Синергия. Магистратура . Иностранный язык в деловом и профессиональном общении (Темы 1,2,3,4,5,6,7) тест с ответами

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Синергия. Магистратура . Иностранный язык в деловом и профессиональном общении (Темы 1-7) тест с ответами
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1. Characteristics of deductive teaching are … (choose 2 answers)

*verification method

*student centered

*teacher centered

*discovery method

2. Characteristics of inductive teaching are … (choose 2 answers)

*verification method

*fast process

*slow process

*discovery method

3. Characteristics of Montessori educational program are … (choose 2 answers)

*open classrooms that allow free movement

*interrupted blocks of study time

*grading and homework

*mixed age classes 

4. Inductive approach starts with giving … to the learners and then letting them to use it to figure out the rules by themselves




*educational materials 

5. Learning method where learner is also an important resource because he/she knows something too and is therefore capable of sharing something is called … learning

6. Learning method where the teacher is perceived to be the only reliable source of information is called … learning.

7. The subsequent reporting of a symbol (letter, number, or category) to the evaluation is called …





8. The teaching and learning are focused primarily on language and are language- driven are called … CLIL

9. The visual displays in the classroom should … (choose 3 answers)

*present information in the same way as other learning materials

*provide information about school and classroom routines

*graphically illustrate fundamental concepts

*support concepts and skills that you are presently teaching 

10. The way in which educator can increase learner’s motivation is …

*making the learning task challenging

*using more punishments

*placing more emphasis on testing and grades

*not providing knowledge of results

11. A group of people put together to work on the same task is called …

12. A letter which is used by organizations to communicate in a professional way is called … letter

13. Aspects of behaviour, study habits, learning strategies and time management tools learned by students while studying are called … skills

14. Common endings for a part of speech such as … made from adjective are -ness,-ence and -ance

15. In professional and academic situations that involve people we don’t know well is used such type of language as … language

16. Put elements of email letter into a logical order:

1 subject line

2 salutation

3 opening sentence

4 conclusion

5 close

17. Put the stages of the presentation into the correct order:

1 introducing yourself

2 stating the purpose

3 the body

4 summing up

5 thanking the audience

6 inviting questions

18. ‘Safe’ small talk topic is …





19. Suffixes -tion or -ment are usually added, if we want to form a noun from …

*a verb

*an adjective

*a noun

*an adverb

20. Read an email sent to a university professor. Professor Hawkins,

Just a quick note to my presentation on ‘The importance of leaning foreign languages’. First, I would be grateful if you could provide me with the information concerning the length and format of the presentation. Is it possible to use the Internet during the presentation? Secondly, I am interested to know the date and venue of the presentation. Looking forward to your reply. Best wishes, Oscar

How many mistakes can you find in this formal letter? Choose correct letter example.

*Dear Professor,Just a quick note to my presentation on ‘The importance of leaning foreign languages’. First, I would be grateful if you could provide me with the information concerning the length and format of the presentation. Is it possible to use the Internet during the presentation? Secondly, I am interested to know the date and venue of the presentation.Looking forward to your reply.All the Best,Oscar

Professor Hawkins,Just a quick note to my presentation on ‘The importance of leaning foreign languages’. I would be grateful if you could provide me with the information concerning the length and format of the presentation. Is it possible to use the Internet during the presentation? I am interested to know the date and venue of the presentation.Hope to hear from you soon.Yours sincerely, Oscar

*Dear Sir or Madam,I’m writing to ask for detailed information on my presentation on ‘The importance of leaning foreign languages’. First, I would be grateful if you could provide me with the information concerning the length and format of the presentation. Is it possible to use the Internet during the presentation? Secondly, I am interested to know the date and venue of the presentation.Hope to hear from you soon.Regards

*Dear Professor Hawkins,I’m writing to ask for detailed information on my presentation on ‘The importance of leaning foreign languages’. First, I would be grateful if you could provide me with the information concerning the length and format of the presentation. Is it possible to use the Internet during the presentation? Secondly, I am interested to know the date and venue of the presentation.Looking forward to your reply.Best regards,Oscar Smith

21. The phenomenon of changing standard word order used for making questions in English is called an …





22. A document that explain why you want the job, usually sent with the CV to the employer is called …

23. A meeting in which an employer asks the person applying for a job questions to see whether he or she would be the right person to do that job is called …

24. Adjectives reliable, accurate, decisive, punctual and flexible are used to talk about … characteristics of an employee





25. The phrase that is typical for the formal language is ‘…’

*Just a quick note to


*Hope to hear from you soon

*Best wishes

26. The transitional phrases that show addition between the ideas are … (укажите  2 варианта ответа)



*on the other hand



27. Match the conversation stages with the phrases:

A. Starting a conversation

B. Introducing yourself

C. Expressing gratitude

D. Clarifying information

E. Excuse me, do you mind if I join you?

F. Hello, I’m …

G. Pleased to meet you

H.  Sorry, I didn’t catch your name

28. Match the terms and the definitions:

A. Job fair

B.Trade fair

C.Professional conference

D.Scientific conference

E. event where companies meet with potential employees

F. exhibition where companies demonstrate their latest products and services

G. meeting in a given subject

H. event where researchers present their work

29. At the top of the cover letter you should give …

*your name

*a salutation

*information about the addressee

30. Match the points of the presentation to the questions they may raise:



C.Time and length


E. Why I am making the presentation?

F.Who am I making the presentation?

