is the main principle in business?


Вопрос 7





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

What does the share price depend on?


Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

Where are shares of publicly quoted companies listed?


Вопрос 9





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

What problems may private large companies have?


Вопрос 10





Выберите Верные утверждения

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

 a. Many countries owe much of their prosperity to large corporations.

 b. Large companies are never family-owned.

 c. Small businesses with a few employees are not important for national economy.

 d. Multinationals are the least visible of companies.

 e. Companies with shareholders want return on investment.

 f. Publicly quoted companies come under a lot of scrutiny. 



Вопрос 11





Напишите 10 предложений, используя ключевую лексику

head office, market share, net profit, parent company, share price, subsidiary, turnover, workforce

multinational, corporate culture, sole trader, freelancer, return on investment, stock exchange, private company, publicly quoted company






КлР 10.09 - Упражнения 1 - Modal Verbs 1

Вопрос 1




Выберите функцию модального глагола

Can you contact me next week?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. request

 c. offer



Вопрос 2





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Can you make spreadsheets?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. request

 c. offer



Вопрос 3





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Can she call you tomorrow?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. offer

 c. request



Вопрос 4





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Shall I make a reservation for you?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. offer

 b. request

 c. ability



Вопрос 5





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Could you speak up, please?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. offer

 b. ability

 c. request



Вопрос 6





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Could you invite him to the conference?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. offer

 b. ability

 c. request



Вопрос 7





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Would you like us to send you a brochure?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. request

 c. offer



Вопрос 8





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Would you like me to help you?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. request

 b. offer

 c. ability



Вопрос 9





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Could she call me back?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. request

 b. ability

 c. offer



Вопрос 10





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Could you ask him to send us his resume?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. request

 b. ability

 c. offer



Вопрос 11





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Could he drive when he was 16?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. request

 b. offer

 c. ability



Вопрос 12





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Could he give me a lift to the airport?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. offer

 c. request



Вопрос 13





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Shall I switch on the conditioning?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. offer

 c. request



Вопрос 14





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Can you start, please?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. offer

 b. ability

 c. request



Вопрос 15





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Can you come to the party tomorrow?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. request

 c. offer




КлР 26.11 - Упражнения 3 -Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Вопрос 1





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

The company (produce) wachine machines.

Вопрос 2





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

It (have) suppliers in 10 different countries.

Вопрос 3





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

The company (develop) its activities in South Korea.

Вопрос 4





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

They (build) a new factory in New Delhi.

Вопрос 5





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

He (visit) his clients twice a month.

Вопрос 6





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

She (negotiate) a new deal on Monday.

Вопрос 7





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

They (fly) to Rome to the conference tomorrow.

Вопрос 8





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

The company (specialise) in household goods.

Вопрос 9





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

It sometimes (advertise) its products on billboards.

Вопрос 10





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

We (design) a new project this month.

Вопрос 11





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

Sales of new poduct (rise) fast.

Вопрос 12





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

The demand on home furniture (remain) stable.

Вопрос 13





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

They (have) strong competitors in Far East.

Вопрос 14





Постройте вопрос во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

How often \ she \ meet \ customers?


Вопрос 15





Постройте вопрос во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

What time \ they \ meet \ the reporters?


Вопрос 16





Постройте вопрос во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

What \ he \ do \ for a living?


Вопрос 17





Постройте вопрос во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

Why \ the prices \ fall \ this month?


Вопрос 18





Постройте вопрос во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

When \ she \ arrive \ from Moscow?


Вопрос 19





Постройте вопрос во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

What time \ be \ the plane \ to Rome?



Вопрос 20





Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос

She is interviewing a candidate now, ?

Вопрос 21





Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос

She never smokes in her office, ?

Вопрос 22





Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос

He is enjoying his stay in Paris, ?

Вопрос 23





Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос

He travels a lot to Europe, ?

Вопрос 24





Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос

They are building a new airport outside the city, ?

Вопрос 25





Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос

They rarely make mistakes, ?

Вопрос 26





Постройте отрицательное предложение во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

we \ not deliver \ goods \ at the weekend.


Вопрос 27





Постройте отрицательное предложение во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

the company \ not hire \ new employees \ this month.


