Росдистант. ТГУ. Ответы на тесты Профессиональный английский язык 2 Тесты №1, №2, №3. Итоговый тест.

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Росдистант. ТГУ. Ответы на тесты Профессиональный английский язык 2 Тесты №1, №2, №3. Итоговый тест.
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Для Росдистант имеются и другие готовые работы. Пишем уникальные работы под заказ. Помогаем с прохождением онлайн-тестов. Пишите, пожалуйста, в личку.


ВАЖНО!!! Перед покупкой запустите тест и сверьте подходят ли эти ответы под Ваши

По всем вопросам можно обращаться в личку


Test 1

Вопрос 1

 To be able to give what it takes is called ....

 make a reservation

 jet lag

 meet requirement

 take off


Вопрос 2

 My itinerary is arranged. I ... at 6 am tomorrow.

 am leaving

 will leave

 am going to leaving

 will leaving


Вопрос 3

 A I can't turn on the projector

B ... help you?

 Am I helping

 Will I

 Shall I

  Am I going to


Вопрос 4

 I was wondering what time the breakfast ...?



 does starts



Вопрос 5

 We ... to Madrid next week. I booked the tickets yesterday.

 are flying

 are going fly

 will go to flying

 will fly


Вопрос 6


 I ... your facilities downstairs tomorrow.

 will checking out

 will go checking out

 am check out

am going to check out


 Вопрос 7

 When you start working in the office next month, which cubicle ... in?

 will you be work

 are you going working

 are you work

 are you going to work


 Вопрос 8


 A What would you like to drink?

B I ... for an orange juice, please.

 am going to go

 ‘ll be go

 am going

 ‘ll go


Вопрос 9

 ... rent a car?

 Are we go

 Shall we

 Will we go

 Are we going


 Вопрос 10

 Don't mess around the Duty-Free shop. We ... to miss our flight.



 are going

  will be


 Test 2

Вопрос 1

 Complete the sentence with the correct word.

 Please feel

 to stop me.


Вопрос 2

 Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in sentence.

Let me give you some details

 our Chinese factory.


Вопрос 3

 Put the words in the right order to make sentence.

 Let me summarize the most important results .


Вопрос 4

 Complete the sentence with the prepositions.

 I've divided my presentation

 three parts.


Вопрос 5


Choose the best option of the verb for the sentence below introducing your Presentation topic.

 I ... off by reviewing our progress.

 will start

 would to start

 will started

 will to start


Вопрос 6


Look through the presentstion opening structure on the left and arrange the phrases on the right as they should appear in your speech.

Welcome the audience

 Call your name             

 Your job title   

 Your company 

 Your topic         

 Structure: beginning of your presentation         

 Structure: second point of your presentation   

 Structure: the last point of your presentation   

 Timing of the presentation       

 Questions rules             


Вопрос 7


Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in the sentence.


 is a drawing that is used to show the material, size, and shape of a product for manufacturing purposes.


Вопрос 8


Put the words in the right order to make sentence.

 I’m now approaching to the end of the presentation .


Вопрос 9

 Complete the sentence with the prepositions.

 Secondly, I'll talk

 our investment in office technology.

 Вопрос 10


 Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in the sentence.


 is a graphic organizer that can be used to show the procedural pathways within a program.


Test 3

Вопрос 1


Match the parts of an abstract to the appropriate ideas.






•           We examined whether learning experiences and task properties are related to early adolescents’ emotional responses and psychophysiological states.

•           Gamification seems to have potential to increase student motivation.

•           We present the design and evaluation of a gamified learning experience.

•           The findings provide novel understanding of situational interplay between the value of success and mastery experience in adolescents’ experienced emotions and psychophysiological states.

•           The purpose of the paper is to study how the dynamics of games can be incorporated into learning actions.


 Вопрос 2


Read the part of the scientific article and fill in the gaps with the linking words and conjunction from the list.

In a face-to-face class, the physical presence of the instructor allows for immediate communication to clarify any ambiguous information.

 , instructors can monitor students’ learning progress  detect problems in real time. Instructors can also use body language, voice emphasis, or even charisma to engage students. , they can organize learning activities,

 group work, through multiple rounds of communication and clarifications.


Вопрос 3


Arrange in the correct sequence to have a good abstract.





•           This study aims to compare performance of cognitive control functions by junior high school students with different profiles of artistic creativity.