G. When am I making the presentation and how long will it be?

H. What should I say?

31. Match the presentation steps with the phrases:

A.Getting attention

B.Welcoming the audience

C.Introducing yourself

D.Stating the purpose  

E. let’s get started

F. thank you for coming

G. for those of you who don’t know me, my name is…

H.I’d like to present …

32. CV is an abbreviation that stands for …

33. In American English CV is commonly called …

34. Match common informal adverbs to their formal equivalents:

A. Anyway

B. Also

C. A lot of

D. Mainly

E. nevertheless

F. in addition


H. principally

35. Match common informal verbs to their formal equivalents:





E. enquire


G. assist

H. require

36. Match the cover letter parts with the phrases:

A.Opening paragraph

B.Main body

C.Final paragraph

D. I am writing in response to your advertisement for …

E. Since I work with …, I have developed …

F.I would appreciate the opportunity to …

37. Match the term and the definition:

A.Chronological CV type

B.Skill-based CV type

C. Mixed CV type

D.lists your academic history and work experience in order they happened beginning with the most recent events

E.focuses on the key skills and competencies relevant to the job

F. lists the key skills and experience at the top of the document and then list all previous positions in a chronological order

38. Relevant length of the cover letter is …

*one paragraph

*between one page to two pages

*between three pages to four pages

*between half a page to one page 

39. Relevant length of the CV is …

*from one to three pages

*half a page

*five pages

*from one to two pages 

40. The degrees, diplomas, certificates, professional titles that an individual has acquired by study are called … qualifications

41. Put the sections of the CV into the correct order:

1 skills

2 personal statement

3 name and contact details

4 work experience or career summary

5 education and qualifications

6 interests

7 references

42. Put the stages of the job interview into the correct order:

1 introductions

2 small talk

3 gathering information

4 questions and answers

5 concluding

43. The essential skills that a job candidate need to succeed in work are called … skills

44. The figure below shows an example of CV.

*Firstly, all contact details must be at the bottom of the page. Secondly, all positions in Education and qualifications section should be listed in chronological order. Thirdly, Interests section is inappropriate for the CV. Finally, the last section of the CV is called References.

*Firstly, the name of the applicant must be at the top of the page. Secondly, educational qualifications should be listed in reverse chronological order. Thirdly, each position in Work experience section should contain a brief description. Finally, the last section of the CV is called References.

*Firstly, all contact details must be at the bottom of the page. Secondly, the Work experience section should be called Career summary. Thirdly, each position in Career summary section should contain a brief description. Finally, Interests section is inappropriate for the CV.

*Firstly, the name of the applicant must be at the top of the page. Secondly, all positions in Education and qualifications section should be listed in chronological order. Thirdly, the Work experience section should be called Career summary. Finally, the last section of the CV is called References. 

45. A person who handle all correspondence about the article and sign the publishing agreement on behalf of all the authors is called …


*corresponding author


*research scientist 

46. A person who is in charge of a journal is …


*corresponding author


*research scientist

47. The most popular question among the employers is ‘What is your greatest strength and …?’





48. The process of trying to find a job is called …

49. The verbs that describe something that person, animal, object or process in nature can do are called …

*intransitive verbs

*irregular verbs

*action verbs

*stative verbs

50. A person who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication is called …


*corresponding author


*research scientist

51. When writing a CV or a Cover letter, it is important to use … language in order to create a more professional impression

52. … is the act of sending a document, plan, etc to someone so that they can consider it





53. A ratio between citations and citable items published in a journal is called …

54. A short summary of an academic paper, usually about a paragraph long is called …

55. Match a research article section to its aim:

A. Introduction

B. Methods

C. Results

D. Discussion  

E. indication of a gap in a previous research in the area

F.description of the process used to obtain the data that was collected

G.report on the data

H.answering the research questions

56. Match the term and the definition:

A.Limited access journals

B.Open access journals

C.Predatory journals

D.journals that provide free publications for authors and paid subscription access for readers

E. journals that allow readers a free access to the papers and charge authors to pay for their publications

F. journals that do not follow the proper academic standards for publishing

57. A single short paragraph where you recognize and thank everyone who helped you with your research is called …

58. A systematic investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques is called … research

59. A type of research that aims to find out people's opinions and feelings rather than information that can easily be shown in numbers is called … research

60. A word that you type into a computer, for example when you are using the internet, so that the computer will find information that contains that word is called …