Вопрос 28





Постройте отрицательное предложение во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

the factory \ not produce \ spare parts.


Вопрос 29





Постройте отрицательное предложение во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

Today the terminal \ not work \ from 12 a.m. to 4 a.m.


Вопрос 30





Постройте отрицательное предложение во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

i \ not do \ a project work \ this year.



Список литературы

КлР 26.11 - Работа с текстом 3 - MACY'S DEPARTMENT STORE

Вопрос 1





Сопоставьте английские и русские слова













retail space

















department store



retail sales






fireworks display



holding company



annual revenue







Вопрос 2





Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужное время (Present Simple Active or Passive, Past Simple,Present Perfect, participle II)

Macy's (originally R. H. Macy & Co.) is an American department store chain founded in 1858 by Rowland Hussey Macy. It 1)



(become) a division of the Cincinnati-based Federated Department Stores in 1994, through which it is 2)



(affiliate) with the Bloomingdale’s department store chain; the holding company 3)



 (rename) Macy’s, Inc. in 2007. As of 2015, Macy's was the largest U.S. department store company by retail sales. As of November 3, 2018, there 4)



(be) 594 full-line stores with the Macy's nameplate in operation throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Its flagship store 5)



(locate) at Herald Square in the Manhattan borough of New York City. The company 6)



(have) 130,000 employees and 7)



(earn) annual revenue of $24.8 billion as of 2017.

Macy's 8)



(conduct) the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City since 1924 and 9)



(sponsor) the city's annual Fourth of July fireworks display since 1976. Macy's Herald Square is one of the largest department stores in the world. The flagship store 10)



(cover) almost an entire New York City block, 11)



(feature) about 1.1 million square feet of retail space, 12)



(include) additional space for offices and storage, and 13)



(serve) as the endpoint for the Thanksgiving Day parade. The value of Herald Square has been 14)



(estimate) at around $3 billion.

Вопрос 3





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получился вопрос












Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

напишите цифры словами


Вопрос 5





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке














Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос


Вопрос 7





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке




















Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос

напишите цифры словами


Вопрос 9





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке
















Вопрос 10





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос


Вопрос 11





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке



















10         0





Вопрос 12





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос

напишите цифры словами


Вопрос 13





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке














Вопрос 14





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос


Вопрос 15





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке


















Вопрос 16





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос

напишите цифры словами


Вопрос 17





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке


















Вопрос 18





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос

напишите цифры словами


Вопрос 19





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке



















10         0





Вопрос 20





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос

напишите цифры словами


Вопрос 21





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке
















Вопрос 22





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос


Вопрос 23





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке
















Вопрос 24





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос


Вопрос 25





Расставьте слова в правильном порядке
















Вопрос 26





Найдите в тексте на предыдущий вопрос


Вопрос 27





Сопоставьте слова из двух колонок, чтобы получились устойчивые выражения из текста



























КлР 10.09 - Работа с текстом 1 - CEO of Google

Вопрос 1





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова







restructuring process



trial and testing



assume the position     














chief executive officer






earn a degree







Вопрос 2





Заполните пропуски предложенными вариантами

Pichai Sundararajan is an Indian-American business

. He is the chief executive officer (CEO) of Google LLC. Formerly the Product Chief of Google, Pichai's  role was announced on August 10, 2015, as part of the process that made Alphabet Inc. into Google's parent company, and he assumed the

 on October 2, 2015.

Pichai was born July 12, 1972 in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India in a Tamil family. His mother was a

 and his father was an electrical engineer at GEC, the British conglomerate. His father also had a  plant that produced electrical components. Pichai grew up in a two-room

in Ashok Nagar, Chennai.

Pichai completed

 in Jawahar Vidyalaya, a Central Board of  Education school in Ashok Nagar, Chennai and completed the Class XII from Vana Vani school in the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. He earned his  from Indian Institutes of Tehnology Kharagpur in metallurgical . He is currently a distinguished alumnus. He holds an M.S. from Standford University in material  and engineering, and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he was named a Siebel

 and a Palmer Scholar, respectively.





Вопрос 3





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

- business executive


Вопрос 4





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

- on August 10, 2015.