•           Results showed that scientifically creative students had better cognitive inhibitory and response inhibitory ability than artistically creative students.

•           A total of 297 junior high school students were tested with a set of scientific and artistic creativity tests. Out of this sample, 110 students who ranked in the top 27 % or bottom 27 % on scientific and artistic creativity were selected to form four groups.

•           The findings expand our knowledge of cognitive characteristics of students with different domain strengths.


Вопрос 4


Which terms are being defined?

 A short piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one done by students as part of the work for a course.






Вопрос 5


Read the phrases from scientific articles and fill in the gaps with the verbs from the boxes.

 Desiptive and inferential statistical methods were applied for data analysis, using SPSS.

This result suggested that the factor structure of the scale was somewhat different across the two samples.

The research data revealed that the teachers and the students understand critical thinking as it is defined by Facione.

This illustrates  that the teacher's understanding of critical thinking is central when interacting with students, and this influences the entire teaching process, creates a learning environment for students, and influences their motivation and achievements.


Вопрос 6


Read the phrases from scientific articles and fill in the gaps with the words from the boxes.

 In part, this is due to  the challenge of running original, quantitative experiments in the embodied and performing arts.

 Study of creativity focuses on  creative thinking processes, problem-solving, and innovation.

 This article argues  for embodied creativity as an important place of study that can move student's creativity.

 The pedagogical foundations of the games were further investigated  by contacting the authors of the games.


Вопрос 7


Fill in the gaps with the right conjunction from the list.

 should be used to connect similar ideas.

 should be used to connects a reason to a result.

 should be used to connects equal but different ideas.

 should be used to connects two negative ideas.

 should be used to connects two equal choices.

 should be used to connects a result to a reason.


Вопрос 8


Drag the correct term to make a good word collocation.

 The analysis of previous research 

skills the overview the main purpose


Вопрос 9


Choose the phrase related to the Methods.

 We proposed hypotheses for main and interaction effects and specified multilevel models.

 This study examines what kind of competencies teachers need in using game-based pedagogy.

 There are different approaches to implementing game-based pedagogy.

 The influence of games on the cognitive, emotional and social domains of players increases motivation and engagement of learners.


Вопрос 10


Match the abstract parts on the left with the phrases on the right.


 Introduction / Aim       

Discussion / Conclusion             


•           Results showed that scientifically creative students had better cognitive inhibitory and response inhibitory ability than artistically creative students.

•           The findings expand our knowledge of cognitive characteristics of students with different domain strengths.

•           A total of 297 junior high school students were tested with a set of scientific and artistic creativity tests.

Out of this sample, 110 students who ranked in the top 27 % or bottom 27 % on scientific and artistic creativity were selected to form four groups.

•           This study aims to compare performance of cognitive control functions by junior high school students with different profiles of artistic creativity.


Final Test

Вопрос 1





Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in the sentence.


 is an arrangement of data made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns.


Вопрос 2





Look! This carry-on is awesome! I ... it.


'll take



am going to take


am taking


'll be take

Вопрос 3





Fill in the gaps by dragging the options into the correct answer area.


Before I move on to my next point, let me go through the main issues once more.

This brings us directly to my next question.

Let's now turn to the issue of customer service.

Let me give you a brief overview of our activities.

I'd like to come back to our new sales strategies.

Let's go back to what we were discussing earlier.

As I said earlier, I’ll be focusing on this question later.

So, that’s all I wanted to say about time management.


Вопрос 4





What ... when the event is over?


are you going to do



will you to do


are you going do


you are going to do

Вопрос 5





Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in sentence.

 a few spelling mistakes, the new brochure is very good.


Вопрос 6





Choose the best option of the verb for the sentence below introducing your Presentation topic.


The objective of my presentation ... you up to date with the latest changes which will be introduced on January 1.


are to bring


is to brought


is bring


is to bring


Вопрос 7





A screen with the information about future flights (their numbers, take-off time etc.) is called ....


baggage claim receipt






departure board


Вопрос 8





Choose the best option of the verb for the sentence below introducing your Presentation topic.


I ... to you today about new developments in the R & D department.


are going to talk


'm going to talked


am going talk


am going to talk


Вопрос 9





Would you mind ... the seats?


to be change


to change






Вопрос 10





Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in sentence.

