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Контрольная работа_выполнено
12.6 Кбайт 100 ₽
Задание 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола. 1. When the phone rang,
Задание 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1. When the phone rang, I (answered/ was answering) it.

2. They (are discussing/ were discussing) the terms of payment when Mr. Dunbar arrived.

3. Every day at 8 a.m. the Sales Manager (instructs/ is instructing) the employees.

4. The Sales Manager (is instructing/ was instructing) the employees at 8.10 yesterday. 5. Mr. Jefferson (was looking/ were looking) through the draft contract at 3.30.

6. I (tried/ was trying) to get through to Ms. Churchill from 1 to 2 yesterday.

7. When I saw the manager yesterday, he (was getting/ got) ready for the meeting.

8. When the phone (rang/ was ringing), I (talked/ was talking) to the client.

9. Last week the Managing Director (received/ was receiving) some French businessmen and (was discussing/ discussed) the terms of the future contract with them.

10. The Director is busy now: he (was receiving/ is receiving) the businessmen from France.

Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

When Mr. Takashi (arrive), I (have) lunch in the café. The sales Manager (study) the price-lists from 3 till 5 yesterday. Mrs. Kingston (meet) the clients when I (see) her yesterday. Amélie (write) a report, when her boss (ask) her to bring him the catalogue. I (ring) Mr. Stewart from 6 till 7, but I (can/ not) get through. When I (leave), they (discuss) the terms of delivery. You (be) busy yesterday, … you? – Yes, I (translate) all day long. Mr. Rodriguez (study) catalogues at 12 p. m. yesterday. What (you/ do) at 3 p. m.? I (not/ be) in the office at 2 p. m. last Monday, I (have) talks with our suppliers at their plant.

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски глаголами can, can’t, couldn’t, could, was/were able to

I like this hotel, you … see the sea from the window. You are speaking very quietly, I … hear you. Nobody disturbed me so I … to finish the work. I wanted to speak to the manger yesterday but I … find him. Paula …come to the meeting last week. She was ill. Sue wasn’t at home when I phoned but I … to contact her in the office. I’m afraid I …go to the party next week. We have plenty of time, we … wait. You look tired. – Yes, I … sleep well last night. They didn’t want to buy our goods but we … to persuade them.

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски глаголами must, had to, mustn’t, needn’t , should, shouldn’t

1. Keep these documents in a safe place, you … lose them.
2. We … write the letter now, we can do it tomorrow.
3. I think everybody … learn a foreign language.
4. We have lots of time, we … hurry up.
5. He doesn’t usually work on Saturdays but last Saturday he … work.
6. John is our potential customer. You … meet him.
7. You … tell Marilyn what happened. I don’t want her to know.
8. I … go to the post office, I need some stamps.
9. If this hotel is too expensive for you, you … stay there.
10. I … go to the bank yesterday to get some money.

Задание 5. Выберите правильную форму глагола (Present Simple или Future Simple)

1. I wait/will wait here until you come/will come.
2. I go/will go home when I finish my work.
3. Do you go/will you go to the restaurant if they invite/will invite you?
4. We come/will come to see you when we are/we’ll be in England again.
5. When I see/will see you tomorrow I show/will show the catalogue.
6. Would you like something to drink before you go/will go?
7. It will be difficult to find a hotel if we arrive/will arrive late.
8. I’m going to Paris next month. While I’m /I’ll be there, I visit/will visit the international exhibition.
9. Don’t forget to give me your address. OK, I give/will give it to you before I go /will go.
10. If I don’t see/won’t see you tomorrow I phone/will phone you.

Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, используя глагол в Present Simple или Future Simple

1. I’ll try to be on time for the talks but don’t worry if I (be) late.
2. Ann (be) surprised when she (find out) the price.
3. I don’t know how to use this equipment. OK, I (show) you.
4. You can sign the contract if you (be) happy with conditions.
5. Don’t throw the price list away. You will never know when you (need) it again.
6. What time the train (leave) tomorrow?
7. I (meet) you outside the hotel in half an hour.
8. Please, report to the reception when you (arrive) at the hotel.
9. Don’t phone me unless it (be) something important.
10. I think Jane (get) the job, she has a lot of experience.

Чтобы купить работу, зарегистрируйтесь по ссылке: https://studwork.ru?p=4377
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