Вопрос 5





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

 - on October 2, 2015.


Вопрос 6





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

 -July 12, 1972.


Вопрос 7





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

- an electrical engineer at GEC.


Вопрос 8





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

 -electrical components.


Вопрос 9





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

 -in Jawahar Vidyalaya.


Вопрос 10





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

 - in metallurgical engineering.


Вопрос 11





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

- in material sciences and engineering.


Вопрос 12





Напишите вопрос к ответу из текста

 -a Siebel Scholar and a Palmer Scholar.


Вопрос 13





Заполните пропуски предложенными вариантами

Pichai worked in engineering and product

 at Applied Materials and in management consulting at McKinsey & Comany. Pichai Google in 2004, where he led the product management and efforts for a suite of Google's client software products, including Google Chrome and Chrome OS, as well as being largely for Google Drive. He went on to oversee the development of different such as Gmail and Google Maps. On November 19, 2009, Pichai gave a demonstration of Chrome OS; the Chromebook was released for trial and  in 2011, and released to the public in 2012. On May 20, 2010, he announced the open-sourcing of the new video codec VP8 by Google and

the new video format, WebM .

On March 13, 2013, Pichai

Android to the list of Google products that he oversees. Android was formerly by Andy Rubin. He was a director of Jive Software from April 2011 to July 30, 2013. Pichai was to become the next CEO of Google on August 10, 2015 after previously being Product Chief by CEO, Larry Page. On October 24, 2015 he into the new position at the completion of the formation of Alphabet Inc., the new

company for the Google company family.





Вопрос 14



Выберите верные предложения

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

 a. Larry Page appointed Pichai Product Chief .

 b. On May 20, 2010, he introduced the new video format, WebM.

 c. he led the product management and innovation efforts at Applied Materials. 

 d. He was a director of Jive Software for about 2 years. 

 e. Pichai joined Google in 2014.

 f. The Chromebook was released for trial and testing in 2012.

 g. Andy Rubin added Android to the list of Google products on March 13, 2013.

 h. Pichai stepped into the new position on August 10, 2015.  

 i. Pichai gave a demonstration of Chrome OS on November 19, 2009.




КлР 01.10 - Письмо 1 - Cover letter

Вопрос 1





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова

strict deadlines




























































Вопрос 2





Прочитайте письмо и найдите на вопрос

Mr. Gregory Bor

Super Graphics Designers

92 Delaware St.

Hatfield, WA

24 May, 2018

Dear Mr. Bor,

I am Simone Franz, an applicant for the position of Graphic Designer, as advertised in the magazine Computer Technologies. I am writing this letter to confirm that my resume was received and to reiterate my interest in your esteemed company. I believe that my experience and skills would benefit your company and match the position. If your office did not receive my resume, I will not hesitate, if necessary, to resend my resume and any other materials or details required to provide information of my qualifications.

I completed my M.A. degree in graphic design and in 3D design from Seattle University in 2013. My key skills in the field of graphics design include communication skills, problem solving, creativity, drawing and visual art. I am also excellent in making changes where required, building contacts and effective networking. To maintain my experience in graphics design, I take note of everything that can grab the attention of audiences and I remain open to influences and new ideas.

In addition to the above qualifications and skills, I have the required enthusiasm, passion and self-motivation that enables me to budget my time and to work under strict deadlines.

I have over 3 years experience working in the graphic design company ChookWorks as a first level graphic designer. I am willing to use my skills, ideas and experience to benefit Super Graphics Designers and to make it successful in terms of high productivity. I can be contacted through my email address: simonefranz@yahoo.com.

Thank you for your consideration.


Simone Franz

Answer the questions to the letter (в конце поставьте точку)

What company is Simone Franz applying for?



Вопрос 3





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What position is Simone Franz applying for?



Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Where was the job vacancy advertised?


Вопрос 5





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What did Simone send with the letter?


Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Why is she writing the letter?


Вопрос 7





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Where did she study?



Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What scientific qualifications has she got?


Вопрос 9





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What professional skills has she got?



Вопрос 10





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

How does she improve her knowledge in graphic design?



Вопрос 11





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What personal qualities are required of the candidate?



Вопрос 12





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Can she work under pressure?