 , I'd like to tell you something about the new software.


Вопрос 11





Complete the sentence with the correct word.



 about taking notes.


Вопрос 12





Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in the sentence.


 is a chart with bars whose lengths are proportional to quantities.


Вопрос 13



Match the abstract parts on the left with the phrases on the right.





Originality / Value         


•           Across two experiments, highly proficient Spanish-English bilinguals studied rare words in repeated or varied semantic contexts, presented in only one language or in both languages.

•           The present study examines how semantic and non-semantic contextual variations in word learning encounters impact learning the meanings of novel words.

•           Research on word learning demonstrates that meanings of novel words are better recalled when those words are encountered in a variety of semantic contexts than when encountered in the same repeated context.

•           Participants recalled more word meanings when semantic context was varied rather than repeated at study, and this effect did not differ for the more and less proficient languages. However, varying the language context provided no benefit relative to studying words in only one language.

•           Performance patterns were consistent for visual and auditory study modalities, and in both recall and recognition tasks, performance was less accurate overall in the less proficient language than in the more proficient language.

•           These findings replicate the advantage of semantic variation observed in monolingual studies and is the first to directly compare learning from varied and repeated semantic contexts for more and less proficient languages in bilinguals.

Вопрос 14





Do you think the service onboard ... great tomorrow?


shall be


is going to being


is being


will be


Вопрос 15





... the travel arrangements for you?


Will I make


Am I making


Shall I make



Am I going to make

Вопрос 16




Arrange in the correct sequence to have a good abstract.







•           Participants recalled more word meanings when semantic context was varied rather than repeated at study, and this effect did not differ for the more and less proficient languages. However, varying the language context provided no benefit relative to studying words in only one language.



•           Participants recalled more word meanings when semantic context was varied rather than repeated at study, and this effect did not differ for the more and less proficient languages. However, varying the language context provided no benefit relative to studying words in only one language.

•           Across two experiments, highly proficient Spanish-English bilinguals studied rare words in repeated or varied semantic contexts, presented in only one language or in both languages.

•           The present study examines how semantic and non-semantic contextual variations in word learning encounters impact learning the meanings of novel words.

•           These findings replicate the advantage of semantic variation observed in monolingual studies and is the first to directly compare learning from varied and repeated semantic contexts for more and less proficient languages in bilinguals.

•           Performance patterns were consistent for visual and auditory study modalities, and in both recall and recognition tasks, performance was less accurate overall in the less proficient language than in the more proficient language.

•           Research on word learning demonstrates that meanings of novel words are better recalled when those words are encountered in a variety of semantic contexts than when encountered in the same repeated context.

Вопрос 17





Read the phrases from scientific articles and fill in the gaps with the words from the boxes.


An experimental study was conducted  to test the mediating effect of presence on the consumer response to tourism promotion using virtual reality (VR) technology.

Hong Kong college students (N = 203) were assigned to three experimental groups in which they were exposed to a hotel advertorial on an online blog, a VR 360° video on a mobile phone, or a VR 360° video using Google Cardboard goggles.

As one of the first studies in the tourism field to investigate the effects  of a virtual depiction of a real-world environment on consumption intentions, the findings reveal  how VR technology can be used to promote a hotel by generating a sense of presence.


Вопрос 18





Drag the correct term to make a good word collocation.


The theoretical contributions 

context the research purpose


Вопрос 19



Read the phrases from scientific articles and fill in the gaps with the terms from the boxe.

 The results supported the hypothesis  that presence plays a mediating role in the relationship between the use of VR in tourism advertising and consumer response.

This study makes a further contribution  to the VR literature by finding  that the use of Cardboard goggles did not produce a significantly greater sense of presence in the experience of advertorial viewers.

The theoretical contributions and practical implications of the findings for the use of VR technology in branding and promotion are discussed .


Вопрос 20



... the window, please?

 Will you go open

 Are you opening

 Are you going to open

 Will you open


Вопрос 21


I ... you with the bag. Don’t worry.

 'll help


am going helping

 'll be help

 am going to help

Вопрос 22





Would you ... the room service to 307 today?


not sending


not send



like send


don't send

Вопрос 23




Drag the correct term to make a good word collocation.


The originality of further research 

the main findings the context scientific literature


Вопрос 24





Read the part of the scientific article and fill in the gaps with the linking words and conjunction from the list.

