Иностранный язык в сфере туризма 1 (тесты)

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Иностранный язык в сфере туризма 1 (тесты)
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The icon of Our Lady of Iver is an exact written copy of the Ladys image from the Greek monastery on the Holy _________ of Afon.

In the garden out in front of the Intercession Cathedral stands an impressive bronze _________ of Minin and Pozharsky.

St Basils has survived through lots of trouble – it was on ________ a few times.

After October ________ of 1917 the main square of Moscow also became a necropolis.

The granite Mausoleum was built in 1930 by __________ Alexei Shchusev.

In 1967 a tomb of the Unknown soldier was ceremonially opened here to commemorate all unknown _________ of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.

It was on the Lobnoye Mesto that tsars and patriarchs addressed the people, the tsars proclamations were read out loud and heirs to the _________ were introduced at the age of 15.

Moscow has always been a warm hospitable

In 1680 the old Neglinensky gates were pulled down to be replaced by new double-arched festive gates having the state coat of arms on the top – the double-headed _______.

The Kremlin was turned into an _____, completely surrounded by water.

The Moskvoretskaya and Prechistenskaya _____ are being planned into panoramic platforms.

The ________ of the competition to design the History Museum was Vladimir Sherwood, a graduate of the Moscow School of Painting and Sculpture.

The Kitay-Gorod is an extremely interesting piece of Russian military fortification design of the 16th

The name Red ________ derives from the old Russian word «krasniy» which, besides colour, has always meant «beautiful».

The current name Red Square was first mentioned in the ________ in the late 17th century.

A huge red-granite platform, with the bronze star and eternal _______ in its centre, has the words: «Your name is unknown, your deed is immortal».

The Intercession Cathedral was built to commemorate _______ Ivan the Terribles victorious campaign against Kazan which put an end to the Russian peoples fight against Tatar-Mongols for the liberation of their country from the yoke.

The Moscow-river, being the chief element of the citys natural and _______ landscape, attracts our special attention.

The Intercession Cathedral, or as it is better known, St Basils is a unique ______ of not only ancient Russian but also world architecture.

In 1801, in connection with the coronational ceremony of Alexander I, St Nickolas tower was redecorated in the neo-Gothic

When Lenin died on the 21st of January 1924, a decision was taken to build a _________ on the spot of revolutionary tribune used for demonstrations held in Red Square.

The galleries and passageways of St Basils Cathedral symbolized ________ of the Heavenly city.

The Trinity Square is the final step of our ________ across the Kremlin grounds.

The present red brick __________ was built under Ivan III in 1485-1495, replacing the white stone wall of Dmitry Donskoy of the late 14th century.

The building of the Senate, finished by architect Matvei Kazakov in 1788, is a large triangle of 4 _____ with inserted interior wings also creating three courtyards.

The Armoury Chamber _________ displays weapons and armour of the 13–18th centuries.

The Trinity bridge is the oldest stone bridge across the Neglinnaya river of Moscow and the only one having ________ from 1516 to the present time.

In 1600 the tsar Boris Godunov ________ to increase the Bell Tower by 21 metres with two additional tiers.

The Armoury displays crown jewels and thrones, saddlery and _________ from medieval times onwards.

The Trinity Tower is the __________ of all the Kremlin towers.

The Annunciation Cathedral was used for big family events, such as wedding _________ of the members of the royal family, baptizing the newborns and daily routine services.

The Cathedral of the Archangel Michael is the second in __________ and importance church of the Cathedral square.

The Russian State Library is the leading scientific, research and consultative institution of Russia, the second biggest library in the world, whose archives contain over 30 million items in 247 _________ of the world.

Tsar Ivan III embarked on a vast building program of new walls, towers, churches and palaces and invited to Moscow the best Russian masters from Vladimir, Pskov, Novgorod, Tver and the most famous __________ of Northern Italy.

Moscow by origin is a ___________ town, and the Kremlin is the most stunning personification of the Middle Ages.

Arbat is a westward ________ laid out in the late 60s across a unique and typicall Moscow district.

The final and culminating monument in the rebuilding of the Kremlin is the aspiring _______ Tower of Ivan the Great.

The ancient Kremlin was a first-rate

The Archangel Michael Cathedral was to serve the final resting place for Russias grand princes and tsars until the time of Peter the

The oldest tomb in the Archangel Michael Cathedral belongs to Ivan Kalita, who _________ in 1342.

The ________ of Nickolas I has left another important trace in the Kremlin history.

The Assumption Cathedral is the oldest ___________ of the Kremlin.

The Manezh square today is a recreational zone, with cascades of ____________, greenery, park sculptures and decorative street lamps.

A part of contemporary Manezh _________ serves an intermediary link between Tverskaya street and the History Museum in Red Square.