Вопрос 13





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Where does she work now?



Вопрос 14





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

How can they contact Simone?



Вопрос 15





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я кандидат на должность



Вопрос 16





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я пишу письмо, чтобы подтвердить



Вопрос 17





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я полагаю что, мои навыки пригодятся вашей компании



Вопрос 18





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

 Я закончила обучение по магистерской программе



Вопрос 19





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Мои основные навыки включают



Вопрос 20





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я превосходно умею



Вопрос 21





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я обращаю внимание на все, что может привлечь внимание


Вопрос 22





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я открыта новым идеям



Вопрос 23





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Кроме перечисленных выше профессиональных навыков



Вопрос 24





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я более трех лет работаю


Вопрос 25





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Со мной можно связаться по электронной почте


Вопрос 26





Напишите сопроводительное письмо к заявке на должность. Используйте ключевые фразы из образца

 сочинение 2. docx.pdf





КлР 01.10 - Письмо 2 - Job invitation letter

Вопрос 1





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова








be responsible for









dental and health care









child daycare assistance            










cope with



apply for










Вопрос 2





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова






sick leave






Human Resource Manager












of high integrity









needs and requirements



Project Supervisor
















Вопрос 3





Прочитайте письмо и найдите в тексте на вопрос

Antony Thomas                                                                     30th May, 2018

P.O. BOX 0200

West Gate Ave.

Seattle, WA 91819

Dear Mr. Cliff,


I am the Human Resource Manager of the ABC Interbrand company where you had applied for the position of Project Supervisor. I hereby write this letter to inform you that you have been selected for the job. I congratulate you for being chosen to work in our company. We have found your credentials satisfactory. I strongly believe that your knowledge, skills and experience will be among the most valuable assets in our company.

As a project supervisor, you will be responsible for the establishment, implementation and review of project work plans to cope with the emerging needs and requirements of our organization, and to ensure that there is proper sharing of information between the departments of our organization. You will also help to develop and maintain good relations with our clients by showing a professional image when serving our clients and managing staff responsible for project development and implementation.

The employees of this company are highly valued, as we strongly believe that staff is the most valuable asset in any organization and it determines whether the company will prosper or not. Your benefits in this company will include a vacation of ten weeks per annum, group insurance, dental and health care, annual stock options, child daycare assistance, sick leave, among many others. We have designed programs which will ensure that a balance exists between work life and personal life. Each employee is supposed to participate in our programs to ensure team building in our organization.

I am thrilled to formally welcome you in our company and I wish you good luck in your new job. The staff you will work with in this company are already informed that you will be their new supervisor. They are people of high integrity, competent and ready to work with anyone. We would like you to start work on 5/6/2018 at 9:00am. Please report to Mr. Gath for the purpose of documentation and orientation. In case you find that this date is not convenient to you, contact me immediately.

Find an enclosed copy of this letter. Please sign it and send it to me by 1/6/2018 to confirm your acceptance for this job. I am confident that your contribution to ABC Interbrand will be of great significance and we look forward to having you in our company.

If you have any issue or points to be clarified, feel free to inform me.


Antony Thomas

Human Resource Manager, ABC Interbrand


Accept job offer:

I accept the position of Project Supervisor offered by ABC Interbrand.


Decline job offer:

I decline the position of Project Supervisor offered by ABC Interbrand.


Answer the question (в конце поставьте точку)

What position did Mr. Cliff apply for?




Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Has he been a successful candidate?


Вопрос 5





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Why has he been selected for the job?


Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What will his responsibilities be in his future job?



Вопрос 7





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What will the benefits include?



Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

When should he start work?


Вопрос 9





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Why should he report to Mr. Gath?



Вопрос 10





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What should he do with the enclosed letter?