 Edwards, the inclusion of specific critical thinking skills in course content is an effective way to promote critical thinking among students. , incorporating critical thinking into the teaching may improve other skills,  language skills,

 have general positive impact on students’ academic achievements.


Вопрос 25



Put the words in the right order to make sentence.


I’d like to go through the main points again .


Вопрос 26





Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in sentence.

 the handbook, the scanner is user-friendly.


Вопрос 27





To reach a place, after having been somewhere else is called ....










Вопрос 28



Match the parts of an abstract to the appropriate ideas.






•           This study examines the pedagogical foundations of modern educational (computer video) games.

•           They completed four achievement tasks at different challenge levels in randomized order.

•           Analysis of the games revealed several patterns of practice that may be used to guide future research and development of educational games.

•           Our findings supported the hypothesis that presence plays a mediating role in the relationship between the use of VR in tourism advertising and consumer response.

•           The results are applicable for developing teacher education and in-service training.

Вопрос 29





Drag the correct term to make a good word collocation.


The major findings of our research 

the purpose the context scientific literature


Вопрос 30




Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in sentence.


I'll give you an overview of some figures

 to car exports.


Вопрос 31





Complete the sentence with the prepositions.


First of all, I'll give you an overview

 our financial situation.


Вопрос 32





Drag the correct term to make a good word collocation.


The practical implications 

of the findings literature overview


Вопрос 33





Would you mind ... us with the car key?







to help


not to help

Вопрос 34





Read the phrases from scientific articles and fill in the gaps with the linking words from the list.

 , researchers note that students likely will not learn better critical thinking skills alone, , student-centered learning in higher education requires the instructor to guide students to use the course concepts,

 , systematically designed learning activities are crucial to acquire critical thinking.


Вопрос 35





Complete the sentence with the prepositions.


After that I'll move on

 the next point.


Вопрос 36





See! The day flights are much more expensive. I ... the night flight to reduce costs then.


'll book



'll boking


'll be going book


'm going to booking

Вопрос 37





I wonder ... it's vacant?










Вопрос 38




Choose the phrase related to the Methods.


This study examines what kind of competencies teachers need in using game-based pedagogy.


The influence of games on the cognitive, emotional and social domains of players increases motivation and engagement of learners.


There are different approaches to implementing game-based pedagogy.


We proposed hypotheses for main and interaction effects and specified multilevel models.


Вопрос 39





Which terms are being defined?


A short description giving the most important ideas (of something).










Вопрос 40





Put the words in the right order to make sentence.


I’d recommend that we focus on the Asian market .


Список литературы

Test 1

Вопрос 1





To be able to give what it takes is called ....


make a reservation


jet lag


meet requirement



take off



Вопрос 2





My itinerary is arranged. I ... at 6 am tomorrow.


am leaving



will leave


am going to leaving


will leaving



Вопрос 3





A I can't turn on the projector

B ... help you?


Am I helping


Will I


Shall I



Am I going to



Вопрос 4





I was wondering what time the breakfast ...?






does starts






Вопрос 5





We ... to Madrid next week. I booked the tickets yesterday.


are flying



are going fly


will go to flying


will fly



Вопрос 6





I ... your facilities downstairs tomorrow.


will checking out


will go checking out


am check out


am going to check out




Вопрос 7





When you start working in the office next month, which cubicle ... in?


will you be work


are you going working


are you work


are you going to work




Вопрос 8





A What would you like to drink?

B I ... for an orange juice, please.


am going to go


‘ll be go


am going


‘ll go




Вопрос 9





... rent a car?


Are we go


Shall we



Will we go


Are we going



Вопрос 10





Don't mess around the Duty-Free shop. We ... to miss our flight.






are going



will be




Test 2

Вопрос 1





Complete the sentence with the correct word.


Please feel

 to stop me.




Вопрос 2





Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in sentence.

Let me give you some details

 our Chinese factory.




Вопрос 3




Put the words in the right order to make sentence.


Let me summarize the most important results .




Вопрос 4





Complete the sentence with the prepositions.


I've divided my presentation

 three parts.




Вопрос 5





Choose the best option of the verb for the sentence below introducing your Presentation topic.


I ... off by reviewing our progress.


will start



would to start


will started


will to start



Вопрос 6




Look through the presentstion opening structure on the left and arrange the phrases on the right as they should appear in your speech.