61. A writer or a piece of work that is mentioned in a piece of writing by someone else is called …

62. An overall structure of a research article is called …





63. Journals that take advantage of authors by asking them to publish for a fee without providing peer-review or editing services are called …

*limited access journals

*predatory journals

*open access journals

*scientific journals

64. Methods section in the research article includes … (укажите 3 варианта ответа)

*research questions and hypotheses

*location and procedure description



65. Put the publication stages into the correct order:

1 choosing a journal and writing a cover letter

2 following the guidelines and submitting a paper

3 peer reviewing process

4 post-acceptance preparation

5 publication

66. Put the research article’s elements into the correct order:

1 metadata

2 introduction

3 methods

4 results

5 discussion

67. The institute that an author of the research article belongs to is called …

68. The most popular journal ranking indexes are … (укажите 2 варианта ответа)





69. A content driven system with language integrated into the learning is called … (give the abbreviation)

70. A set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into the classroomis called teaching …

71. A system of education for children that seeks to develop natural interests and activities rather than use formal teaching methods is called … education

72. A systematic way of doing something is called teaching …

73. A well-defined procedure used to accomplish a specific activity or task is called teaching …

74. An example of teaching method is …

*research-based teaching

*station rotation


*deductive teaching

75. An example of teaching strategy is …



*system of rewards

*deductive teaching

76. An example of teaching technique is …



*silent reading

*inductive teaching

77. Distance learning doesn’t involve any … meetings





78. Examples of mobile devices are …. (choose 3 answers)





79. Match each level of the Bloom’s taxonomy to the correct example:




D. write a poem based on a given theme and tone

E. memorize a poem

F. dentify the «parts of» democracy

80. Match the level of the ICT Competency to its characteristic:

A.Knowledge acquisition

B.Knowledge deepening

C.Knowledge creation

D. teachers tend to use technology to supplement what they already do in class

E.teachers begin to exploit the true power of the technology and change the way they teach and students learn

F. teachers and students devise innovative strategies to function at the highest level of Bloom’s taxonomy

81. Match the method to its characteristics:

A.Teacher-centered learning

B.Student-centered learning

C.Multi-age learning

D.Only instructor evaluates; Instructor lectures and students are listening

E.The focus is on both the students and the instructor; The classroom is usually noisy and busy

F. Mixed age classes; Students learn from each other

82. Match the terms to their definitions:




D. Language and content are both taught at the same time

E. The teaching and learning are focused primarily on language and are language-driven

F.A system that is content driven and language is integrated into the learning

83. Methods of approaching a problem or task, mode of operation for achieving a particular end is called teaching …

84. You are a professor at university. You have conducted a survey among your students. According to the results of the survey, most of your students are experienced learners, they do not want to spend time on listening to lectures at the university. Many of them complain on the lack of practical activities. Choose the most suitable approach that can help students to learn better.

*CLIL. Firstly, the CLIL concept allows teaching multiple things at the same time. Secondly, learning a language through the real subjects could increase students’ motivation. Thirdly, hands-on activities that CLIL uses make students apply their knowledge

*Flipped classroom. Firstly, students become more independent while studying the topic by themselves at home. Secondly, the most difficult part of homework, practice activities are done in class. Moreover, flipping allows teachers to target the students who really need help instead of just those who are confident

*Inductive approach. First of all, inductive approach is more student-centered, students become more involved in the learning process. Also, inductive approach is very effective because it requires students to process and analyze the data. Moreover, inductive approach encourages student engagement and help to create meaningful and memorable lessons

*Montessori education. Firstly, it was designed for young learners. Secondly, there is no grading and homework in Montessori education programs. Children are more motivated because they choose what they want to learn. With the help of Montessori materials students are able to understand complex concepts better

85. You are from Russia, but last year you decided to study abroad and now you are living and studying in Europe. The university enrolled you because you had passed all entrance examinations successfully. Also, you passed IELTS examand got 7.5 points out of 9. Studying at the university in Europe is not hard for you because you have a high level of Academic English. Choose the level that matches the description.

*A2. Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need

*B1. Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans

*B2. Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options

*C1. Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices

86. Your native language is Russian. You learned French at school and German at college. You enjoy learning languages. Unfortunately, you have never studied English before, that is why you decided to take English lessons. You have been learning English for two months now. Choose the level that matches the description.

*A1. Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.

Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help

*A2. Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need

*B1. Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans

*C1. Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices

87. Put the steps on how to flip your classroom into the correct order:

1 make students accountable

2 determine your technology

3 be transparent with students and parents

4 create your videos and content

5 keep it up, reflect and improve

88. Put the words into the correct order from the most general term to the most narrow one:

1 approach

2 method

3 strategy

4 technique

89. Teaching system where students first study the topic by themselves and then apply the knowledge by solving problems and doing practical work in class is called flipping …

90. You are a primary school teacher. Students in your classes have learning problems. Students are uninterested and demotivated to all current kinds of activities. They can’t apply the knowledge they already have. They almost never do their homework. You want to change your teaching style and try a new teaching approach. Choose the most suitable approach that can help children from your class to learn better.