In 1997 the first Moscow monument to Peter I was inaugurated to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the foundation of the Russian

The Big Stone Bridge is faced with dark-grey granite and decorated with the first _________ emblem of a hammer and sickle, chosen by Lenin after the revolution.

Peter the Great stands navigating his __________, supported by a large rostral column.

The Cathedral of Christ Our Savior is by 3 metres __________ than St Isaacs of St Petersburg.

Nickolas II opened the museum of the Palace of the Romanov Boyars here to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the

The Cathedral of Christ Our Savior is the votive church built to commemorate the Patriotic _________ of 1812.

Pavel Tretyakov began collecting paintings around 1856 and managed to pool various national schools of Russian painting into a comprehensive

On the 5th of December 1931 three sequential explosions __________ the majestic creation of the Cathedral of Christ Our Savior.

The pink-granite-faced Moskvoretskiy Bridge is quite impressive with its 95 metre arch, spanning across the

The nearby church of Maxim the Blessed stands out by its modest colouring and simplicity of architectural

The next architectural ensemble along Varvarka is the complex of the Holy Sign _____, which stands in the old tsars courtyard.

By the 1900s Zamoskvorechye had become a major industrial _______ with a fifth of Moscow factories and a third of its workers.

The very heart of Kitay-Gorod – an area known as Zaryadye – had always been in the very centre of major trade routes of _________ Russia.

Along the right side of Volkhonka street stands a massive building of Pushkin Museum of Fine

__________ excavations became another source for enriching the possessions of Antique and Oriental Art Departments.

They used 312 kilos of _______ to gild the domes of the cathedral.

This is the Old English Yard given to the English merchants of Moscovy Company as a kind of __________ by Ivan the Terrible in 1556.

The red brick curtain wall behind the monument to Peter I is the complex of Red October __________ factorys structures.

Slavyanskaya Square received this name in 1992 when the monument to St Cyril and Methodius, two Greek missionaries, who wrote down the first Russian ________, was inaugurated here.

The museums picture gallery was finally shaped in 1948, when it received 286 ________ of primarily French artists from the former collection of the Museum of New European Art.

To mark the 5th jubilee of the end of Napoleonic ___________, the foundation stone was laid on the Sparrow Hills site overlooking the city across the Moscow river.

Another __________ of the 17th century Russian architecture is the Trinity Church in Nikitniki.

The Cathedral of Christ Our Savior became the tallest __________ of Moscow.

The Polytechnical Museum was founded in 1872 to promote _________ and technology.

The itinerary of our _________ around the centre of Moscow has quite a romantic name – the Golden Ring.

The Budapest Hotel has 119 comfortable rooms equipped with air-conditioners, baths, hairdryers, satellite TV of European and Russian __________, mini-bars and safety boxes.

Prince-warrior Pozharskiy at the head of the army had been blessed by the miraculous ________ of Our Lady of Kazan.

The city is developing so dynamically that most people coming back after a short leave do not _____ it any longer.

The cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan was ______ with Russian banners of victory and a marvelous solid silver iconostasis.

A wooden bridge across the Neglinnaya river was moved upstream, so that it interconnected the Trade Square with the _________ to Tver.

The gates have been recently newly restored and turned into another pedestrian zone of Moscow with cobblestone instead of

The Moscow hotel is still enjoying high popularity due to its favourable ________ and the reputable history.

Lubyanka Square got this name in the mid-19th century after an old settlement of Novgorod the Great whose inhabitants were forcefully _________ here by Basil III in the 15th century.

With every passing year Moscow grows more and more into an ultramodern European metropolis with a dazzling tempo of life and fantastic

12.The architect was obliged to dance on the ___________ of the building of the Senate so that Empress Catherine II should have no doubts about the safety of her senators.

The main entrance to Manezh underground shopping _________ was built on the place of the former monastery.

The Administration of the Russian President and his Press Centre is a dark-grey building with the Russian tricolor ______ on its roof.

When born Muscovites have to ______ the capital, they miss their beloved rosy-cheeked, full-breast beauty looking healthy and smashing at her biblical age.

What we see today is the result of the __________ project by architect O. Zhurin when the gates were enlarged in plan and surmounted by two tent-shaped roofs.

Manezh Square had been inhabited by the ancestral Slavic ______ of Vyatichy.

Moscow is diverse and many

The building flanking Theatre Square on the right is the Maly Theatre, redesigned by Bove from the merchant Varguins __________ in 1824.

St Basils artistic design was easily revealed to everyone through its special location in the _________ space of the main square in town.

The right-side of the Hunters Row is taken by the building presently housing the lower chamber of the Russian State

In the centre of the Theatrical Square stands the world-famous Bolshoy ______ with a massive eight-columned portico, surmounted by Apollos chariot.

It was quite customary those years to build a votive church in the main square of town to commemorate the victory of Russian militar

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