Welcome the audience


Call your name             


Your job title   


Your company 


Your topic         


Structure: beginning of your presentation         


Structure: second point of your presentation   


Structure: the last point of your presentation   


Timing of the presentation       


Questions rules             





Вопрос 7





Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in the sentence.


 is a drawing that is used to show the material, size, and shape of a product for manufacturing purposes.




Вопрос 8




Put the words in the right order to make sentence.


I’m now approaching to the end of the presentation .




Вопрос 9





Complete the sentence with the prepositions.


Secondly, I'll talk

 our investment in office technology.




Вопрос 10





Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in the sentence.


 is a graphic organizer that can be used to show the procedural pathways within a program.









Test 3

Вопрос 1




Match the parts of an abstract to the appropriate ideas.







•           We examined whether learning experiences and task properties are related to early adolescents’ emotional responses and psychophysiological states.

•           Gamification seems to have potential to increase student motivation.

•           We present the design and evaluation of a gamified learning experience.

•           The findings provide novel understanding of situational interplay between the value of success and mastery experience in adolescents’ experienced emotions and psychophysiological states.

•           The purpose of the paper is to study how the dynamics of games can be incorporated into learning actions.



Вопрос 2




Read the part of the scientific article and fill in the gaps with the linking words and conjunction from the list.

In a face-to-face class, the physical presence of the instructor allows for immediate communication to clarify any ambiguous information.

 , instructors can monitor students’ learning progress  detect problems in real time. Instructors can also use body language, voice emphasis, or even charisma to engage students. , they can organize learning activities,

 group work, through multiple rounds of communication and clarifications.




Вопрос 3




Arrange in the correct sequence to have a good abstract.





•           This study aims to compare performance of cognitive control functions by junior high school students with different profiles of artistic creativity.

•           Results showed that scientifically creative students had better cognitive inhibitory and response inhibitory ability than artistically creative students.

•           A total of 297 junior high school students were tested with a set of scientific and artistic creativity tests. Out of this sample, 110 students who ranked in the top 27 % or bottom 27 % on scientific and artistic creativity were selected to form four groups.

•           The findings expand our knowledge of cognitive characteristics of students with different domain strengths.



Вопрос 4





Which terms are being defined?


A short piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one done by students as part of the work for a course.












Вопрос 5




Read the phrases from scientific articles and fill in the gaps with the verbs from the boxes.


Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were applied for data analysis, using SPSS.

This result suggested that the factor structure of the scale was somewhat different across the two samples.

The research data revealed that the teachers and the students understand critical thinking as it is defined by Facione.

This illustrates  that the teacher's understanding of critical thinking is central when interacting with students, and this influences the entire teaching process, creates a learning environment for students, and influences their motivation and achievements.






Вопрос 6




Read the phrases from scientific articles and fill in the gaps with the words from the boxes.


In part, this is due to  the challenge of running original, quantitative experiments in the embodied and performing arts.


Study of creativity focuses on  creative thinking processes, problem-solving, and innovation.


This article argues  for embodied creativity as an important place of study that can move student's creativity.


The pedagogical foundations of the games were further investigated  by contacting the authors of the games.





Вопрос 7




Fill in the gaps with the right conjunction from the list.

 should be used to connect similar ideas.

 should be used to connects a reason to a result.

 should be used to connects equal but different ideas.

 should be used to connects two negative ideas.

 should be used to connects two equal choices.

 should be used to connects a result to a reason.




Вопрос 8





Drag the correct term to make a good word collocation.


The analysis of previous research 

skills the overview the main purpose




Вопрос 9





Choose the phrase related to the Methods.


We proposed hypotheses for main and interaction effects and specified multilevel models.



This study examines what kind of competencies teachers need in using game-based pedagogy.


There are different approaches to implementing game-based pedagogy.


The influence of games on the cognitive, emotional and social domains of players increases motivation and engagement of learners.



Вопрос 10




Match the abstract parts on the left with the phrases on the right.



Introduction / Aim       

Discussion / Conclusion             


•           Results showed that scientifically creative students had better cognitive inhibitory and response inhibitory ability than artistically creative students.

•           The findings expand our knowledge of cognitive characteristics of students with different domain strengths.

•           A total of 297 junior high school students were tested with a set of scientific and artistic creativity tests.