CLIL. Firstly, the CLIL concept allows teaching multiple things at the same time. Secondly, learning a language through the real subjects could increase students’ motivation. Thirdly, hands-on activities that CLIL uses make students apply their knowledge

Flipped classroom. Firstly, students become more independent while studying the topic by themselves at home. Secondly, the most difficult part of homework, practice activities are done in class. Moreover, flipping allows teachers to target the students who really need help instead of just those who are confident

Inductive approach. First of all, inductive approach is more student-centered, students become more involved in the learning process. Also, inductive approach is very effective because it requires students to process and analyze the data. Moreover, inductive approach encourages student engagement and help to create meaningful and memorable lessons

Montessori education. Firstly, it was designed for young learners. Secondly, there is no grading and homework in Montessori education programs. Children are more motivated because they choose what they want to learn. With the help of Montessori materials students are able to understand complex concepts better 

91. A guide for teachers on the use of ICT created by UNESCO is called ICT …

92. A kind of virtual learning which combines the traditional learning of face-to- face instructions of the teacher with online instructions of a remote teacher through a video conferencing tool is called … learning

93. A new way to access learning content using mobile devices is called … learning

94. An electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher- student interaction and the distribution of class materials is called … learning

95. Match the terms to their definitions:




D. Design, study and use of processes for representing physical, hypothetical or human relationships employing the collection, creation, storing, retrieving, manipulation, presentation, sending and receiving of information

E.Electronic or computerized devices and associated human interactive materials that enable the user to employ them for a wide range of teaching and learning processes in addition to personal use

F. Use of the interactive elements of the computer applications and software and the ability to present any type of media to the users

96. Put the elements of Bloom’s Taxonomy from the lowest level to the highest one:

1 remembering

2 understanding

3 applying

4 analyzing

5 evaluating

6 creating

97. Put the words into the correct order from the most general term to the most narrow one:

1 distance learning

2 digital learning

3 m-learning

4 e-learning

5 computer-based learning

6 online learning

98. The education of students who may not always be physically present at a school is called … learning

99. The first step in choosing or creating ICT resources is to identify the learning…





100. The form of learning when the students take a course from the teacher without physically visiting an actual classroom with him is called … learning

101. The highest level of Bloom’s Taxonomy is …





102. The levels of ICT competency are knowledge …. (choose 3 answers)





103. The main difference between e-learning and distance learning is …





104. The main element of online education is to get learning experience by using the…



*modern teaching techniques

*mobile phones

105. The term used for any kind of learning with the help of computers is called … learning

106. You graduated from university a year ago. Recently you have decided to study abroad and get an international qualification in your field because it can open new opportunities for your career. But you don’t want to move to another country. Also, you do not have a lot of money, so you are going to continue working full time. Study the advantages of each type of learning and choose the most suitable one for this situation.

*Traditional learning. In-person teaching is effective and demonstrates increased levels of student engagement with teachers. Traditional classroom teaching environment increases interaction among students. It also encourages a higher level of competitiveness among them

*Distance learning. A key benefit of distance learning is flexibility, it allows students to continue participating in class without having to be physically present. The other pro of distance learning is that it saves your time over the course of the day. Also, the distance course usually costs less than the traditional one

*Online learning. It develops time-management skills, when you take online classes. A primary advantage of online learning is the immediate accessibility students have to faculty, peers, and class documents. Online mode is not location-specific and only relies on the online availability of students and instructors, some classes can be held in the university

*Blended learning. This type of learning is a perfect one for those who don’t want to spend all their working time on screens. Blended learning saves money because it is a mixture of traditional face-to-face and online learning methods

107. A feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity is called …

108. A layout of the physical setup of chairs, tables, materials in a school classroom is called classroom …

109. Depending on the students’ …, the style of instructor may change





110. Gathering information about individual students’ level of performance or achievement is called …

111. Going to new places because you want to post it on social media is an example of … motivation





112. Having a regular daily … help(s) teacher and kids prepare for upcoming tasks





113. Match each element of classroom management to appropriate teacher’s technique:


B.Rules and routines


D.Classroom design

E. post the classroom calendar on the board

F. explaining students what to do when they arrive late

G. moving around and monitoring the class during group activities

H. changing traditional seating arrangement to the roundtable one

114. Match each learning style to the correct type of activities:



C.Reading and Writing


E. doodling, observing pictures and diagrams

F. listening activities, lectures

G. taking notes, working with the dictionaries

H. acting out, dynamic activities

115. Match the terms to their definitions:

A.Extrinsic motivation

B.Motivational need

C.Intrinsic motivation

D. a person is motivated by something external

E. a physiological or psychological deficiency that a person want to satisfy

F. a person works because of an inner desire to be successful at a certain task

116. MsMurphy is a primary school teacher. She is going to be a new classroom teacher for a group of students aged 10-11. The class is famous for its misbehaviour and poor academic performance. Students can’t work in pairs or groups and always complain about being bored. Choose the most suitable classroom management strategy to create effective educational environment.

