Английский язык Тест Синергия (Ответы готовые)

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22 Ноя 2020 в 18:34
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Английский язык Тест Синергия (Ответы готовые) 20 вопросов оценка 90/100

После покупки Вы получите файл с ответами на вопросы которые указаны ниже:


· Выбрать один лишний ответ. Could I speak to Mr Gomez, please?

· Just a moment, please.

· I'll put you through.

· I know.

· We ... to the new house by the end of the week, so we won't be here next Sunday.

· will have moved

· will be moving

· will move

· are moving

· I'm not very interested ... sports.

· for

· about

· in

· to

· I always go to the cinema ... Fridays.

· on

· ¡n

· at

· by

· Выбратьправильный ответ:...my friends tonight, and ... to a new restaurant in the town centre.

· I'm meeting; we'll go probably

· I'm meeting; we'll probably go

· I'm meeting; probably we'll go

· I meet; we'll go probably

· I meet; we'll probably go

· I meet; probably we'll go

· I'll meet; we'll go probably

· I'll meet; we'll probably go

· I'll meet; probably we'll go

· Our neighbours aren't very polite, and ... particularly quiet!

· neither they aren't

· either they aren't

· nor are they

· neither did they be

· Выбратьправильныйответ: I...in the same town since I...

· am living; born

· am living; am born

· am living,; was born

· have lived; born

· have lived; am born

· have lived; was bom

· have been living; born

· have been living; am born

· have been living; was born

· Don't forget to ... the light when you go out.

· turn up

· turn in

· turn off

· turn over

· Выбрать правильное предложение:

· I really like fantasy books and films

· I'm really liking fantasy books and films

· I will call you when I... home.

· get

· will get

· got

· getting

· I was wondering ... tell me when the next plane from Chicago arrives?

· could you

· can you

· if you could

· please

· I think Joey must... late tonight. His office light is still on.

· have worked

· work

· be working

· to work

· My phone number's 218974. That's ...

· two one nine eight seven four

· two one seven nine four eight

· two one eight seven four nine

· two one eight nine seven four

· Выбрать правильное предложение:

· In my country, the sun shines every day in summer

· In my country, the sun is shining every day in summer

· The breath test showed he had consumed more than three times the legal limit of alcohol, so the police arrested him for...

· trespassing

· mugging

· speeding

· drunk driving

· Before you enter the marathon, please bear in ... that you're not as young as you used to be!

· thought

· question

· mind

· opinion

· Surely Sue ... you if she was unhappy with your work.

· will tell

· would have told

· must have told

· had told

· Выбрать один лишний ответ. Did you enjoy your meal?

· It was lovely, thanks.

· Do you have a reservation?

· Yes, thank you.

· Выбрать правильное предложение:

· I stay with a friend for a few days

· I'm staying with a friend for a few days

· Выбрать правильное предложение:

· This orange juice is delicious, but I prefer coffee

· This orange juice is delicious, but I'm preferring coffee

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