Вопрос 11





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я пишу вам, чтобы проинформировать, что вас выбрали на эту должность



Вопрос 12





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Мы удовлетворены предоставленными вами документами



Вопрос 13





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Вы будете устанавливать, внедрять и пересматривать планы работы по проекту


Вопрос 14





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Вы должны обеспечить обмен информацией между отделами на должном уровне


Вопрос 15





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Мы высоко ценим наших сотрудников



Вопрос 16





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Мы полностью убеждены, что сотрудники – самый важный актив любой компании



Вопрос 17





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

ежегодный отпуск на 10 недель


Вопрос 18





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

баланс между работой и личной жизнью


Вопрос 19





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я очень рад официально приветствовать вас в нашей организации



Вопрос 20





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Я желаю вам удачи на новой работе



Вопрос 21





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Если вам не подходит время, сразу свяжитесь со мной



Вопрос 22





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Мы с нетерпением ждем, когда вы приступите к работе в нашей компании



Вопрос 23





Найдите в тексте письма фразу

Если вам требуется что-то уточнить, без колебаний связывайтесь со мной



Вопрос 24





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

You have been selected for the job.

We .

Вопрос 25





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

You have been chosen to work in our company.

We .

Вопрос 26





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

We have found your credentials satisfactory.

Your credentials .

Вопрос 27





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

Your knowledge, skills and experience will be highly valued in our company.

We .

Вопрос 28





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

The employees of this company are highly valued .

They .

Вопрос 29





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

We have designed programs.

Programs .

Вопрос 30





Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог

The staff are already informed.

We .

Вопрос 31





Напишите письмо кандидату, которого взяли на работу / кандидатуру которого отклонили. Объясните причину отказа / приема на работу, условия труда, обязанности, льготы.



 сочинение 3.pdf





КлР 17.12 - Письмо 3 - Inquiry letter

Вопрос 1





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова

credit facilities






market share



Food and Beverage Industry






establish oneself








per unit price



cash payment






















Вопрос 2





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова




Production Manager






























with vigor







Вопрос 3





Прочитайте письмо и найдите в тексте на вопрос

James Milner                                                                                May 26, 2018

Tropical Bakers Ltd

653 Elmwood Ave.

Indianapolis, IN 12345

Customer Relations Manager

Indiana Poultry Ltd

5687 Hardegan St.

Indianapolis, IN 12345

Dear Sir/Madam

I am the Production Manager at Tropical Bakers Ltd. My duty is to ensure there is an adequate supply of wheat flour, sugar, eggs, water, milk, sweetener, salt, and fat needed for the production of bread, cakes and biscuits. Our company is new in the Food and Beverage Industry. Our aim is to produce 300,000 loaves of bread, cakes, and biscuits daily. We need a reliable supplier who can deliver more than 300,000 eggs to our storehouse every day.

I have tracked your performance in this industry. You have good relations with companies that soon are to be our competitors. We would like to venture into this industry with vigor. We would like to establish ourselves in this industry and control a large market share. Due to your reliance and commitment to your customers, our company is approaching your company to be our supplier.

However, we would like you to respond to the following inquiries:

•        What is the per unit price of your products (eggs)?

•        Do you offer any credit facilities or deal in cash payment only?

•        Do you offer any discounts?

•        Do you deliver goods to the customer’s premises?

I would like to further discuss with you about your products. I propose that we meet on the 2nd June, 2018 at Springfield Hotel, Elmwood Ave., Indianapolis. If this time is not appropriate, you can inform me of the time and place convenient for this meeting. My work phone number and email address are (555)564-234 and Jmilner@tropical.com.


James Milner

Production Manager

Answer the question to the letter

Who is James Milner?




Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What do we learn about the company Tropical Bakers Ltd?



Вопрос 5





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What are James Milner’s responsibilities at the company?



Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

Why is James Milner writing to Indiana Poultry Ltd?



Вопрос 7





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What are the goals of the Tropical Bakers Ltd?



Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

Why have they chosen Indiana Poultry Ltd as a supplier?



Вопрос 9





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

When does James Milner propose to meet Customer Relations Manager from Indiana Poultry Ltd?



Вопрос 10





Найдите в письме фразу

Моя обязанность заключается в том, чтобы …



Вопрос 11





Найдите в письме фразу

Мы - новая компания в этой отрасли



Вопрос 12





Найдите в письме фразу

Нам нужен надежный поставщик



Вопрос 13





Найдите в письме фразу

Я слежу за вашей работой


Вопрос 14





Найдите в письме фразу

У вас хорошие отношения с компаниями



Вопрос 15





Найдите в письме фразу

Мы бы хотели энергично войди в эту отрасль



Вопрос 16





Найдите в письме фразу

Мы бы хотели утвердиться в этой отрасли



Вопрос 17





Найдите в письме фразу

Мы бы хотели контролировать большую долю рынка



Вопрос 18





Найдите в письме фразу

Если вам не подходит время, вы можете сообщить мне удобное время и место



Вопрос 19





Напишите на письмо-запрос.

