Контрольная по английскому. Вариант 3.

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ВАРИАНТ № 3 (5)_готово
17.4 Кбайт 250 ₽

Задание № 1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
Basically, organizational culture is the personality of the organization. It is comprised of the values, norms and tangible signs (artifacts) of organization members and their behaviors. Organizational culture involves a learned set of behaviors that is common knowledge to all the participants. These behaviors are based on a shared system of meanings which guide our perceptions, understanding of events, and what we pay attention to.
Culture is about individuals in a group sharing patterns of behavior. There is no cultural absolute. Because culture is relative, we have the power to create a culture that is the best fit for an organization’s future direction.
Organizational culture is one of those terms that are difficult to express distinctly, but usually every member of an organization understands it.
The culture of every organization (corporate culture) is one of those focus areas that are not always fully understood and are not optimally utilized either in an organization. It differs in every organization, for example, the culture of a large, for-profit organization is quite different from that of a hospital or of a university. You can tell about the culture of an organization by looking at the arrangement of furniture, at the clothes that the members wear, etc.
Large organizations usually have a dominant culture that is shared by the majority of the organization and subcultures represented by groups of individuals with unique values or beliefs that may or may not be consistent with the dominant culture. Subcultures that reject the dominant culture are called countercultures.
Strong organizational cultures are those where the core values of the dominant culture are strongly believed by the great majority of organizational members. A strong culture tends to increase behavior consistency and reduce turnover. However, strong cultures may be less adaptive to changes, may create barriers to diversity.

Задание № 2. Перепишите только верные утверждения по тексту «ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE».
1. Organizational culture is the personality of the organization.
2. The culture of every organization (corporate culture) is one of those focus areas that are not always fully understood and are not optimally utilized either in an organization.
3. You can never tell about the culture of an organization by looking at the arrangement of furniture, at the clothes that the members wear, etc.
4. Large organizations usually have a dominant culture that is shared by the majority of the organization and subcultures represented by groups of individuals with unique values or beliefs that may or may not be consistent with the dominant culture.
5. Strong organizational cultures are those where the core values of the dominant culture are not believed by organizational members.

Задание № 3. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. All our goods had been damaged in the process of delivery.
2. It will be raining all day long on Sunday.
3. The postman brings them newspapers every morning.
4. The lecture had already begun when we came.
5. Yesterday our librarian advised me to read a new edition of the magazine.
6. The most effective methods, systems and equipment will be applied by our new manager.
7. The structure of British Civil Service is created so that the ability of every employee is used to the best advantage.

Задание № 4. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения с причастиями (Participle I, Participle II), обращая внимание на особенности их образования и перевода. Выпишите причастия. Определите их форму и функцию.
1. We expect to receive all having been ordered goods by June.
2. Our new product was advertised very successfully.
3. Having adopted the Resolution they published it in the central newspaper.
4. Our government will be encouraging the development of honest cooperation and partnership in business.
5. Great Britain has a highly developed economy.
6. Our Chief Manager is a real expert knowing his job very well.

Задание № 5. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения с герундием (Gerund), обратите внимание на особенности его образования и перевода. В каждом предложении выпишите герундий, определите его форму и функцию.
1. His having been forgotten papers were very important for the meeting.
2. The boss suggests discussing the terms of agreement in September.
3. Society cannot exist without using political instruments of power.
4. Our manager’s idea was enlarging the range of our products.
5. Everybody understood that there was no hope of his coming back to our company.

Задание № 6. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода инфинитивного оборота «Сложное дополнение» (Complex Object). Из каждого предложения выпишите данный оборот.
1. The head of the company asked his Sales Manager to prepare the annual sales report.
2. Our director saw all the staff be working very hard.
3. The director knows his employees to be honest, responsible, hard-working and creative.

Задание № 7. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода инфинитивного оборота «Сложное подлежащее» (Complex Subject). Из каждого предложения выпишите данный оборот.
1. In Russia the Municipal Organs are known to have been reorganized during the last 2 years.
2. The result of work appeared to depend on organizational behavior of the company’s staff.
3. That company was believed to have reached good results in promoting their goods and services.

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