Упражнения 1-3
После ознакомления с теоретическим материалом урока познакомьтесь с основной лексикой: научитесь правильно произносить предложенные слова и выражения (пользуйтесь ресурсом https://translate.yandex.ru/, https://www.oxforddictionaries.com/, https://www.merriam-webster.com/), запомните их перевод.
Key vocabulary
abstract –
academic skills –
affiliation –
appropriate –
argument –
coherent –
conclusion –
constructive research –
current knowledge –
empirical research –
exploratory research –
findings –
in-depth analysis –
investigation –
issue –
literature review
outcome –
output –
perseverance –
quantitative research methods – к
qualitative research methods –
research methods
research proposal
Для закрепления знаний выполните лексические упражнения.
1. Find synonyms in A and B.
Составьте пары синонимов (близких по значению слов) из граф А и В
A B А + В
Issues Result
Research problems
outcome modern
current Summary
conclusion Investigation
2. Complete the sentences using words in the box.
Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами из рамки с учетом смысла предложений.
statistical methods abstract
Qualitative empirical article round tables
1) The title of the should be concise and indicate its contents.
2) An a helps the reader ascertain the paper's purpose and see the contribution is being made by the research and written piece.
3) T which tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidence, is called empirical.
4) Qualitativ relates to understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior.
5) suggests asking a narrow question and collecting numerical data to analyze using methods.
6) Researchers employ mixed research s depending on the nature of their study.
7) In addition to presentations, conferences also feature panel discussions, on various issues and workshops.
3. Look at the skills in the table below. Read correctly, try to remember. Translate them into Russian. They are put in appropriate order for research-related practices. Audit your skills having noted in the table, and then indicate the skills you need to develop.
В первой графе таблицы перечислены навыки, необходимые для научной деятельности. Прочитайте, правильно артикулируя слова, старайтесь запомнить, переведите на русский язык (вторая графа). Обозначьте знаком ND (третья графа) навыки, которые хотели бы развивать в себе.
Skills Translation Needs development