Поблагодарите за интерес к вашей компании.

Ответьте на заданные в письме вопросы.

Педложите место и время для встречи.


 сочинение 6..docx





КлР 17.12 - Письмо 6 - Conference invitation letter

Вопрос 1





Сопоставьте русские и английские слова

populous countries      











untapped potential








attend the conference






real estate















Вопрос 2





Прочитайте письмо и ответьте на вопрос






Dear Mr J,


Greetings to you. We cordially invite you to our business conference that will take place at the Hilton Hotel conference room 25-th of October at 10 a.m.

The conference will include, but not limited to: Introduction to new marketing opportunities in the Far East. This will help you scale into the untapped potential into populous countries like China. You will be shown how to create advertisement online on social media platforms – this would attract more people into your company’s website. You will be directed as how to properly invest in market shares, thus helping you grow financially. You will be given the chance to learn how to properly venture into real estate.

By attending this conference, you will have the chance to grow both career-wise and also investment wise. Your presence at our conference will be much appreciated.

Our best regards,


Company’s representative

Answer the question

When will the conference take place?


Вопрос 3





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

Where will the conference be held?



Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What time will the conference start?



Вопрос 5





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What is the theme of the conference?


Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What countries in particular will be dealt with at the conference?


Вопрос 7





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

Why is it necessary to create advertisement on social media platforms?



Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте письма на вопрос

What skills will you acquire at the conference?


Вопрос 9





Найдите в письме фразу

Мы радушно приглашаем вас



Вопрос 10





Найдите в письме фразу

Конференция пройдет



Вопрос 11





Найдите в письме фразу

Конференция посвящена следующим вопросам



Вопрос 12





Найдите в письме фразу

Вам покажут, как создавать рекламу



Вопрос 13





Найдите в письме фразу

Вам расскажут, как инвестировать в акции



Вопрос 14





Найдите в письме фразу

У вас будет возможность



Вопрос 15





Найдите в письме фразу

Вы повысите свои карьерные возможности и знания в области инвестиций



Вопрос 16





Найдите в письме фразу

Мы будем рады вашему участию в конференции



Вопрос 17





Преобразуйте предложение в активный\ пассивный залог

You will be shown how to create advertisement online on social media platforms.

We .


Вопрос 18





Преобразуйте предложение в активный\ пассивный залог

You will be directed as how to properly invest in market shares.

We .

Вопрос 19





Преобразуйте предложение в активный\ пассивный залог

You will be given the chance to learn how to properly venture into real estate .

We .

Вопрос 20





Преобразуйте предложение в активный\ пассивный залог

Your presence at our conference will be much appreciated.

We .

Вопрос 21





Напишите пригласительное письмо на конференцию, которую организует ваша компания

Используйте ключевые фразы из образца






КлР 10.09 - Работа с лексикой 1 - Careers

Вопрос 1





Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос

Despite of growth of outsourcing (buying in services from outside an organization) and teleworking by freelancers working from home communicating via the Internet, most professional people still go to job in a building that is recognizably an office. The average tenure, the length of time that people spend in a paricular job, has remained unchanged (at about seven years) for two decades.

From the point of view of human resources (HR) department of a large company, managing people's career is seen in the traditional activities of selection procedures and recruitment, managing remuneration (how much people are paid) and working with department managers on performance review: annual or more frequent meetings with employees to tell them how well they are doing and how they may progress further on career ladder. The HR department will also be involved with training and professional development of company employees.

A company's HR department may also be involved in making people redundant. Redundancies may be the result of economic downturn with reduced demand for company's goods and services. But they may follow a decision by a company to de-layer (reduce the number of management levels) and downsize. It may offer outplacement services, advice to people on how they can find another job, perhaps after some retraining.

A manager made redundant in this way may become a portfolio worker, offering their services to a number of clients. Some managers describe themselves as consultants but would prefer to work in a salaried job in an organisation like the one they have been forced to leave.