*Before the school year Ms Murphy is going to change a classroom design and arrange the desks for group work. Then, she is going to prepare a list of rules and routines and introduce it to the students at their first class. Then, she wants to group students depending on their learning style and prepare for each group more appropriate activities in the future

*This school year Ms Murphy is going to focus on communication to create friendly environment for students and become their best friend. She wants to make contacts with parents and colleagues to ask them for help in case of students’ misbehaviour

*Mr Murphy believes that improving the discipline can solve all academic problems. Her main goal is to show the students the limitations from the very first day of school. She is going to be firm and use punishments or threats to intimidate students and control them if necessary

*Ms Murphy wants to set aside grades, tests and homework. In her opinion, the teacher should make educational process exciting for children. She is going to use more non-traditional activities for her subjects and play with children a lot 

117. Put the elements of Maslow hierarchy of needs from the lowest level to the highest one:

1 self-actualization

2 love and belonging

3 esteem

4 safety needs

118. Put the steps of giving instructions process into the correct order:

1 get students’ attention

2 give instructions in the order they will be done

3 hand out materials

4 check what they understood

119. Studying because you are curious about the topics is an example of … motivation





120. The process of making judgments about individual students’ level is called …

121. The subsequent reporting of a symbol (letter, number, or category) to the evaluation is called …

122. The visual displays in the classroom shouldn’t …

*graphically illustrate fundamental concepts

*provide information about school and classroom routines

*support concepts and skills that you are presently teaching

*present information in the same way as other learning materials 

123. The way in which educator can’t increase learner motivation is …

*using praise appropriately

*Providing knowledge of results

*making the learning task challenging

*placing more emphasis on testing and grades 

124. The wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class is called classroom …

125. To manage classroom behaviour successfully a teacher shouldn’t …

*use eye contact

*develop classroom routines

*have extra activities for unexpected situations

*punish the whole class for one student’ misbehaviour 

126. A non-profit organisation offering English language certificates for different language levels (e.g., B2 First, C1 Advanced, C2 Proficiency) is called …

127. According to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, A1 level can be described as … level


*upper intermediate



128. According to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, B2 level can be described as … level


*upper intermediate



129. The act of educating, giving the steps that must be followed is called …

130. The job or activity of planning the times at which particular tasks will be done or events will happen is called …

131. According to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, C2 level can be described as … level


*upper intermediate



132. Characteristics of lifelong learners are … (choose 3 answers)

*experienced researchers

*innovate to improve learning outcomes

*role model for students

*ability to overcome challenges

133. Cognitive benefits of learning languages are … (choose2 answers)

*enhanced concentration

*ability to multitask

*physical stamina

*high IQ score

134. Different roles that educator can pay in school are … (choose 3 answers)

*team member

*subject teacher



135. Match each research type to its definition:

A. Descriptive research

B. Correlational research

C.Evaluation research

D. type of research that tries to depict and explain present phenomena

E. type of research that explores relationships among variables or tries to make predictions

F. type of research that assesses the value of a procedure, program, or product

136. Match each type o professional development to the correct description:

A.Professional literature

B.Education conferences or seminars


D. journals, evidence-based papers, thesis papers

E. teachers and researchers present their research results and discuss education problems

F.course on subject matter or methods and other education- related topics

137. Put the levels of CERF from the lowest level to the highest one:

1 Proficiency

2 Elementary

3 Beginner

4 Upper intermediate

5 Advanced

6 Intermediate

138. Put the parts of the scientific method into the correct order:

1 state the problem

2 form a hypothesis

3 test the hypothesis

4 draw conclusions

139. Skills that can be a significant competitive advantage that sets you apart from your monolingual peers are called … skills

140. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) divides learners into … different levels





141. The foundation of sound research, enabling investigators to objectively gather data to solve problems is called … method

142. The most popular tests of general and academic English are … (choose 3 answers)





143. The process of gaining knowledge and skills throughout your life, often to help you do your job properly is called … learning

144. Training that is given to people working in professions to increase their knowledge and skills is called … development

145. Type of research that examines cause-and-effect relationships is called … research

146. Type of research that seeks to describe and explain past events is called … research

147. Type of research that strives to describe group behavior and social interactions is called … research

148. According to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, B1 level can be described as … level


*upper intermediate



149. Characteristics of deductive teaching are … (choose 2 answers)

*fast process

*student centered

*teacher centered

*slow process

150. Characteristics of inductive teaching are … (choose 2 answers)

*student centered

*verification method

*teacher centered

*discovery method

151. Characteristics of Montessori educational program are … (choose 2 answers)

*uninterrupted blocks of study time

*separated classrooms that do not allow free movement

*no grading and homework

*split classes

152. Cognitive benefits of learning languages are … (choose 2 answers)

*high IQ score

*physical stamina

*better listening skills

*critical-thinking skills

153. According to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, C1 level can be described as … level


*upper intermediate



154. Acting out and dynamic activities are a … learning type

155. An abbreviation for content driven system with language integrated into the learning is … (give the abbreviation)

156. Approach that starts with giving examples to the learners and then letting them to use them to figure out the rules by themselves is called … approach