Out of this sample, 110 students who ranked in the top 27 % or bottom 27 % on scientific and artistic creativity were selected to form four groups.

•           This study aims to compare performance of cognitive control functions by junior high school students with different profiles of artistic creativity.




Final Test

Вопрос 1





Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in the sentence.


 is an arrangement of data made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns.


Вопрос 2





Look! This carry-on is awesome! I ... it.


'll take



am going to take


am taking


'll be take

Вопрос 3





Fill in the gaps by dragging the options into the correct answer area.


Before I move on to my next point, let me go through the main issues once more.

This brings us directly to my next question.

Let's now turn to the issue of customer service.

Let me give you a brief overview of our activities.

I'd like to come back to our new sales strategies.

Let's go back to what we were discussing earlier.

As I said earlier, I’ll be focusing on this question later.

So, that’s all I wanted to say about time management.


Вопрос 4





What ... when the event is over?


are you going to do



will you to do


are you going do


you are going to do

Вопрос 5





Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in sentence.

 a few spelling mistakes, the new brochure is very good.


Вопрос 6





Choose the best option of the verb for the sentence below introducing your Presentation topic.


The objective of my presentation ... you up to date with the latest changes which will be introduced on January 1.


are to bring


is to brought


is bring


is to bring


Вопрос 7





A screen with the information about future flights (their numbers, take-off time etc.) is called ....


baggage claim receipt






departure board


Вопрос 8





Choose the best option of the verb for the sentence below introducing your Presentation topic.


I ... to you today about new developments in the R & D department.


are going to talk


'm going to talked


am going talk


am going to talk


Вопрос 9





Would you mind ... the seats?


to be change


to change






Вопрос 10





Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in sentence.

 , I'd like to tell you something about the new software.


Вопрос 11





Complete the sentence with the correct word.



 about taking notes.


Вопрос 12





Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in the sentence.


 is a chart with bars whose lengths are proportional to quantities.


Вопрос 13



Match the abstract parts on the left with the phrases on the right.





Originality / Value         


•           Across two experiments, highly proficient Spanish-English bilinguals studied rare words in repeated or varied semantic contexts, presented in only one language or in both languages.

•           The present study examines how semantic and non-semantic contextual variations in word learning encounters impact learning the meanings of novel words.

•           Research on word learning demonstrates that meanings of novel words are better recalled when those words are encountered in a variety of semantic contexts than when encountered in the same repeated context.

•           Participants recalled more word meanings when semantic context was varied rather than repeated at study, and this effect did not differ for the more and less proficient languages. However, varying the language context provided no benefit relative to studying words in only one language.

•           Performance patterns were consistent for visual and auditory study modalities, and in both recall and recognition tasks, performance was less accurate overall in the less proficient language than in the more proficient language.

•           These findings replicate the advantage of semantic variation observed in monolingual studies and is the first to directly compare learning from varied and repeated semantic contexts for more and less proficient languages in bilinguals.

Вопрос 14





Do you think the service onboard ... great tomorrow?


shall be


is going to being


is being


will be


Вопрос 15





... the travel arrangements for you?


Will I make


Am I making


Shall I make



Am I going to make

Вопрос 16




Arrange in the correct sequence to have a good abstract.







•           Participants recalled more word meanings when semantic context was varied rather than repeated at study, and this effect did not differ for the more and less proficient languages. However, varying the language context provided no benefit relative to studying words in only one language.



•           Participants recalled more word meanings when semantic context was varied rather than repeated at study, and this effect did not differ for the more and less proficient languages. However, varying the language context provided no benefit relative to studying words in only one language.

•           Across two experiments, highly proficient Spanish-English bilinguals studied rare words in repeated or varied semantic contexts, presented in only one language or in both languages.

•           The present study examines how semantic and non-semantic contextual variations in word learning encounters impact learning the meanings of novel words.

•           These findings replicate the advantage of semantic variation observed in monolingual studies and is the first to directly compare learning from varied and repeated semantic contexts for more and less proficient languages in bilinguals.

•           Performance patterns were consistent for visual and auditory study modalities, and in both recall and recognition tasks, performance was less accurate overall in the less proficient language than in the more proficient language.

•           Research on word learning demonstrates that meanings of novel words are better recalled when those words are encountered in a variety of semantic contexts than when encountered in the same repeated context.