Others may enjoy the new-found freedom and embrace the flexibility it offers. Freelancers have to maintain their degree of employability keeping up with the latest trends and skills in their profession or industry, for example by attending short courses. They may complain that working outside the organization gives them fewer opportunities to learn these new skills. For many salaried employees developing their career in an organization is the process of give-and-take. The environment they work in allows them to keep their skills up to speed.

Answer the question to the text (в конце поставьте точку)

What does teleworking mean?


Вопрос 2





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Where do most professional people still work?


Вопрос 3





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

How long is the average tenure?


Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What are traditional activities of HR department?


Вопрос 5





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What often courses redundancies?


Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What are outplacement services?


Вопрос 7





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Who is a portfolio worker?


Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

How do some managers describe themselves?


Вопрос 9





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What are the good sides of being a freelancer?


Вопрос 10





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

How can freelancers maintain their degree of employability?


Вопрос 11





Найдите в тексте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

What may freelancers complain about?


Вопрос 12





Выберите Верные утверждения

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

 a. Remuneration is paying money to employees for the work done.

 b. Outplacement services include finding new jobs for company's employees.

 c. Portfolio workers get a salary.

 d. De-laying means increasing the number of magament levels in the company.

 e. Outsourcing is buying services from outside an organization.

 f. Most professional workers are freelancers.

 g. HR department is involved in the process of training employees.

 h. Freelancers work for themselves.

 i. Performance reviews are conducted by HR managers and department managers.

 j. Economic downturn leads to high demand on company's goods and services.

 k. The average tenure is about 5 years.



Вопрос 13





Напишите 10-15 предложений с ключевой лексикой

freelancer, outsourcing, remuneration, flexibility, employability, redundant, performance review

make a living, get promotion, do part-time work, take time-off, work untisocial hours

career ladder, career opportunities, career plan, career break






КлР 26.11 - Работа с лексикой 2 - Companies

Вопрос 1





Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос (в конце поставьте точку)

Multinationals are the most visible of companies. Their local subsidiaries can give them local reach, even if their corporate culture, the way they do things, depends largely on their culture of origin. But the tissue of most national economies is made up of much smaller organizations. Many countries owe much of their prosperity to SMEs (small or medium sized enterprises) with tens or hundreds of employees, rather than of tens of thousands employed by large corporations.

Small businesses with just a few employees are also important. Many governments hope that the small businesses of today will become the multinationals of tomorrow, but many owners of small companies choose to work that way because they find it more congenial and do not want to expand.

There are the sole traders, one-man or one-woman businesses. In the professional world these freelancers are often people who have left large organizations and who have set up on their own, taking the expertise they have gained with them.

But in every case the principle is the same: to survive - the money coming in has to be more than the money going out. Companies with shareholders are looking for more than survival - they want return on investment. Shares in the company rise and fall in the way how investors see the future profitability of the company. They demand shareholder value in the way the company is run to maximize profitability for investors, in terms of increased dividends and a rising share price. Publicly quoted companies, with their shares listed or quoted on a stock exchange, come under a lot of scrutiny in this area. Some large companies (often family-owned or dominated) are private: they choose not to have their shares openly bought and sold, perhaps they don't want this scrutiny. But they may have trouble raising the capital they need for growth and development.

Answer the question t the text

What does the corporate culture of multinationals depend on?


Вопрос 2





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

What is corporate culture?


Вопрос 3





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

What do many countries owe their prosperity to?


Вопрос 4





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

What do many governments hope with redard to the small businesses?


Вопрос 5





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

Why don't owners of small companies want to expand?


Вопрос 6





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

What is the main principle in business?


Вопрос 7





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

What does the share price depend on?


Вопрос 8





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

Where are shares of publicly quoted companies listed?


Вопрос 9





Найдите в тексте на вопрос

What problems may private large companies have?


Вопрос 10





Выберите Верные утверждения

Выберите один или несколько ответов:

 a. Many countries owe much of their prosperity to large corporations.

 b. Large companies are never family-owned.

 c. Small businesses with a few employees are not important for national economy.

 d. Multinationals are the least visible of companies.

 e. Companies with shareholders want return on investment.

 f. Publicly quoted companies come under a lot of scrutiny. 