157. Characteristic of lifelong learners is (are) …

*ability to learn quickly

*ability to overcome challenges

*several degrees

*experienced researcher

158. A polite conversation about things that are not important usually between people who are meeting for the first time is called … 

159. A productivity, prioritization, and time-management framework designed to help you prioritize a list of tasks is called Eisenhower …

160. Match the term to its example:

A.Teaching strategy

B.Teaching technique

C.Teaching method

D. modelling

E. silent reading

F. problem-solving

161. Match the terms to their definitions:

A.Teaching approach

B.Teaching method

C.Teaching technique

D. a set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into the classroom

E. a systematic way of doing something

F.a well-defined procedure used to accomplish a specific activity or task

162. Match the terms to their definitions:

A .Blended learning

B. Online learning

C. Distance learning

D. a kind of virtual learning which combines the traditional learning of face-to-face instructions of the teacher with online instructions of a remote teacher through a video conferencing tool

E.  an electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher-student interaction and the distribution of class materials

F.  the education of students who may not always be physically present at a school

163. Match the terms to their definitions:




D.the process of making judgments about individual students’ level

E.a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity

F.the act of educating, giving the steps that must be followed

164. Match the terms to their definitions:

A.Kinesthetic learners

B.Visual learners

C.Writing learners  

D. type of learners that hands-on and enjoy engaging all of their senses during course work

E. type of learners that are better able to retain information when it is presented in a graphic way, with arrows, charts, diagrams, symbols, and more

F. type of learners that succeed with written information on worksheets, presentations, and other text-heavy resources

165. A question that you repeat back at the person to find out some information about him or her, or to hear their point of view is called a …

*general question

*bounce-back question

*business question

*special question 

166. A verbal business card is a 30 second … that tells your name, education or job status, career path story and goals

167. Type of motivation when a person works because of an inner desire to be successful at a certain task is called … motivation

168. Type of research that assesses the value of a procedure, program, or product is called … research

169. Type of research that designs rely on collecting numerical data to understand, predict, and explain phenomena is called … research

170. Type of research that explores relationships among variables or tries to make predictions is called … research

171. Type of research that tries to depict and explain present phenomena is called … research

172. Competency framework for teachers (CFT) is a guide for teachers on the use of ICT created by … (give the abbreviation)

173. Different roles that educator can pay in school are … (choose 2 answers)

*subject expert




174. Doodling, observing pictures and diagrams are … a (an) learning style



*reading and writing


175. Electronic or computerized devices and associated human interactive materials that enable the user to employ them for a wide range of teaching and learning processes in addition to personal use is called … (give the abbreviation)

176. Examples of mobile devices are …. (choose 2 answers)



*interactive whiteboard


177. Having a regular daily … helps teacher and kids prepare for upcoming tasks

178. It is not true that distance learning involves any …

*group meetings

*online meetings

*individual meetings

*face-to-face meetings

179. Language and content are both taught at the same time is called … CLIL

180. Listening activities and lectures are … a (an) learning style



*reading and writing


181. Match each level of the Bloom’s taxonomy to the correct example:




D. make a judgment regarding an ethical dilemma

E. identify why a machine isn’t working

F. summarize the plot of a simple story

182. Match each research type to its definition:

A.Causal comparative research



D. type of research that explores cause-and- effect relationships

E. type of research that strives to describe group behavior and social interactions

F. type of research that seeks to describe and explain past events

183. Match each step of scientific method to the correct description:

A.State the problem

B.Form a hypothesis

C.Test the

D.Draw conclusions

E. defining a situation or thing that needs attention and needs to be dealt with or solved

F.this step involves examining the current body of knowledge related to the problem at hand, including observations, theories, and prior research efforts


 G. an experiment is planned and conducted to determine whether the hypothesis solves the problem or not

H. the results are often stated in research articles in terms of the statistical probability

184. Match each term to its definition:

A.Computer-based learning



D. any kind of learning with the help of computers

E.the form of learning when the students take a course from the teacher without physically visiting an actual classroom with him

F. a new way to access learning content using mobile devices

185. Match each term to its definition:

A.Classroom management




E. the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class

F. gathering information about individual students’ level of performance or achievement

G. the subsequent reporting of a symbol (letter, number, or category) to the evaluation

H. the job or activity of planning the times at which particular tasks will be done or events will happen

186. Match the exam to its description:





E.the certificate does not have an expiry date

F. the Speaking part is face-to-face with a certified examiner

G.unlike other exams this test is divided only into 3 sections: Speaking and Writing, Reading, Listening