Вопрос 17





Read the phrases from scientific articles and fill in the gaps with the words from the boxes.


An experimental study was conducted  to test the mediating effect of presence on the consumer response to tourism promotion using virtual reality (VR) technology.

Hong Kong college students (N = 203) were assigned to three experimental groups in which they were exposed to a hotel advertorial on an online blog, a VR 360° video on a mobile phone, or a VR 360° video using Google Cardboard goggles.

As one of the first studies in the tourism field to investigate the effects  of a virtual depiction of a real-world environment on consumption intentions, the findings reveal  how VR technology can be used to promote a hotel by generating a sense of presence.


Вопрос 18





Drag the correct term to make a good word collocation.


The theoretical contributions 

context the research purpose


Вопрос 19





Read the phrases from scientific articles and fill in the gaps with the terms from the boxes.


The results supported the hypothesis  that presence plays a mediating role in the relationship between the use of VR in tourism advertising and consumer response.

This study makes a further contribution  to the VR literature by finding  that the use of Cardboard goggles did not produce a significantly greater sense of presence in the experience of advertorial viewers.

The theoretical contributions and practical implications of the findings for the use of VR technology in branding and promotion are discussed .


Вопрос 20





... the window, please?


Will you go open


Are you opening


Are you going to open


Will you open


Вопрос 21





I ... you with the bag. Don’t worry.


'll help



am going helping


'll be help


am going to help

Вопрос 22





Would you ... the room service to 307 today?


not sending


not send



like send


don't send

Вопрос 23




Drag the correct term to make a good word collocation.


The originality of further research 

the main findings the context scientific literature


Вопрос 24





Read the part of the scientific article and fill in the gaps with the linking words and conjunction from the list.

 Edwards, the inclusion of specific critical thinking skills in course content is an effective way to promote critical thinking among students. , incorporating critical thinking into the teaching may improve other skills,  language skills,

 have general positive impact on students’ academic achievements.


Вопрос 25



Put the words in the right order to make sentence.


I’d like to go through the main points again .


Вопрос 26





Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in sentence.

 the handbook, the scanner is user-friendly.


Вопрос 27





To reach a place, after having been somewhere else is called ....










Вопрос 28



Match the parts of an abstract to the appropriate ideas.






•           This study examines the pedagogical foundations of modern educational (computer video) games.

•           They completed four achievement tasks at different challenge levels in randomized order.

•           Analysis of the games revealed several patterns of practice that may be used to guide future research and development of educational games.

•           Our findings supported the hypothesis that presence plays a mediating role in the relationship between the use of VR in tourism advertising and consumer response.

•           The results are applicable for developing teacher education and in-service training.

Вопрос 29





Drag the correct term to make a good word collocation.


The major findings of our research 

the purpose the context scientific literature


Вопрос 30




Choose the best option from the phrases provided to fill a gap in sentence.


I'll give you an overview of some figures

 to car exports.


Вопрос 31





Complete the sentence with the prepositions.


First of all, I'll give you an overview

 our financial situation.


Вопрос 32





Drag the correct term to make a good word collocation.


The practical implications 

of the findings literature overview


Вопрос 33





Would you mind ... us with the car key?







to help


not to help

Вопрос 34





Read the phrases from scientific articles and fill in the gaps with the linking words from the list.

 , researchers note that students likely will not learn better critical thinking skills alone, , student-centered learning in higher education requires the instructor to guide students to use the course concepts,

 , systematically designed learning activities are crucial to acquire critical thinking.


Вопрос 35





Complete the sentence with the prepositions.


After that I'll move on

 the next point.


Вопрос 36





See! The day flights are much more expensive. I ... the night flight to reduce costs then.


'll book



'll boking


'll be going book


'm going to booking

Вопрос 37





I wonder ... it's vacant?










Вопрос 38




Choose the phrase related to the Methods.


This study examines what kind of competencies teachers need in using game-based pedagogy.


The influence of games on the cognitive, emotional and social domains of players increases motivation and engagement of learners.


There are different approaches to implementing game-based pedagogy.


We proposed hypotheses for main and interaction effects and specified multilevel models.


Вопрос 39





Which terms are being defined?


A short description giving the most important ideas (of something).










Вопрос 40





Put the words in the right order to make sentence.


I’d recommend that we focus on the Asian market .



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