Вопрос 11





Напишите 10 предложений, используя ключевую лексику

head office, market share, net profit, parent company, share price, subsidiary, turnover, workforce

multinational, corporate culture, sole trader, freelancer, return on investment, stock exchange, private company, publicly quoted company






КлР 10.09 - Упражнения 1 - Modal Verbs 1

Вопрос 1




Выберите функцию модального глагола

Can you contact me next week?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. request

 c. offer



Вопрос 2





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Can you make spreadsheets?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. request

 c. offer



Вопрос 3





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Can she call you tomorrow?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. offer

 c. request



Вопрос 4





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Shall I make a reservation for you?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. offer

 b. request

 c. ability



Вопрос 5





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Could you speak up, please?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. offer

 b. ability

 c. request



Вопрос 6





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Could you invite him to the conference?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. offer

 b. ability

 c. request



Вопрос 7





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Would you like us to send you a brochure?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. request

 c. offer



Вопрос 8





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Would you like me to help you?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. request

 b. offer

 c. ability



Вопрос 9





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Could she call me back?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. request

 b. ability

 c. offer



Вопрос 10





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Could you ask him to send us his resume?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. request

 b. ability

 c. offer



Вопрос 11





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Could he drive when he was 16?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. request

 b. offer

 c. ability



Вопрос 12





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Could he give me a lift to the airport?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. offer

 c. request



Вопрос 13





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Shall I switch on the conditioning?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. offer

 c. request



Вопрос 14





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Can you start, please?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. offer

 b. ability

 c. request



Вопрос 15





Выберите функцию модального глагола

Can you come to the party tomorrow?

Выберите один ответ:

 a. ability

 b. request

 c. offer




КлР 26.11 - Упражнения 3 -Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Вопрос 1





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

The company (produce) wachine machines.

Вопрос 2





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

It (have) suppliers in 10 different countries.

Вопрос 3





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

The company (develop) its activities in South Korea.

Вопрос 4





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

They (build) a new factory in New Delhi.

Вопрос 5





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

He (visit) his clients twice a month.

Вопрос 6





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

She (negotiate) a new deal on Monday.

Вопрос 7





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

They (fly) to Rome to the conference tomorrow.

Вопрос 8





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

The company (specialise) in household goods.

Вопрос 9





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

It sometimes (advertise) its products on billboards.

Вопрос 10





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

We (design) a new project this month.

Вопрос 11





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

Sales of new poduct (rise) fast.

Вопрос 12





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

The demand on home furniture (remain) stable.

Вопрос 13





Поставьте глагол во время Present Simple или Present Continuous

They (have) strong competitors in Far East.

Вопрос 14





Постройте вопрос во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

How often \ she \ meet \ customers?


Вопрос 15





Постройте вопрос во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

What time \ they \ meet \ the reporters?


Вопрос 16





Постройте вопрос во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

What \ he \ do \ for a living?


Вопрос 17





Постройте вопрос во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

Why \ the prices \ fall \ this month?


Вопрос 18





Постройте вопрос во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

When \ she \ arrive \ from Moscow?


Вопрос 19





Постройте вопрос во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

What time \ be \ the plane \ to Rome?



Вопрос 20





Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос

She is interviewing a candidate now, ?

Вопрос 21





Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос

She never smokes in her office, ?

Вопрос 22





Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос

He is enjoying his stay in Paris, ?

Вопрос 23





Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос

He travels a lot to Europe, ?

Вопрос 24





Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос

They are building a new airport outside the city, ?

Вопрос 25





Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос

They rarely make mistakes, ?

Вопрос 26





Постройте отрицательное предложение во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

we \ not deliver \ goods \ at the weekend.


Вопрос 27





Постройте отрицательное предложение во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

the company \ not hire \ new employees \ this month.


Вопрос 28





Постройте отрицательное предложение во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

the factory \ not produce \ spare parts.


Вопрос 29





Постройте отрицательное предложение во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

Today the terminal \ not work \ from 12 a.m. to 4 a.m.


Вопрос 30





Постройте отрицательное предложение во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous

i \ not do \ a project work \ this year.



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