H. it takes 3 hours to complete

187. Methods of approaching a problem or task, mode of operation for achieving a particular end is called teaching …





188. Montessori is a system of education for … that seeks to develop natural interests and activities rather than use formal teaching methods

189. Motivation theory by A. Bandura, that suggests that behaviour is learned by observing and imitating the behaviour of others, is called … learning theory

190. Motivation theory by A. Maslow is called … theory

191.Noisy and busy classroom with the focus on both the students and the instructor is a characteristic of … learning

192. Online educational material that is freely accessible and openly licensed for public consumption is called …





193. Online presentations, infographics, interactive tests, games and worksheets are examples of … (give the abbreviation)

194. Peer coaching, group working, station rotation are examples of teaching …

195. PTE, TOEFL and IELTS are the most popular … of general and academic English

196. Put the elements of Bloom’s Taxonomy from the highest level to lowest the one:

1 creating

2 evaluating

3 analyzing

4 applying

5 understanding

6 remembering

197. Put the elements of Maslow hierarchy of needs from the highest level to the lowest one:

1 self-actualization

2 esteem

3 love and belonging

4 safety needs

5 physiological needs

198. Put the levels of CERF from the highest level to the lowest one:

1 Proficiency

2 Advanced

3 Upper intermediate

4 Intermediate

5 Elementary

6 Beginner

199. Taking notes and working with the dictionaries is a … and writing learning style

200. Teaching system where students first study the topic by themselves and then apply the knowledge by solving problems and doing practical work in class is called … classroom

201. The abbreviation for sensory modalities that are used for learning information is …

202. The design, study and use of processes for representing physical, hypothetical or human relationships employing the collection, creation, storing, retrieving, manipulation, presentation, sending and receiving of information is called … (give the abbreviation)

203. Put the steps of giving instructions process into the correct order:

1 get students’ attention

2 give instructions and then materials

3 set the time

4 check what they understood

204. Put the steps on how to flip your classroom into the correct order:

1 finding your technology

2 content creation

3 asking students’ opinions

4 analyzing and improving

205. The first step in choosing or creating ICT resources is to identify the … aims





206. The foundation of sound research, enabling investigators to objectively gather data to solve problems is called scientific …

207. The level of ICT competency when teachers and students devise innovative strategies to function at the highest level of Bloom’s taxonomy is called knowledge …

208. The level of ICT competency when teachers begin to exploit the true power of the technology and change the way they teach and students learn is called knowledge …

209. The level of ICT competency when teachers tend to use technology to supplement what they already do in class is called knowledge …

210. The levels of ICT competency are …. (choose 2 answers)

*knowledge evaluating

*knowledge deepening

*knowledge sharing

*knowledge creation

211. The lowest level of Bloom’s Taxonomy is …





212. Put the parts of the professional development cycle into the correct order (start with plan):

1 plan

2 learn

3 do

4 assess

213. Put the words into the correct order from the most narrow term to the most general one:

1 m-learning

2 computer-based learning

3 online learning

4 e-learning

5 digital learning

6 distance learning

214. The main element of … education is to get learning experience by using the Internet




*computer-based learning

215. The process of gaining knowledge and skills throughout your life, often to help you do your job properly is called lifelong …

216. To manage classroom behaviour successfully a teacher should … (choose 3 answers)

*use eye contact

*develop classroom routines

*have extra activities for unexpected situations

*punish the whole class for one student’ misbehaviour 

217. Training that is given to people working in professions to increase their knowledge and skills is called professional …

218. Type of motivation when a person is motivated by something external is called… motivation

219. Alfie Williams is a business student. He chose this academic field because of his father who is the head of the corporation in London. He always wanted his son to help him with his business. In fact, Alfie’s real passion is music. He enjoys playing the guitar and writing songs because it makes him feel happy. Choose the correct explanation of the motivation types.

*Decision to become a business student is an example of intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a situation when a person is motivated by something external. Playing the guitar is an example of extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a situation when a person works because of an inner desire to be successful at a certain task

*Decision to become a business student is an example of extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a situation when a person is motivated by something external. Playing the guitar is an example of intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a situation when a person works because of an inner desire to be successful at a certain task

*Decision to become a business student is an example of intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a situation when a person works because of an inner desire to be successful at a certain task. Playing the guitar is an example of extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a situation when a person is motivated by something external

*Decision to become a business student is an example of extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a situation when a person works because of an inner desire to be successful at a certain task. Playing the guitar is an example of intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a situation when person is motivated by something external

220. Helen Barker is a traveller. She visits different countries because she likes meeting new people and cultures. She has got a professional camera. Helen takes photos almost every day because she has to share them in her social media to become a famous traveller blogger. Choose the correct explanation of the motivation types. Travelling around the world is an example of intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a situation when person is motivated by something external. Sharing pictures in the social media is an example of extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a situation when a person works because of an inner desire to be successful at a certain task

Travelling around the world is an example of extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a situation when a person works because of an inner desire to be successful at a certain task. Sharing pictures in the social media is an example of intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a situation when a person is motivated by something external

Travelling around the world is an example of intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a situation when a person works because of an inner desire to be successful at a certain task. Sharing pictures in the social media is an example of extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a situation when a person is motivated by something external

Travelling around the world is an example of extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a situation when person is motivated by something external. Sharing pictures in the social media is an example of intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a situation when a person works because of an inner desire to be successful at a certain task

221. You apply for a Bachelor’s degree abroad. It is your first university experience in the foreign country that is why you want to network more with other students and professors, make social contacts and friends. In your opinion, group work is more effective and it makes you more organised and productive. The quality of the internet connection in your new apartment is not good, so you prefer face-to-face classes. Study the advantages of each type of learning and choose the most suitable one for this situation.

*Traditional learning. In-person teaching is effective and demonstrates increased levels of student engagement with teachers. Traditional classroom teaching environment increases interaction among students. It also encourages higher level of competitiveness among them

*Distance learning. A key benefit of distance learning is flexibility, it allows students to continue participating in class without having to be physically present. The other pro of distance learning is that it saves your time over the course of the day. Also, the distance course usually costs less than the traditional one

*Online learning. It develops time-management skills, when you take online classes. A primary advantage of online learning is the immediate accessibility students have to faculty, peers, and class documents. Online mode is not location-specific and only relies on online availability of students and instructors, some classes can be held in the university

*Blended learning. This type of learning is a perfect one for those who don’t want to spend all their working time on screens. Blended learning saves money because it is a mixture of traditional face-to-face and online learning methods

222. You apply for a Master’s degree. The university offers different forms of learning. You used to learn only in traditional classrooms. But now you want to try something new and modern. However, you are not sure that you will enjoy studying at home alone all the time. Also, the education shouldn’t be very expensive. Study the advantages of each type of learning and choose the most suitable one for this situation.

*Traditional learning. In-person teaching is effective and demonstrates increased levels of student engagement with teachers. Traditional classroom teaching environment increases interaction among students. It also encourages higher level of competitiveness among them

*Distance learning. A key benefit of distance learning is flexibility, it allows students to continue participating in class without having to be physically present. The other pro of distance learning is that it saves your time over the course of the day. Also, the distance course usually costs less than the traditional one

*Online learning. It develops time-management skills, when you take online classes. A primary advantage of online learning is the immediate accessibility students have to faculty, peers, and class documents. Online mode is not location-specific and only relies on online availability of students and instructors, some classes can be held in the university

*Blended learning. This type of learning is a perfect one for those who don’t want to spend all their working time on screens. Blended learning saves money because it is a mixture of traditional face-to-face and online learning methods 

223. You are a high school teacher. Most of your students are motivated and interested in your subject. You want to bring their knowledge and skills to the new level. You are planning to teach them how to analyse and evaluate the information, let them identify the rules and problems of the subject by themselves. Choose the most suitable approach that can help children from your class to learn better.

*CLIL. Firstly, the CLIL concept allows teaching multiple things at the same time. Secondly, learning a language through the real subjects could increase students’ motivation. Thirdly, hands-on activities that CLIL uses make students to apply their knowledge

Flipped classroom. Firstly, students become more independent while studying the topic by themselves at home. Secondly, the most difficult part of homework, practice activities are done in class. Moreover, flipping allows teachers to target the students who really need help instead of just those who are confident

*Inductive approach. First of all, inductive approach is more student-centered, students become more involved in the learning process. Also, inductive approach is very effective because it requires students to process and analyze the data. Moreover, inductive approach encourages student engagement and help to create meaningful and memorable lessons

*Montessori education. Firstly, it was designed for young learners. Secondly, there is no grading and homework in Montessori education programs. Children are more motivated because they choose what they want to learn. With the help of Montessori materials students are able to understand complex concepts better

224. You are a university professor from Russia. Your subject area is Social sciences. Besides teaching, you conduct research, read and write research papers in English and take part in international professional conferences. You successfully network with your foreign colleages. Choose the level that matches the description.

*A2. Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g., very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need

*B1. Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans

*B2. Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options

*C1. Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices 

225. A classroom where an instructor lectures and students are listening is typical for … learning

226. A layout of the physical setup of chairs, tables, materials in a school classroom is called classroom …





227. A non-profit organisation offering English language certificates for different language levels (e.g. B2 First, C1 Advanced, C2 Proficiency) is called …





228. A set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into the classroomis called … approach

229. A systematic way of doing something is called teaching …





230. A well-defined procedure used to accomplish a specific activity or task is called teaching …





231. According to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, A2 level can be described as … level


*upper intermediate



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